abundance 68
Achebe, Chinua 116
adaptations 37
hunting 25, 27, 29-30, 34, 38-9, 86, 88, 90-1, 98
tool-using 22, 25, 30, 36, 37, 40, 41
adrenal-stimulating hormones 33
agency, concept of 135-6, 198-9
aggression 34-7, 39, 64 competitive 18
Alper, Joseph 76
Althusser, L. 196
American Anthropological Association (AAA) 90, 91
American Association of Physical Anthropology 89
American Society of Primatoiogists 89
Angell, James Rowland 50
animal rights movement 152
and dominance 13-14, 16-18, 25-6, 52-3, 95
and gender differences 54
and infanticide 97-8, 99, 101-3, 104-5
and mother/infant groups 40, 41, 95-7
and sexuality 13-14, 21-2, 23-4, 28-9, 52, 107-8
and stress 31-3, 104-5 see also primates/primatology
anthropology 41, 143 physical 37 see also human evolution
apes see primates/primatology
appropriation, sexual 137-8, 159
Ardrey, Robert 37
Australopithecus 37
authoritarian personality 17-18
auto-immune disease 223
autonomy, reproductive 98, 146
Avis, Virginia 38
baboons 27-8,38,40,88,91,94-5,96,237
Bacon, Francis 81
Beach, Frank 75
Beauvoir, Simone de 131,133,231
Bebel, August 132
animal see animal sociology
evolution of see human evolution
plasticity in 102
Berger, Stewart 225
Berghe, Pierre L. van den 75
biobehavioural/biosocial science 8, 10, 11, 19, 42; see also primates/primatology; sociobiology
biological determinism 10, 30, 72, 74, 134, 136, 152, 197, 199, 238
biotechnology 163-5 companies 206
bipedal behaviour 40
black women see 'women of colour'
Blade Runner (Scott) 178
Blalock, Edwin 252
blasphemy 149
Bleier, Ruth 235
Blumberg, Rae Lessor 168
bodily production, apparatus of 200, 208-12
as strategic system 211
'marked' 210
relation with language 185
body politic
socialist-feminist theory of 10
Bogess, Jane 85, 88, 93, 94, 104-5, 108
bonds, social 95
between human and animal 151-2, 200
between organism and machine 152-3
between physical and non-physical 153
of individuals 212
brain 62
Braverman, Harry 231
Brewer, Maria Minich 226
Bride Price, The (Emccheta) 117
'bush of women's consciousness' 111—13
Butler, Judith 135
Buder, Octavia 121, 179, 225-30
calmness v. sensitivity 33
capitalism 45, 56, 58, 59, 139 advanced/late 160,162,172,174,245
Carpenter, Clarence Ray 12-13, 14-18, 36, 231
Carroll, Lewis 71
Chevalier, Suzanne 91
Chicanas 175
chimpanzees 13-14, 40-1, 46, 47, 50, 52-5, 237
Chomsky, N. 253
Christian, Barbara 117, 119-21
Christian creationism 152
Clay's Ark (Butler) 226
Clifford, James 221
coding, world as problem in 164
cognition 213
collective experience 113
Collins, Patricia Hill 140
colonial/anti-colonial discourse 110, 111, 113, 136, 223
command -control-communication-intelligence' (C3l) 164, 175
Committee for Research on Problems of Sex (CRPS) 14, 49-50, S3
Committee on Scientific Aspects of Human Migration (CSAHM) 49, 50
communication, and power 164
communications technologies 58, 163-5, 166, 168
communications theory 63-4, 65, 68 and sociobiology 63-4
community, limits of 180
competition 28, 29, 34, 59 aggressive 18 sexual 60-1
computer software 252
connection, concept of 219
consciousness, theory of 159
consciousness-raising, feminist 240
consumption work, women's 170
co-operation 18, 19, 28, 41, 48, 52, 84
core identity 135
culture v. nature 8-9, 10, 11, 26, 30, 133-4, 151
cybernetic systems 45, 59, 62, 164
cyborgs 149-51, 152, 153, 163, 173, 180-1, 212, 213
daily life, sustaining of 180
Darwin, Charles 7, 28, 59, 73, 77
Das Argument 127
Dawkins, Richard 43, 60, 62, 216-217, 220
Delany, Samuel R. 178
delayed response 52
Delphy, Christine 243
depression 84
deskilling 166
