Many origami models start with the same basic steps. The projects in this book are no exception. Familiarize yourself with these basic series of folds before moving on to the full projects.
1Identify the side that shows the right color. Turn the paper over so the wrong side is up. Valley fold the paper in half horizontally and vertically. Unfold after each fold.
2Turn the paper over so the right side is up. Valley fold diagonally in both directions. Then unfold after each fold.
3Press the center up from underneath.
4Collapse the model into a square. This is called a preliminary base.
5Book fold the right flap so it stands up. Rotate the model.
6Press the corner down and squash it flat.
7Fold the upper edges to the center and unfold.
8Valley fold between the intersection of the creases (where the creases meet the edges), then pull point A down, and flatten along existing creases.
9Fold the triangular flap up.
10Pull the points apart.
11Push the triangle piece to the inside. Fold the model back up. Repeat steps 1 to 6 on the other three flaps.
1Turn the skin color you want on the outside facedown. Valley fold the paper in half horizontally and vertically.
Mountain fold along both diagonals.
Unfold after each fold.
2Form a preliminary base.
3Fold the bottom edges to the center crease.
4Fold the tip down and unfold. Unfold the flaps.
5Pull point A out and up.
6In progress.
Flatten along existing creases.
7Valley fold the flap down.
8Turn the model over and repeat steps 3 to 7 on the other side.
This is the completed Crane Base Start.