ad loc. |
ad locum (at the place discussed) |
Akk. |
Akkadian |
Aram. |
Aramaic |
b. |
Babylonian Talmud |
ca. |
circa |
chap(s). |
chapter(s) |
col(s). |
column(s) |
esp. |
especially |
ET |
English translation |
frg(s.) |
fragment(s) |
Gk. |
Greek |
Heb. |
Hebrew |
Lat. |
Latin |
lit. |
literally |
m. |
Mishnah |
mg. |
margin |
NT |
New Testament |
OT |
Old Testament |
par(s). |
parallel(s) |
pl. |
plural |
sg. |
singular |
t. |
Tosefta |
v.l. |
varia lectio (variant reading) |
y. |
Jerusalem Talmud |
Bible Versions
Septuagint |
MT |
Masoretic Text |
English Standard Version |
Holman Christian Standard Bible |
King James Version |
NA26 |
Novum Testamentum Graece. Edited by [E. and E. Nestle], K. Aland, et al. 26th ed. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1979 |
NA27 |
Novum Testamentum Graece. Edited by [E. and E. Nestle], B. Aland, et al. 27th rev. ed. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1993 |
New American Standard Bible |
New English Bible |
New English Translation Bible |
New English Translation of the Septuagint |
New International Version |
New Jerusalem Bible |
Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures: The New JPS Translation according to the Traditional Hebrew Text |
New King James Version |
New Living Translation |
New Revised Standard Version |
Revised English Bible |
Revised Standard Version |
Today’s New International Version |
Θ |
Theodotion |
UBS3 |
The Greek New Testament. Edited by K. Aland et al. 3rd ed. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft and United Bible Societies, 1983. |
UBS4 |
The Greek New Testament. Edited by B. Aland et al. 4th rev. ed. 1994 |
Add. Esth. |
Additions to Esther |
Bar. |
Baruch |
Bel |
Bel and the Dragon |
1–2 Esd. |
1–2 Esdras |
Jdt. |
Judith |
1–2 Kgdms. |
1–2 Kingdoms |
1–4 Macc. |
1–4 Maccabees |
Odes |
Odes |
Pr. Azar. |
Prayer of Azariah |
Pr. Man. |
Prayer of Manasseh |
Sir. |
Sirach |
Tob. |
Tobit |
Wis. |
Wisdom of Solomon |
Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Texts
1. Qumran
2. Wadi Murabba ʿat
Mur 20 |
papMarriage Contract ar |
3. Naḥ al Ḥever
8ḤevXII gr |
Greek Scroll of the Minor Prophets |
5/6Ḥev 40 |
Ps [P. Yadin 40] (= 5/6Ḥev 1b) |
Mishnah and Talmud Tractates
ʿAbod. Zar. |
ʿAbodah Zarah |
ʾAbot |
ʾAbot |
ʿArak. |
ʿArakin |
B. Bat. |
Baba Batra |
B. Meṣiʿa |
Baba Meṣiʿa |
B. Qam. |
Baba Qamma |
Ber. |
Berakot |
Beṣah |
Beṣah (= Yom Ṭob) |
Bik. |
Bikkurim |
ʿEd. |
ʿEduyyot |
ʿErub. |
ʿErubin |
Giṭ. |
Giṭṭin |
Ḥag. |
Ḥagigah |
Hor. |
Horayot |
Ḥul. |
Ḥullin |
Ker. |
Kerithot |
Ketub. |
Ketubbot |
Maʿaś. |
Maʿaśerot |
Maʿaś. Š. |
Maʿaśer Šeni |
Mak. |
Makkot |
Meg. |
Megillah |
Meʿil. |
Meʿilah |
Menah.̣ |
Menaḥot |
Mid. |
Middot |
Moʿed Qaṭ. |
Moʿed Qaṭan |
Naz. |
Nazir |
Ned. |
Nedarim |
Neg. |
Negaʿim |
Nid. |
Niddah |
ʾOhal. |
ʾOhalot |
Parah |
Parah |
Peʾah |
Peʾah |
Pesaḥ. |
Pesaḥim |
Qidd. |
Qiddušin |
Roš Haš. |
Roš Haššanah |
Šabb. |
Šabbat |
Sanh. |
Sanhedrin |
Šeb. |
Šebiʿit |
Šebu. |
Šebuʿot |
Šeqal. |
Šeqalim |
Soṭah |
Soṭah |
Sukkah |
Sukkah |
Taʿan. |
Taʿanit |
Tamid |
Tamid |
Ṭehar. |
Ṭeharot |
Ter. |
Terumot |
Yebam. |
Yebamot |
Yoma |
Yoma (= Kippurim) |
Zabim |
Zabim |
Zebaḥ. |
Zebaḥim |
Targumic Texts
Frg. Tg. |
Fragmentary Targum |
Tg. Esth. I, II |
First or Second Targum of Esther |
Tg. Isa. |
Targum Isaiah |
Tg. Neof. |
Targum Neofiti |
Tg. Onq. |
Targum Onqelos |
Tg. Ps. |
Targum Psalms |
Tg. Ps.-J. |
Targum Pseudo-Jonathan |
Tg. Qoh. |
Targum Qohelet |
Other Rabbinic Works
ʾAbot R. Nat. |