determinism see biological determinism
DeVore, Irven 37, 38, 39, 88, 90, 94, 95, 96-7, 99, 100
dialectics 173
diaspora, African 115, 118, 120, 122
dichotomies/binaries III, 136, 163, 194, 198 of modern v. postmodern societies 161-2, 209-10
difference, politics of 109, 129, 138-9, 147, 162, 211
Dillard, Annie 67
Dinnerstein, Dorothy 25
disease 203-4, 212, 223 extraterrestrial 226
diversification, biological 61
division of labour in family 53 international 165
sexual 131, 132, 136, 137, 139, 140, 142, 158, 171, 249
Dobzhansky, Theodosius 88
Dolhinow, Phyllis see Jay/Dolhinow, Phyllis
dominance/domination 7-20, 236 and gender differences 53-5 and hunting hypothesis 91 and 'leadership' 53, 55
and sexuality 13-14, 16, 21-2, 25-6, 28, 29-30, 52-3
and sociobiology 64-5, 66-7, 74
as excuse for sexism 16, 25-6, 28, 29-30, 38, 39
'gradients' of 17
hierarchies of 17-19, 38, 40, 52, 91, 95-7, 99
justification of, through animal sociology 11-12, 13-14, 17-19, 21-2, 23
justification of, through biobehavioural sciences 8, 9, 10
shakiness of hypotheses on 32, 33, 96, 97
Double Yoke, The (Emecheta) 117, 119, 121-3
Douglas, Mary 173
dualism 152, 154, 177; see also dichotomies/binaries
Eco, Umberto 185
ecofeminists 199
Ehrhardt, Anke 133
electronics 166; see also machinery, modern
endocrinology 25
Engels, Friedrich 131-2, 136, 139
see also knowledge
'equality', as 'natural' social position 56
Escoffier, Jeffrey 141
evolutionary theory 7, 24-5, 34, 36, 37-9, 41, 219-20; see also human evolution
experience, politics of 109, 110, 113, 142, 149, 159
eyes 190, 192; see also vision
forms of 167
right-wing ideologies on 168
women-headed 167
fatherhood 135
Female Man, The (Russ) 178
as leaders of human evolution 40-1
constant sexual 'receptivity' of 22, 28,30, 41
control of infanticide 102
groupings of, as central social units 40, 411, 95-7
in current behavioural accounts 199-200
American 239
and anthropology 143
and 'objectivity' 183-8, 189-96, 197-201
and sexuality 141
and subjectivity 147
as myth 82
cyborg 157
materialist 243
perspectives in science 19, 23, 25, 31, 39-42, 68, 71-2, 77-80, 81-2, 105-8, 186-96
repudiation of, under guise or 'womanism' 118-19, 120
socialist 10, 42, 45, 68, 157-60, 163, 169, 172, 173, 186, 242
feminization of work/poverty 166, 167, 168, 171
First World War 49
food production 168
Ford Foundation 88
Foucault, Michel 133, 142, 150, 236, 245, 253
Frisch, John 90
Fulton, John 50
functionalism 15-16, 24, 33, 42
in equilibrium social models 18
systems 32
Galileo 77
game parks, African 223
gathering adaptation 39, 40-1, 102
cyborg 180
'sex/gender system' 128-9,130, 137-47, 198, 199-200
symbolism of 249
generalise, species as 102, 103
Generator of Diversity (G.O.D.) 206-7
genetic fitness maximization strategies 105
new genotypes 61
genetics, as linguistic science 46
German Social Democratic Party 132
gibbons 15
Gilbert, Sandra 72
Gilbert, Scott 252
Gilligan, Carol 143
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins 81
'god-tricks' 189, 191, 193, 195
Golub, Edward S. 203, 205-6, 218, 219, 222
Goodall,Jane 24
Gordon, Richard 166
Green Revolution technologies 168
Gregory, Michael 74
Grene, Marjorie 75
Griffin, Susan 174
Grossman, Rachel 165
Gubar, Susan 72
Haeckel, Ernst 75
Hamburg, David 33, 34-6, 39, 40, 88
Hamilton, W.D. 73
handicapped people see disability
Haraway, Donna J. 141
Hardin, Garrett 76
Harding, Sandra 80, 140, 187, 188, 192, 194, 236, 249
Harlow, Hany 88
Hartmann, Heidi 139
Hartsock, Nancy 80, 140, 142, 186
Hayles, Katherine 207
Henderson, L.J. 32
Henry, Alice 238
'hero-scientist' 205
