academia, 77, 104, 12021, 178

Adams Express Company, 3940

Addams, Jane, 149


freedom of, 25

in society, 23

agriculture, 56

Ali, Muhammad, 14546

Alice in Wonderland (Carroll), 142

Allende, Salvador, 99

American Civil Liberties Union, 79

American Economic Association, 210

American Motors, 72

Amish sect, 1415

anarchic society

feasibility of, 75

as government alternative, 86

anarcho-capitalism, 75

Animal Farm (Orwell), 143

Athens, 97

authoritarian society, 70


in Chile, 98

liberalism as reaction to, 1


Bastiat, Claude-Frédéric, 80

BBC. See British Broadcasting Corporation

Bellamy, Edward, 210

Bentham, Jeremy, 16

laissez-faire of, 57

liberalism of, 17

Benthamite liberalism, 17

bias, 5556

big business trend, 125

Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, 212

Branden, Barbara, 91, 93


capitalism of, 56

Chile and, 100102

collectivism and liberalism in, 50

criminality in, 155

Dicey on, 100

equality of outcome in, 15355

as free society, 7071

free trade in, 207

gambling in, 150

government spending of, 100102

laissez-faire in, 211

law respect in, 5860

nonintervention in, 52

railroads in, 39

tariffs of, 175

United States and, 126

welfare state of, 212

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 26

bureaucratic elite, 55

business enterprise, 12829


on free enterprise, 7980

in free society, 79

freedom of speech for, 7778, 103, 120, 17678


capitalism, 5, 23, 185, 189

as anarcho-capitalism, 75

of Britain, 56

competitive, 83

with equality, 15658

as free private enterprise exchange economy, 1920

for free society, 8182, 115

Marx on, 53

minority groups in, 29

of Nazi Germany, 82

as political freedom necessity, 16

Schumpeter on, 5455

success of, 56

survival prediction of, 68

wealth in, 24

capitalist society, 69

Carroll, Lewis, 142

Carter, Jimmy, 131

central banks, 198

centralized direction, 60

Chicago School of monetary economics, 227

children, 4344


authoritarianism in, 98

Britain and, 100102

democracy in, 98

freedom in, 98

government in, 9899

history of, 99100

welfare in, 98

China, 157

Chinese Revolution, 16263

Churchill, Winston, 26

Civil Aeronautics Board, 189

civil rights, 7

Civil War, 139

economic policy in, 14041

government spending in, 168

class, 53, 75

Cobb, Joe, 65

coercion, 20

in economics, 19

freedom as absence of, 181

of government, 86

libertarianism on, 90

protection from, 21, 75

unanimity without, 85


in Britain, 50

Dicey on, 212

in economic liberalism, 67

in Germany, 71

individualism and, 72

of intellectuals, 72

interference from, 7

liberalism to, 50

rise in, 209

trend toward, 11517

of Western world, 70

collectivist society, 58

command, 16364, 167

Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Force, 166

communism, 21819

freedom in, 27

freedom to advocate, 6

standard of living with, 69

of Yugoslavia, 118

Communists, 56

competition, 2

importance of, 61

Smith on, 13233

competitive capitalism. See capitalism

compulsory schooling, 84

conformity, 22, 32

Constitution of the United States, 133

constitutional rights, 79

consumer good, 4344

Corn Laws, 175, 190

repeal of, 206

corruption, 57


Declaration of Independence, 135, 215

equality in, 136

Defoe, Daniel, 18, 68

democracy, 4, 13738

in Chile, 98

popularity of, 199

socialism with, 13

Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 13738

Democratic Party, 138

democratic socialism, 13

Dicey, A. V., 44, 57, 188, 189

on Britain, 100

on collectivism, 212

on free society, 50

on individualism, 52

on laissez-faire, 21011

on noninterference, 5152

on taxation, 217, 218

Dietrich, Marlene, 145

division of labor, 7879

Dukakis, Michael, 200


The Economic Consequences of the Peace (Keynes), 195

economic freedom

examples of, 46

from free market, 22

freedom relationship to, x

importance of, 1415

in nineteenth century, 209

political freedom relationship with, 1317, 121

reductions of, x

economic inertia, 191

economic intervention, 59

economic liberalism

collectivism in, 67

political freedom and, 4

with political liberalism, 3

in twentieth-century, 13

economic market

as means of good-doing, 112

nature of, 11011

political market and, 13, 1057, 111112

as private market, 112


coercion in, 19

