Bringing restfulness into your bedtime space promotes a better night’s sleep. Begin by making the next day’s to-do list. Then put the list aside. That way, you’ll feel more peaceful about tomorrow, and you’ll leave behind some of the mental effort that keeps you in vigilance-anticipation mode. After that, you’re ready for a bedtime ritual. Here are five rituals to support maximum tranquility and relaxation:

1. Spend five minutes in transition: breathing, meditating, or reading. The centuries-old practice of reading a book before bed can also help transition from an overly active mind to a state of absorbed attention. The transfer of focus away from self and to the content of the book can quiet the mind—provided that the book is not too exciting, of course.

2. Listen to soothing music. Soothing music calms your nervous system and your mind, and it sends a signal to start transitioning into a state of rest. The Spotify app offers several bedtime playlists, including “Bedtime Bach” (for lovers of classical music), “Best Relaxing Spa Music” (if you prefer New Age), and many soporific options under “sleep” such as “Sleep: Into the Ocean” (if you like nature sounds).

3. Set a mood for relaxation. Use essential oils, light a candle, and dim the lights. When our environments are restful and peaceful, so are we. Calming scents like lavender, cedar, or sandalwood are soothing for your entire system and brain. Reducing artificial light, and then turning off the lights completely, is a must for becoming restful enough to drift to sleep.

4. Brew warm herbal tea an hour or more before bed. A warm, scented mug of tea will help you wind down from your day. Try making your own blend of herbal tea from chamomile, lavender, rose petals, and a slice of fresh lemon or ginger. Don’t drink the tea right before bed, or your sleep might be disrupted by a bathroom break.

5. Perform bedtime stretches or do some gentle yoga. Simple head and neck rolls will help melt the tension and anxiety from the day. For a more structured bedtime yoga routine, try this one. You can do it on a yoga mat or right on your bed:

Gentle Rolling of the Head and Neck: Start by slowly and gently rolling your head and neck in a clockwise motion while inhaling and exhaling long, deep breaths. Bring your attention particularly to the exhale, as this helps you let go of any stress incurred during your day. After one minute, gently switch directions. Roll your head and neck counterclockwise for one minute.

Forward Bend: Sit with a straight spine and your legs fully stretched out before you and parallel with your mat or bed. Pause here and take a long, deep inhale. On the exhale, start to bend or hinge at your waist, stretching your hands toward your feet. You can rest your hands on your calves, on the bed or mat beside your thighs, or on the tops of your feet. Allow yourself to be in this modified forward bend for at least three breaths or longer. When you’re ready, slowly and mindfully activate your core to roll your spine into an upright position, long and straight, right where you began.

Child’s Pose: The perfect send-off to bed is simply lying and breathing in child’s pose (see Figure 20). Child’s pose is a traditional resting posture in yoga and allows your entire system and body to relax. Start in a seated kneeling position. Take one long inhale, and on the exhale hinge or bend forward, bringing your head down to the mat or bed. Rest feeling fully supported in child’s pose for several minutes, mindfully following your breath. When you’re ready, return to the original kneeling position.

You are now ready for a good night’s sleep.