as 'natural' 131
hierarchies 29, 32-3, 38, 40, 52, 91, 95, 96, 97, 99
Hinde, Robert 24
historical materialism 10-11, 139, 140
Holton, Gerald 75
'homework economy' 166-7, 169, 171
Hooton, E.A. 236
households see family
howler monkeys 15
Hrdy, Sarah Biaffer 61, 85, 88, 94, 98-101, 103, 104, 107, 108, 238
Hubbard, Ruth 76, 78-9, 80, 235
human engineering 11, 13, 22, 45, 47, 48, 56, 231
human evolution 25, 29-30, 35-6, 37, 38 42, 79, 86
humanism 74, 75, 78, 79, 198, 199
feminist 234
human evolution 25, 29-30, 35-6, 37, 38-42, 79, 86
Hurston, Zora Neale 120
Hurtado, Aida 145
Huxley, Julian 216
identification 156
see also gender, 'gender identity'
ideology of science 8, 22-3, 42, 78
illusion 158
'imaging'/'visualization' self-help therapies 225
immune system/immunology 204-7, 209, 211—12, 214-15, 217-21, 222-6, 251-2, 253, 254
In the Ditch (Emecheta) 117
and women 253
dangers to 223
industrial revolution 7
infanticide 83, 97-8, 99, 101-3, 104-5
infants, primate 96
genes as 62
nature of 164
see also communications theory
innocence/non-innocence 151, 157, 191
innovation, genetic 61
instrumental power 164
intelligence 13
as problem-solving behaviour 48-9
International Primatological Society 89
investment strategies, dangerous 61
invulnerability/immunity 224, 225
Irigaray, Luce 174
irony 149
'irrationalities' 48
Jameson, Fredric 244
Jay/Dolhinow, Phyllis 85, 87, 88, 90, 91, 93-8, 99, 100, 101, 104, 105, 108, 237
Joys of Motherhood, The (Emecheta) 116, 119, 120
Kaplan, Caren 240
King, Katie 114, 156, 178, 200
Kinsey studies 14
Klein, Hilary 151
irresponsible claims to 191
local 194
social constructionist interpretation of 184, 185
Koertge, Noretta 235
Kollontai, Alexandra 132
Kristeva, Julia 160
as category 158
migration 120
see also division of labour
Lancaster, Jane 91, 108, 235, 238
and interpretation 214
phallic 234
phylogeny of 52
politics of 175
relationship with bodies 185
langurs 83, 92, 93, 95-101, 104, 236, 237
Leacock, Eleanor 25
learning 48
Leibowitz, Lila 235
Levi-Strauss, Claude 137
Linnaeus, Carolus 81
Loeb, Jacques 75
Lorde, Audre 114, 138-9, 142, 174
Lovejoy, Owen 238
Lucretius 75
machinery, modern 152, 153-4, 178
McCaffrey, Anne 178
Mclntyre, Vonda 180
MacKinnon, Catherine 141, 145, 158-9
MacroGene Workstation 215
'male social instability', concept of 104, 105
males see dominance/domination; hunting hypothesis; sexism/misogyny
Malinowski, Bronislaw 15, 26, 27, 30, 32
management sciences 11, 48, 50
Mani, Lata 114
man-the-hunter hypothesis see hunting hypothesis
market, concept of 59
and gender antagonisms 138
Marx, Karl 9, 45, 59, 68, 128, 131-2, 136, 139, 163
Marxism 10, 12, 37, 80, 130, 131-2, 137, 140, 151, 172, 186
masculinity/femininity 54, 55; see also gender
mathematics, genetic differences in 136
matrilineal tradition 119
Mayo, Elton 19
Mayr, Ernst 88
of moral/political issues 235
of sexual 'deviance' 14
Melanesians 135
menstrual cycle 21-2, 23-4, 28, 107
Merchant, Carolyn 234
militarism 154, 168, 205, 211, 254
Miller, G.S. 27
miniaturization 153
misogyny see sexism/misogyny
Mitchell, Juliet 139
mononuclear phagocyte system 218
monotheism 193
motherhood/mothering 85, 119-20, 135, 142
Movement pour la Libération des Femmes (MLF) 137-8
multinational companies 166
National Geographic Society 189, 222, 224, 225
National Research Council (NRC) 49
National Science Foundation 88
as communications/control machine 61-4
as passive object v. active subject 198-201
as series of cybernetic systems 59
domination/control of 9-10, 47, 234
v. culture 8-9, 10, 11, 26, 30, 133-4, 151
networking 170