in free society, 1314, 18

law and, 173

social organization in, 19

voluntary cooperation in, 19

The Wealth of Nations influence of, 205

Economist, 8

economy, 1920

mechanics of, 165

as socialistic, 82

egalitarians, 15051

policy of, 15355

in United States, 152

1837 financial panic, 175

employment, 28

engineers, 55


of agriculture, 56

freedom for, 117

nationalization of, 216

size of, 5556

entrepreneurs, 55


capitalism with, 15658

in Declaration of Independence, 136

as enforced, 152

freedom and, 15859

before God, 13639

liberty and, 135, 137

of opportunity, 135, 13942

Smith on, 154

Tocqueville on, 138

See also personal equality

equality of opportunity

corollary for, 141

foreign trade and, 142

liberty with, 140

as not literal, 13940

personal equality and, 140

equality of outcome, 136

belief in, 149

in Britain, 15355

choice in, 147

complexities of, 145

fairness in, 14246

favoring of, 14953

ideal in, 14344

liberty with, 149

philanthropy in, 14849

practice of, 15051

Erhard, Ludwig, 200, 219

ethical problems, 1819


Fabian socialism, xii, 209

dominance of, 211

as worldwide, 213


determining, 143

in equality of outcome, 14246

forms of unfairness and, 144

in free trade, 13233

freedom and, 13133

in game of chance, 146

of speech, 132

faith anecdote, 129

family, 78, 43

FDA. See Food and Drug Administration

Federal Communications Commission, 46

Federal Housing Administration, 46

federal income tax, 153

federal old-age programs, 1415

Federal Reserve System, 76

Federal Trade Commission, 78, 103, 120

FEE. See Foundation for Economic Education

financial crisis, 102, 105

First Amendment, 173, 177

parallel amendment to, 183

See also freedom of speech

Flexner, James, 16263

Food and Drug Act, 213

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 104

intimidation of, 176

force, 75

libertarianism on, 90

forced busing, 107

Ford, Gerald, x, 103, 127

Ford, Henry, 147

foreign trade, 142

fortunes, 14748

Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), 215

Freeman publication from, 216

Founding Fathers, 137, 139, 205

France, 219

law obedience of, 5960

free enterprise, 35

business enterprise as threat to, 12729

businessman on, 7980

in history, 117, 12122

intellectuals as threat to, 128

meaning of, 117

in nineteenth century, 12122

free market

compassion in, 149

critique of, 21

diversity from, 22

economic freedom from, 22

free men from, 17374

freedom and, 179

freedom of speech relationship with, 173, 17576

government with, 22

impersonal, 29

intellectuals opposition to, 71

political freedom from, 15, 2324

power in, 22

resurgence of, 21419

free men, 17374

free private enterprise exchange economy, 1920

free society

agreement in, 33

Britain as, 7071

businessman in, 79

capitalism for, 8182, 115

circumstances for, 4950

defense of, 193

departure from, 188

Dicey on, 50

as dynamic, 69

economic intervention and, 59

economics in, 1314, 18

examples of, 9798

fighting for, 88

forces for, 5963

future of, 220

Germany as, 71

in history, 49, 63

humility justification for, 182

intellectuals on, 17475

military in, 161

monetary expansion rate for, 76

organization of, 164

pessimism of, 63

productivity of, 18081

psychological egotism of, 80

as right society, 180

self-interest in, 81

sources for, 59

stability of, 6970

taxation and, 118

unanimity in, 85

as unstable equilibrium, 69

free trade, 2

in Britain, 207

fairness in, 13233

Free University, 71

freedom, 186

as absolute, 35

of advocacy, 25

to advocate communism, 6

aspects of, ix

of children, 4344

in Chile, 98

as coercion absence, 181

in communism, 27

crossroads of, 11213

for enterprises, 117

equality and, 15859

examples of, 18283

fairness and, 13133

fragility of, 9798

free market and, 179

in future, 12430

goal of, 31

with government, 180

government threat to, 16768

in history, xi, 97

ignorance for, 18182

individual conduct with, 68

intellectuals on, 79

law and, 59

of liberalism, 1

loss of, 102, 12021

of madmen, 43

meaning of, 159, 161

military and, 167

of occupation, 15

of press, 121

for responsible individuals, 8, 43

to sin, 66, 181

in socialism, 26

threat to, 103

in United States, 11617, 16970

as unnatural state, 97

