Dimetrodon belonged to a family of ancient reptiles called pelycosaurs that predated dinosaurs. It lived millions of years before the first dinosaurs existed.
1Mountain fold the diagonals and unfold.
2Mountain fold in half along one diagonal, then valley fold each corner up.
3Mountain fold as shown, using the edge as a guide, then valley fold back up to make a shallow pleat. Turn the model over and repeat.
4Mountain and valley fold as shown, then unfold. Open up the model and crimp fold on existing creases.
5Lift the bottom edge up to see inside.
6Fold the right edge in on the diagonal. The paper at the folded corner will shift. Press this corner flat.
7Repeat step 6 on the other side of the tail.
8Repeat steps 4 to 7 on the opposite side. Note that the folding lines are closer to the end point than in step 4.
9Press the bottom edge up and in, making an inside reverse fold.
10Fold the bottom edge to the top crease.
11Repeat steps 9 and 10 on the opposite edge.
12Form legs by pleating as shown. Tip: Use tweezers for this. Grab the paper between tweezer jaws and twist the paper. It will form both folds.
13Repeat on the other side of the model.
14Mountain and valley fold as shown, then unfold. Hold the neck at the dot and push the nose down, crimping along existing creases.
15Pleat to form the mouth.
16Fold the bottom up to form the lower jaw.
17Detail of the face.
18Shape the neck. Press the edges under on both sides.
19Narrow the tail. Flatten it by pressing the top and bottom together.
20Curl the tail a little to give it some shape.
Fold both sail tips to the inside.
21Hold the sail flaps together at the dot and push them down a little to give them shape. If desired, glue the flaps together.
22Make narrow pleats as shown to shape the sail further. Tip: Use the tweezer technique for this as well.
23Adjust sail pleats and tail as desired.