Newton, Isaac 75
Nilsson, Lennart 222
nineteenth-century medical advice literature 210
object relations theory 143, 186, 246
'objectivity' 78, 183-8, 189-96, 197-201, 208, 248
Off Our Backs 238
Ogunyemi, Chikwenye Okonjo 117, 118-19, 120
oppression of women 144
and obligatory heterosexuality 137-8
see also sexism/misogyny
orangutans 49
organic form 45
organisms, as constructs 208
'outer space'/'inner space' 221-3
ownership of one's body 98, 146
Pala, Achola 118
parental investment 60, 61, 234
Parsons, Frank 43
Parsons, Taicott 32
part/whole relation 220
particularism 31
'passionate detachment' 192
pathology, conceptualization of 214, 220
sociobiology as 74
patrilines in science 85-7, 88-93
'pecking orders' 18
Peirce, Charles 142
'personality differences' 54-5
perspective, partial 190, 191-2
Petchesky, Ros 168
phallogocentrism 148, 175, 176, 196
phenotypes 217
Pius XII, Pope 73
Plato 245
Playfair, J.H.L. 203
pleasure calculus 34
poetry 200
political aspects of science 83-5, 98
political unity 157
polymorphism of genotypes 103
and sociobiology 62
control of 45
pornography 141
postmodernism 152, 185, 186, 188, 207-8, 220, 244-5, 248
pregnancy 253
primates/primatology 13-18, 21-41, 46-50, 52-5, 82-108, 199, 236-8; see also animal sociology; baboons; chimpanzees; langurs
'privatization' 168
and competitive struggles 59
propagules 217
property system, sexual 137
prosthesis 249
psychoses, in monkeys 84
'public' v. 'private' domains 168, 170
racism 49, 67, 87, 134, 137, 145-6, 162, 236
Ramus, Peter 111
Räthzel, Nora 127
rationality 192, 193, 194, 196
Raymond, Janice 235
Reaganism 183
rebirth, metaphors of 181
recognition, self v. non-self 224
sexual 14
regeneration 181
relativism 191
religion, tendencies in 172
Renaissance 111
replicators 216; see also genes
doctrine of 213
process of 52
reproduction, sexual/social 10, 21-2, 23-4, 25-6, 27-31, 33-4, 59, 60, 159-60, 238
ideologies of 212
strategies of 98, 99, 100-1, 102-3, 162
'resourcing' 198
right-wing family ideologies 168
Ripley, Suzanne 85, 91, 93, 101-4, 108
robotics 167
Rosaldo, Michelle 143
Rossi, Alice 235
Rubin, Gaylc 128, 137, 139, 140, 142
Russ, Joanna 178
Salzman, Freda 235
Schipper, Mineke 116
Schjelderup-Ebbe, Thorlief 18
schools, tendencies in 171
and further human evolution 55-7
and gender 143
and knowledge/power 43
as heroic quest 205
as justification for political authoritarianism 19
as justification for sexist attitudes to sexuality 16, 22, 28, 29-30, 61, 107, 238
as liberating v, oppressive force 8, 19-20
definition of 'equality' as 'natural social position 56
feminist perspectives in 19, 23, 25, 31, 39-42, 68, 71-2, 77-80, 81-2, 105-8, 186-96
medicalization of sexual 'deviance' 14
research on gender differences 76-7
sexist bias in 25, 29-30, 39, 54, 96, 234
social constructionist argument for 184-8
standards of 92
science fiction 178-80, 226-30, 249
Science-Humanities Convergence Program (NEXA) 74
'scientific method', doctrine of 184-5
Scott, Joan 242
Second Class Citizen (Emecheta) 117
Second World War 58
selection, natural 37, 41, 59-60, 65
identity of 192, 193; see also gender, 'gender identity'
self-expression, ideology of 57
sensory physiology 48
serial monogamy, heterosexual 166
sex see gender; sexuality
dominance as excuse for 25-6, 28, 29-30, 38, 39
in science 25, 29-30, 39, 54, 96, 234
in 'scientific' accounts of sexuality 16, ], 28, 29-30, 61, 107, 238
sociobiology as 39, 42, 61, 67
see also oppression of women
and constant female 'receptivity' 22, 28, 30, 41
and dominance/domination 13-14, 21-2, 28, 29-30, 52-3