as value, 18

See also economic freedom; individual freedom

Freedom Daily, 95

freedom of speech, x

in academia, 77, 104, 12021, 178

for businessman, 7778, 103, 120, 17678

fairness and, 132

free markets relationship with, 173, 17576

government and, 77

personal freedom threat and, 77

warning labels in, 18283

Freeman, 216

French Revolution, 162

Friedman, David, 7475

Friedman, Milton. See specific topics

Friedman, Rose, xixii, 227

Fuelner, Ed, 186, 215


faith in, 12930

of free society, 220

freedom in, 12430

open society in, 200

of opinion, 22021

scenarios for, 12529

Future of Freedom Foundation, 95


Galbraith, John Kenneth, 105, 127

gambling, 150

General Motors, 10910, 125


collectivism in, 71

as free society, 71

individual freedom in, 71

inflation in, 76

See also Nazi Germany

Gettysburg Address (Lincoln), 139

Giersch, Herbert, 19394

global financial crisis, xii

gold standard

as price fixing, 76

stance on, 75

Golden Gate Bridge, 90


activities of, 4547

agencies of, 18889

as all-powerful, 116

anarchic society as alternative to, 86

in Chile, 9899

coercion of, 86

corruption of, 57

employment from, 6

as essential, 22

force monopoly of, 75

with free market, 22

freedom of speech and, 77

freedom with, 16768, 180

grounds for action by, 3743

on individual freedom, 35, 119

inefficiency of, 126

intervention in collectivist society, 58

intervention of, 17, 60, 122

market and, 37

on monetary system, 3637

monopoly from, 3739

negative income tax with, 8687

oil regulation by, 177

as overgrown, 43

paternalistic action of, 4344

political power of, 23

power of, 138

property of, 119

on property rights, 36

as rule maker, 3437

technological changes from, 124

as threat to freedom, 16768

trying to do good, 123

as umpire, 132

in voluntary exchange, 4243

von Mises on, 96

welfare of, 95

government spending, 70, 213

of Britain, 100102

in Civil War, 168

at laissez-faire height, 208

on military, 16870, 172

private interest in, 110

trends of, 116

of United States, 102

during war, 168

in World War I, 168

government subsidies, x

graduated income taxes, 153

Great Depression, xii, 168, 207, 213


Hamilton, Alexander, ix, 142, 162, 174, 205

protectionist legislation of, 207

Hayek, Friedrich von, 4, 201

The Road to Serfdom by, 17, 187, 215

Hayek Tide, xii

Heritage Foundation, 215


of Chile, 99100

free enterprise in, 117, 12122

free society in, 49, 63

freedom in, xi, 97

of military, 162

open society in, 196

Hollywood blacklist, 2728

Hollywood Ten, 2728

Hoover Institution, 195

Hornberger, Jacob, 95

Horowitz, Helen, 14849

households, 20

housing. See public housing

Hull House, 149

human behavior, 74


ICC. See Interstate Commerce Commission

ideal society, 83

ideas, 217

changes in, xii

force of, 63

policy with, xixii

to practice, 18586, 18992

publications on action from, 187

of Smith, 190

ignorance, 66, 18182

liberty and, 67

impeachment, 7374


in China, 157

in different forms of society, 2324

of parents, 14445

redistribution of, 194

in Russia, 15657

income tax, federal, 153

income tax rates, 200

individual freedom

of Amish sect, 1415

belief in, 66

in federal old-age programs, 1415

in Germany, 71

as goal, 18

government on, 35, 119

in liberalism, 7

in open society, 19697

priority of, 67

protection of, 2

standard of living and, 69


collectivism and, 72

Dicey on, 52

Industrial Revolution, 206


definition of, 61

monopoly in, 61

regulation of, 46

inequality, 24


around world, 218

in Germany, 76

intellectual opinion, 199200

change from, 2034

evidence of change in, 21516

influence of, 214

intellectuals, 70

collectivism of, 72

as free enterprise threat, 128

free market opposition of, 71

on free society, 17475

on freedom, 79


in free society, 81

pursuit of, 81

of Russia, 8081

in voting, 1089

See also private interest; public interest

Internal Revenue Service, 7778, 103, 120

Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), 3839, 46, 21213

intervention, 17, 60, 121

interview, 65

invisible hand, 80

Israel, 152


Japan, 2089

Jefferson, Thomas, 133, 13637

on slavery, 139

on standing army, 163

Journal of the American Statistical Association, 197

The Jungle (Sinclair), 212

Justice Department, 103, 120


