Beside The Seaside
I was so engrossed in staring at the designs in the window of the tattoo parlour that I almost jumped out of my skin when the door was pulled open and a girl stepped out onto the pavement beside me.
My face must have expressed my shock because she looked at me, smiling, and said “Are you OK?”
“I’m fine,” I replied, noting immediately how cute she was. “You just startled me, that’s all. I was miles away.”
She motioned towards the window. “You thinking of getting one?”
I shrugged. “Yeah, maybe. I’ve been toying with the idea for a while, but I’ve just never gotten round to it. Did you just get one?”
“Not this time, no. I was just popping in to let Steve know how pleased I was with my piercing. It’s all healed up great.”
“Your piercing?” My eyebrows raised of their own accord as I studied her and saw none, bar the ones in her ears, which looked like they’d been there for some time.
Grinning wickedly, she then stuck out her tongue. With her short dark hair and cheeky dimples, the expression made her look like a mischievous pixie. A hot mischievous pixie.
“Oh, wow!” I said, trying not to think about how sexy the piercing looked on her. “That’s so cool. And you’re so brave. I’d never have the guts to get that done.”
“Why not?” she asked. “You’re obviously not that scared of pain if you’re considering a tattoo.”
“I know but I’d worry that something would go wrong with it. And don’t you have to stay off solid food for a while afterwards?” I was horrified at the thought of not being able to eat my favourite foods for weeks on end. I’d waste away.
“You do. But I have the all clear now, so I can eat what I damn well want. Which is why I’m about to treat myself to some fish and chips.” She looked me up and down, as if assessing my suitability. “Wanna come?”
“Sure,” I found myself saying, “sounds great.”
I turned and followed her as she headed towards the sea front. I frowned. It wasn’t like me to start chatting to random strangers, let alone to go off with them. I told myself it wasn’t just because I found her attractive, but I couldn’t convince even my own brain. She didn’t look like a serial killer or a psycho, so I was sure I’d be okay. Plus, she was smaller than me. I could probably take her, anyway.
I laughed aloud as another thought occurred to me.
“What’s tickled your funny bone?” she said, turning to me, a smile quirking the corners of her mouth.
“I just realised we’re going off for lunch together, but I don’t even know your name!”
She slapped her forehead theatrically.
“Sorry, babe,” she said, holding her hand out formally. “I’m Candy.”
Shaking her hand, I replied, “I’m Ella. Nice to meet you.”
“Okay,” she said, dropping her hand back to her side, “now that’s out of the way, let’s get something to eat. I’m fucking starving.”
Candy picked up her pace, marching purposefully towards the nearest fish and chip stand. I presumed she’d chosen it for its proximity, because the shop with the best reputation was up on the High Street. Mind you, it was always packed full of tourists, so maybe she was avoiding it on purpose. I didn’t care either way. Soon after Candy had mentioned food, I’d remembered that I hadn’t eaten yet, and my stomach had quickly emphasised that fact, grumbling away as we walked.
Scurrying after her, I took the time to appreciate Candy’s rear view. She was wearing jeans that hung low on her hips and a little T-shirt, and I could see that she was tattooed as well as pierced. A design adorned her lower back, all swirls and loops, and I thought about how nice it would be to trace the pattern with my tongue. I’d love to tease her until she writhed beneath me.
Candy turned to make sure I was keeping up, and I quickly flicked my gaze up to hers. The twinkle in her eye made me think she’d caught me out, but she didn’t say anything. Perhaps she didn’t mind?
A few minutes later we had trays of delicious-smelling fish and chips in our hands. I looked around for somewhere we could sit. There was an empty bench nearby that would do nicely. But before I could point it out, Candy piped up, “Come with me.”
It wasn’t a question. She’d stomped off before I got a chance to react and I ended up trailing after her like a little lost puppy.
She was heading along the promenade towards the row of brightly coloured beach huts that delighted tourists all year round. Of course, living locally, I’d never needed to use one. I could scuttle home from the beach and hit the shower in ten minutes flat. This was clearly not the case with Candy as, once we reached the end of the row, she rummaged around in her pocket.
Bringing out a key, she grinned at me. “Wanna guess which one is mine?”
Looking at the wooden huts, I wondered if it was a trick question. They were all painted in pretty pastel colours, but that was it. None had any defining features, other than a unique number to identify them.
Candy nudged me playfully, almost causing me to drop my lunch on the floor.
“I’m just messing with ya,” she said. “You’d never guess. If it was up to me, I’d have whacked jazzy patterns or something on ours. But they’ve all gotta stay uniform, or summat. My grandad’d kill me if I did anything. It’s his really, you see, but he lets us all use it pretty much when we want.”