and female sexual choice 41, 107-8
and feminism 141
and menstrual cycle 21-2, 23-4, 28, 107
periodicity/seasonality in 28, 52
science as justification of sexist attitudes to 16, 22, 28, 29-30, 61, 107, 238
Shannon, Claude 207
Ship Who Sang, The (McCaffrey) 178
Shirek, Judith 91
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 118
silicon chip 153
Simpson, George Gaylord 88
Sister Outsider (Lorde) 174, 175
'situated knowledges' 111, 188, 198
Slave Girl, The (Emecheta) 117
Smith, Adam 7
sociability, development of 41
social constructionism 134, 184-8, 197
social order
and dominance/domination 16, 18, 95
breakdown of 95
see also troop organization
social revolution movements 194
socialism 10, 158; see also feminism, socialist
and communications theory 63-4
and dominance/domination 64-5, 66-7, 74
and evolutionary theory 219-20
and reproductive strategies 99, 100-1, 102-3
non-sexist interpretations of 39-41
sexist tendencies of 39, 42, 61, 67
sociology of knowledge 184, 185
Sofoulis, Zoe 150, 163, 179-80, 189, 198, 248-9
'special interest groups' 183
SpiUers, Hortense 145
Stanford Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences 34
state, tendencies in 171
status, hunger for 53
Steward, Julian 236
Stoller, Robert 133
stress 31-3, 95, 97-8, 101-4, 164
subjectivity, social 147; see also agency, concept of
'subjugated' standpoints 190-1, 193
subordination hierarchies 32-3
Sugiyama, Yukimaru 97
Superluminal (Mclntyre) 179-80
superorganisms 60
symbolic communication 41
systems design 64
T cells 206-7, 217-18, 220, 222
Tales of Nevéiÿon (Delany) 178
Tanner, Nancy 24, 25, 39-41, 42, 91
Taylorite scientific management 45, 64, 150
territoriality 64
testing of people, scientific 49, 56
therapeutic action 215
Time magazine 224
Tinbergen, Niko 24
Tiptree, James, Jr 178
tool-using adaptation 22, 25, 30, 36, 37, 40, 41
totalization 191
'tourism of the soul' 113, 115
translation, as feminist science 195, 196
Trivers, Robert 39, 73, 99, 100, 234
troop organization 40, 95, 96, 97, 104, 105
Truth, Sojourner 148
University of Calabar, Nigeria 122
Unviversity of California at Los Angeles
(UCLA) 133
University of California at Santa Cruz
University of Hawaii 110
upright stance 79
'value-free truth' 8; see also 'objectivity'
victimization 177
videogames 168
Vietnam war 84
virginity, obsession with 122-3
'virus' computer programs 252
visualization, technologies of 169, 188-9
vocational counselling 56
Wald, George 76
Washburn, Sherwood 15, 24, 25, 30, 33, 34-9, 75, 85-91, 94, 235, 236, 237
Weaver, Warren 58
Weisstein, Naomi 78
welfare state, dismantling of 167, 171
Western culture 150-1, 157, 160, 163, 176, 177, 192, 197, 198, 223
wholeness see holism
Wilson, Edward O. 44, 45, 57, 58, 60, 62-5, 67, 75, 77, 98, 99, 100, 219, 235
Wittig, Monique 137-8, 174, 243
and reproductive autonomy 98
and sexual property system 137
as a historical group 160
as heads of households 167
as leaders in social evolution 40-1
as Third World labour force 166,167, 174
category of 145-6,155,156,157; see also gender
experience of 109, 110, 111, 113, 149, 240
household labour of 158
individuality of 253
oppression of see oppression of women; sexism/misogyny
see also females; feminism; sexism/misogyny; sexuality
'women of colour' 114-15, 144, 145-7, 155-6, 167, 174-5, 176
Women's Movement 87, 110, 131; see also feminism
Woolgar, Steve 235
workplace, tendencies in 171
world, as object of knowledge 198-9, 201
Yale Laboratories of Primate Biology 50, 51
Yerkes, Robert Mearns 13, 15, 44, 45-57, 64, 65, 84, 106, 231, 232
Zed Press 240
Zetkin, Clara 132