Das Kapital (Marx), 18283

Kennedy, Robert, 200

Keynes, John Maynard, 195, 207

kibbutz, 152

Kristol, Irving, 151


Labour government, 219

Labour Party, 17


of Bentham, 57

in Britain, 211

consequences of, 5758

Dicey on, 21011

government spending at height of, 208

law respect from, 5758

Philosophical Radicals for, 1617

reaction to, 21011

rise of, xii, 2059

Lange, David, 219


in Britain, 5860

economics and, 173

in France, 5960

freedom and, 59

from laissez-faire, 5758

obedience of, 5759

in values, 155

Law and Public Opinion in the Nineteenth Century (Dicey), 189, 211

Lectures on Law and Public Opinion in the Nineteenth Century (Dicey), 50

Leeson, Robert, 229

liberalism, x

as authoritarianism reaction, 1

Benthamite, 17

in Britain, 50

to collectivism, 67, 50

content of, 7

in economic policy, 13

freedom of, 1

government activities and, 4547

individual freedom in, 7

means for, 31

medicine with, 9

of nineteenth century, 173

objections to, 10

public housing with, 910

social policy conflicts with, 8

state interventions from, 811

of twentieth-century, 23

values in, 19

liberals, 52

libertarianism, xi, 188

on coercion and force, 90

criticism of, 68

utopianism in, 90

values of, 89

liberty, 66

early definitions of, 135

equality and, 135, 137

with equality of opportunity, 140

with equality of outcome, 149

ignorance and, 67

as part of equality, 137

in Western world, 143

licensure provisions, 46

Lincoln, Abraham, 139

London Times, 121

Looking Backwards (Bellamy), 210

lotteries, 150


Machan, Tibor, 65

The Machinery of Freedom (Friedman, D.), 7475

Magna Carta, 100

majorities, 33


example of, 16465

government and, 37

politics and, 164

unanimity in, 31

See also economic market; free market; political market

market economy, 197

Marx, Karl, 18283

on capitalism, 53

influence of, 54

materialism, 141

mechanical invention, 158

medicine, 9

Meiji Restoration, 208

melting pot, 140

Middle Ages, 97

military, 46

civilian control of, 16162, 17071

command in, 164, 167

conscription in, 166, 189

in free society, 161

freedom and, 167

government spending on, 16870, 172

history of, 162

Joint Chiefs of Staff in, 171

standing army as, 163

volunteer force in, 166

waste of, 171

military draft, x

Mill, James, 4

Mill, John Stuart, 67, 158

minimum wage rates, 45

minority groups, 29

Mitterrand, François, 219

monetary expansion, rate of, 76

monetary system, 3637

money, 19798

monopoly, 21

of force, 75

from government, 3739

in industry, 61

of post office, 3940

public, 3940

of railroads, 3839

technical, 3739

types of, 38

Mont Pelerin Society, 91, 193, 201


Nader, Ralph, 85, 11819

National Bureau of Economic Research, 227

national defense, 96

national health insurance, 200

National Institutes of Health, 77, 104, 120

National Medal of Science, 227

national parks, 41

National Science Foundation, 77, 121, 179

national security, 16970

nationalization, 216

Nazi Germany, 82

negative income tax, 8385

government with, 8687

in utopianism, 94

neighborhood effect

on highways, 40

interventions from, 4142

madmen in, 43

parks with, 41

pollution example of, 40

voluntary exchange in, 42

New York, 150

New York Times Magazine, 105

Newsweek, 79, 179

nihilism, 67

nineteenth century

economic freedom in, 209

free enterprise in, 12122

liberalism of, 173

Nixon, Richard, 73

Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Force of, 166

on tea industry, 1089

Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, 227


Dicey on, 5152

philosophy of, 51

Nozick, Robert, 152


occupation, x

allocation of, 17

freedom of, 15

oil, 17677

open society, 19495

components of, 19698

in future, 200

in history, 196

individual freedom in, 19697

market economy in, 197

political structure in, 199

private property in, 198

reliable rules in, 197


completed tides in, 21920

countercurrent to, 204

future tides in, 22021

See also intellectual opinion

optimism, 201

Orwell, George, 143

Other People’s Money and How the Bankers Use It (Brandeis), 212


Palm, Charles G., 22930

parks, 41

The Passion of Ayn Rand (Branden), 91, 93

paternalistic action, 4344

Paul Snowden Russell Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Economics, 227