“Oh.” I said, my brain having lost the ability to think of anything more intelligent or interesting to say. I needn’t have worried; Candy was plenty chatty enough for us both.
“Hold this,” she said, handing me her parcel of food. “This lock’s a bugger.”
She proceeded to wrestle with the padlock on the door of the very first beach hut, which was painted in a lovely pale blue colour. After some grunting and the occasional expletive, Candy finally waved the padlock triumphantly in my face.
Flinging open the doors, she said, “Welcome to my humble abode.”
Candy’s granddad was obviously a meticulous person. There wasn’t much in the tiny hut, but everything had its place. Retrieving a deck chair from a hook on the wall, Candy erected it and gestured grandly at me to sit down. I laughed and plopped into the chair.
“Why thank you, young lady,” I said.
She put up her own chair which, in the limited space, ended up just millimetres from mine. “I’m no lady,” she giggled, “who told you that? Now gimme them chips.”
I handed them over. We both unwrapped our food and ate in silence, staring out to the rolling and tossing waves.
Soon enough, the noise of rustling flicked my attention back to Candy. She’d finished. Looking into her tray, I saw she’d eaten the lot. I wondered how on Earth she stayed so skinny if she ate like that all the time. Tossing the rubbish onto the table behind us, she stretched contentedly and said, “They were fucking lovely. Beats soup and rice pudding, eh?”
I remembered then that she’d been on liquids for weeks. No wonder she’d wolfed her lunch down like it was going out of fashion.
“Absolutely. You want any more?” I asked, tilting my not quite empty tray at her.
“No, I’ve had enough now, thanks. You done?”
I nodded. Reaching behind her, Candy retrieved her rubbish then held out her hand for mine. I handed it to her, and she stood up and sashayed out of the hut to a nearby bin. Depositing our litter, she dusted off her hands. I grinned at her, and she beamed back.
“Feel better?” I asked as she settled back into the chair next to me.
“Oh yeah. My first proper meal as a pierced woman. Delish.”
“So it was okay? It didn’t catch on stuff?”
“Nah,” she said, shaking her head. “I knew it wouldn’t. I did my research before I had it done.”
“Oh right.” I said, again left with nothing interesting to say.
“You know what else I found out?” Candy continued even as I shook my head. “It’s meant to be really good for oral sex.”
I made a strange noise somewhere between a laugh and a squeal.
She looked at me, one eyebrow raised. “How would you like to find out?”
I merely stared at her, a rabbit trapped in headlights. She was deadly serious. I glanced out the front of the hut then looked back at Candy. I opened my mouth, but she cut me off.
“I’ll close the doors.”
I wanted her, there was no question of it. I’d found her attractive from the very moment we met. I just hadn’t realised she felt the same. My “Gaydar” had never been very accurate.
Candy raised both eyebrows now, an exasperated expression crossing her face.
“Well?” She poked out her tongue and wiggled it at me obscenely.
I moved uncomfortably in my chair, already becoming wet.
I nodded. “Shut the doors.”
She did; plunging us into semi-darkness. A little light came from the occasional tiny gaps between the boards of the beach hut, but it didn’t bother Candy. It appeared she didn’t need to see what she was doing – she could do it all by touch. And touch she did.
Between us, we fumbled, popped and yanked until my jeans and thong were around my ankles. Candy’s warm hands settled on the insides of my knees and pushed them apart, exposing my increasingly wet pussy to the air and, more importantly, to her. She grabbed behind my knees and pulled me forward. Then, without hesitation, she buried her head between my legs. I made a strange, involuntary squeaking sound, and I quickly stuffed my fingers into my mouth to prevent any more noises coming forth unbidden.
I soon forgot all about being quiet. As Candy licked, sucked and nibbled at my delicate flesh, and teased my clit until I thought it would burst, I gripped the arms of the deck chair until my knuckles went white. The pressure built up in my pelvis, and I grew so desperate for orgasm that I bucked wildly against Candy’s face. She didn’t seem to mind; digging her fingers more forcibly into my ass cheeks she ate my cunt with an enthusiasm I’d never experienced before.
Inevitably, I couldn’t hold out forever, and as Candy’s talented tongue - complete with kinky piercing - continued to do its thing, I cracked. A maelstrom of moans and expletives poured from my throat as the intense and blissful feeling of climax washed over me. Candy said a few choice words of her own as my pussy spasmed and my juices covered her face, but I barely noticed. I was lost in sensation, and I didn’t want it to end. Sadly, as with all good things, it had to. But it had sure been good while it lasted.
Some time later, as we both slumped, sated, sweaty and exhausted in the deck chairs, I came to the conclusion that her research had been absolutely correct. I’d never come so hard in my life. Until she did it again, that was.