for The Inn at Ocean’s Edge

1. Reversing roles to care for a sick parent or grandparent can be challenging. Have you ever had to do that? How did you and your parent cope?

2. We live in such an age of consumerism, and it affects children. Our inclination is to give them everything like Claire’s parents did. How do you keep your children grounded?

3. Working the land is almost a lost occupation. Do you ever wish you could go back to a simpler life and farm or do you shudder at the thought?

4. Why do you think Jenny implicated Claire in her letter? Why didn’t she just go to the sheriff with what she knew?

5. Why do you think Sheriff Colton was so determined to find Claire at fault? Do you ever make a snap decision and refuse to look at facts?

6. Claire always wished for siblings. What are some of the challenges of being an only child? Benefits?

7. Do you believe in love at first sight?

8. Do you have an unconventional family? My friend, Diann Hunt, was my sister in every way but blood. How did friends like that or an unusual family circumstance help shape you?

for Mermaid Moon

1. Have you ever dealt with guilt you couldn’t get rid of? How did you finally resolve it?

2. What is a perfectionist? Is it good or bad and why?

3. Have you ever had a rebound relationship? What drove it?

4. Do you know anyone who is adopted? Did they want to find their birth parents or were they reluctant?

5. Family relationships can sometimes be the trickiest of all. How do you navigate rough waters in a relationship?

6. Who was your first love? Do you have any regrets?

7. Have you ever had to deal with a surly teenager? How did you handle it?

8. Have you ever done something to symbolize a decision the way Mallory did when she cut her hair?

for Twilight at Blueberry Barrens

1. Have you ever had a serious illness? Did it change your priorities?

2. What is your view on discipline? Did you identify with Kate or Drake?

3. Kate always felt she needed to prove her worth because of the way she was raised. Is there anything in your uprbringing that has impacted how you relate to people?

4. Drake had a lot of things to juggle in his life. Do you think he had his priorities in the right order?

5. Trying to please other people seems to be a common trait with women. Is that good or bad?

6. Many of us have lost a loved one. What do you think is the most important thing to do to heal?

7. God gives all of us gifts and sometimes we don’t notice. Is there any gift of yours that you’re not using? If so, what’s holding you back?

8. Have you ever been faced with leaving people you love behind in a move? How did you handle it?