Pepperdine University, 130

personal equality, 137

equality of opportunity and, 140

personal freedom, 77

philanthropy, 14849

Philosophical Radicals, 1617


changes in, xii

of egalitarians, 15355

with ideas, xixii

social, 8

political freedom, 1317, 121

capitalism as necessity for, 16

economic liberalism and, 4

examples of, 46

from free market, 15, 2324

global lack of, 1516

political liberalism, 3

political market

defect in, 110

economic market and, 13, 1057, 11112

voting in, 1067

yes or no system of, 1078

political power

concentration of, 4

dispersal of, 2223

of government, 23


market and, 164

necessity of, 3233

Pony Express, 3940

Popper, Karl, 93

postal system

efficiency of, 109

monopoly of, 3940


in free market, 22

of government, 138

political, 2223

See also political power

practice, 188

ideas to, 18586, 18992

praxeology doctrine, 92


of capitalism survival, 68

of Nixon impeachment effect, 7374

Presidential Medal of Freedom, 227

press, 121

private interest, 1059

in government spending, 110

private property

definition of, 198

in open society, 198

as solution, 94

privilege, 154

production, 187


of capitalist society, 69

of free society, 18081

Prohibition, 213, 217

propaganda, 25

property rights

as arbitrary, 8283

of government, 36

universality of, 82

psychological egotism, 80

public health, 9

public housing, 910

public interest, 1056

public libraries, 112

public monopoly, 3940

public policy, 206, 22728


quotas, 207


Raico, Ralph, 65

railroads, 3839

Rand, Ayn, 9193

Read, Leonard, 215

Reagan, Ronald, 200, 219

Reason, 78

regimentation, 12223

Relation between Law and Public Opinion in the Nineteenth Century (Dicey), 100

religious freedom, 14

Renaissance, 97

rent control, 45

Report on Manufactures (Hamilton), 142, 174, 205

representation, 32

responsible individuals, 8, 43

Revolutionary War, 16162

revolutions, 16263

The Road to Serfdom (Hayek), 17, 187, 215

Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 18, 68

Robinson Crusoe (fictional character), 18, 68


income in, 15657

interests of, 8081

Russian Revolution, 162


savings bonds, 17778, 196

Schumpeter, Joseph, 3, 5456, 173

science, 7274

Securities and Exchange Commission, 117

Sevareid, Eric, 101

Shakespeare, William, 203

Sherman Antitrust Act, 213

Sherman Anti-Trust Law, 141

Simons, Henry, 4, 4243

sin, 66, 90, 181

Sinclair, Upton, 21213

slavery, 139

Smith, Adam, 1011, 60, 174

alternatives to, 208

on equality, 154

on fair competition, 13233

ideas of, 190

on invisible hand, 80

public policy impact of, 206

The Wealth of Nations by, 124, 175, 205

social action, 7

social organization

in economics, 19

issue with, 19

social policy, 8

social science, 72

Social Security programs, 15, 46, 79