ʾAbot de Rabbi Nathan |
ʾAg. Ber. |
ʾAggadat Berešit |
Der. Er. Zuṭ. |
Derek Ereṣ. Zuṭa |
Meg. Taʿan. |
Megillat Taʿanit |
Mek. Exod. |
Mekilta Exodus |
Mek. R. Ish. |
Mekilta de Rabbi Ishmael |
Mek. R. Sim. |
Mekilta de Rabbi Simeon |
Midr. |
Midrash (+ biblical book) |
Midr. Rab. |
Midrash Rabbah |
Pesiq. Rab. |
Pesiqta Rabbati |
Pesiq. Rab Kah. |
Pesiqta de Rab Kahana |
Pirqe R. El. |
Pirqe Rabbi Eliezer |
Rab. |
(biblical book +) Rabbah |
S. Eli. Rab. |
Seder Eliyahu Rabbah |
S. Eli. Zut. |
Seder Eliyahu Zuta |
Sipra Qed. |
Sipra Qedoshim |
Sipre |
Sipre |
Sop. |
Soperim |
Tanḥ. |
Tanḥuma |
Yal. |
Yalquṭ |
Old Testament Pseudepigrapha
Apostolic Fathers
Barn. |
Barnabas |
1–2 Clem. |
1–2 Clement |
Did. |
Didache |
Diogn. |
Diognetus |
Herm. Mand. |
Shepherd of Hermas, Mandate |
Herm. Sim. |
Shepherd of Hermas, Similitude |
Mart. Pol. |
Martyrdom of Polycarp |
Pol. Phil. |
Polycarp, To the Philippians |
Nag Hammadi Codices
Gos. Truth |
I,3 Gospel of Truth |
Trim. Prot. |
XIII,1 Trimorphic Protennoia |
New Testament Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
Acts Pil. |
Acts of Pilate |
Gos. Thom. |
Gospel of Thomas |
Prot. Jas. |
Protevangelium of James |
Ps.-Mt. |
Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew |
P. Lond. |
Greek Papyri in the British Museum |
Greek and Latin Works
Apol. |
Apologia (Pro se de magia) |
Civ. |
De civitate Dei |
Serm. Dom. |
De sermone Domini in monte |
Aulus Gellius
Noct. att. |
Noctes atticae |
Pis. |
In Pisonem |
Clement of Alexandria
Paed. |
Paedagogus |
Hist. |
Histories |
Comm. Dan. |
Commentarium in Danielem |
Od. |
Odyssey |
Haer. |
Against Heresies |
Epist. |
Epistulae |
Ag. Ap. |
Against Apion |
Ant. |
Jewish Antiquities |
J.W. |
Jewish War |
Life |
The Life |
1 Apol. |
First Apology |
Dial. |
Dialogue with Trypho |
Cels. |
Contra Celsum |
Comm. Matt. |
Commentarium in evangelium Matthaei |
Abraham |
On the Life of Abraham |
Agriculture |
On Agriculture |
Alleg. Interp. |
Allegorical Interpretation |
Cherubim |
On the Cherubim |
Confusion |
On the Confusion of Tongues |
Creation |
On the Creation of the World |
Decalogue |
On the Decalogue |
Dreams |
On Dreams |
Drunkenness |
On Drunkenness |
Embassy |
On the Embassy to Gaius |
Flaccus |
Against Flaccus |
Flight |
On Flight and Finding |
Giants |
On Giants |
Good Person |
That Every Good Person Is Free |
Heir |
Who Is the Heir? |
Hypothetica |
Hypothetica |
Joseph |
On the Life of Joseph |
Migration |
On the Migration of Abraham |
Moses |
On the Life of Moses |
Names |
On the Change of Names |
Planting |
On Planting |
Posterity |
On the Posterity of Cain |
Prelim. Studies |
On the Preliminary Studies |
QE |
Questions and Answers on Exodus |
QG |
Questions and Answers on Genesis |
Rewards |
On Rewards and Punishments |
Sacrifices |
On the Sacrifices of Cain and Abel |
Sobriety |
On Sobriety |
Spec. Laws |
On the Special Laws |
Unchangeable |
That God Is Unchangeable |
Virtues |
On the Virtues |
Worse |
That the Worse Attacks the Better |
Ep. |
Epistulae |
Resp. |
Respublica |
Leg. |
Leges |
Pliny the Elder
Nat. |
Naturalis historia |
Alex. |
Alexander |
Luc. |
Lucullus |
Quaest. rom. |
Quaestiones romanae et graecae (Aetia romana et graeca) |
Quaest. conv. |
Quaestionum convivialum libri IX |
Ben. |
De beneficiis |
Clem. |
De clementia |
Ep. |
Epistulae morales |
Aug. |
Divus Augustus |
Cal. |
Gaius Caligula |
Dom. |
Domitianus |
Nero |
Nero |
Ann. |
Annales |
Hist. |
Historiae |
Cyr. |
Cyropaedia |
Mem. |
Memorabilia |
Modern Works