socialism, 23

on campuses, 213

democracy with, 13

freedom in, 26

totalitarian, 13

in United States, 118

in Yugoslavia, 118

See also Fabian socialism

socialist failure, 94


advocacy in, 23

as capitalist, 69

ideal of, 83

income in, 2324

See also free society; open society

Soviet economy, 68

stability, 6970

standard of living, 69

standing army, 163

state intervention, 811

status quo, 49

Stone, Ezra, 169

suicide, 9091

Sumner, William Graham, 149

Supreme Court, 104


tariffs, 45, 2056

benefits of, 51

of Britain, 175


Dicey on, 217, 218

free society and, 118

as rising, 11820

from Vietnam War, 188

See also negative income tax

Taylor, John B., 231

tea industry, 1089

technical monopoly, 3739

technological changes, 124

Texas Railroad Commission, 45

Thatcher, Margaret, 218

Theory of Moral Sentiments (Smith), 205

think tanks, 186, 215

Thomas, Norman, 213, 214

Thoreau, Henry David, 132

Time, 2627

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 13738

tolerance, 52, 89, 91

totalitarian socialism, 13

tourist allowance, 8

trade unions, 62

Treasury and the Federal Reserve, 178

trial and error, 44

tycoons, 176

tyranny, 49


umpire, 132

unanimity, 85

as ideal, 33

in market, 31

United States

Britain and, 126

egalitarians in, 152

freedom in, 11617, 16970

government spending of, 102

revenues of, 207

socialism in, 118

University of Chicago, 77, 112, 130, 227

University of Virginia, 137

utilitarianism, 68

utopianism, 90

negative income tax in, 94

vouchers in, 94


values, 1

freedom as, 18

fundamental differences in, 3233

law interference in, 155

in liberalism, 19

of libertarianism, 89

president as example of, 73

in science, 7273

Veterans’ Administration, 46

Vietnam War, 188

voluntary charity, 8485

voluntary exchange

government in, 4243

in neighborhood effects, 42

von Mises, Ludwig, 4, 91, 93

on government, 96

praxeology doctrine of, 92


in political market, 1067

special and general interests in, 1089

voucher system, 8384, 94


Walden (Thoreau), 132

warning labels, 18283

Washington, George, 16263

waste, 171

wealth, 24, 217

The Wealth of Nations (Smith), 124, 175

economics influence of, 205


improvement for, 15758

See also income

Weaver, Richard, 204

welfare, 8788

in Chile, 98

of government, 95

welfare state

of Britain, 212

as national security threat, 16970

rise of, xii, 20914

West, Ed, 84

West Point, 163

Western world

collectivism of, 70

individual liberty restrictions in, 143

Westmoreland, William, 166

Whip Inflation Now Program (WIN), x, 103

WIN. See Whip Inflation Now

Wolfe, Bertram, 195

World War I, 76, 208

government spending in, 168

World War II, 14, 71, 153, 209


Yellowstone National Park, 41

Yugoslavia, 118


Zupan, Marty, 65