

Aga Gasan - lady crown, [“the crown” and “lady”]; term used for a princess of the blood.


Aga Maskim Sañar - Bertrada Nijmege’s title; Judiciary of the High Court of the Agrun Nam.


aga ninna - fearsome crown [“the crown” and “fearsome lady”].


aga’us/aga’usi - security, policeman, soldier [“the crown” and “to follow”].


Aga’gída - the Ninsumgal’s personal guard [“the crown” and “just” and “to protect”. Literally - to protect the just crown].


Agrun Nam - council [“inner sanctuary” and “fate, lot, responsibility”].


Baruñal - midwife to the Ñíri Kurám process.


gasan - lady, mistress, queen.


Gidimam Kissane Lá - ghost walker, a talent, able to move through solid objects.


Gúnnumu Bargún - shape shifter, a talent, able to change appearance.


Ki’an Gasan - Margaurethe O’Toole’s title [“beloved” and “lady, mistress, queen”].


kizarus, kizarusi - vessel [“large vessel” and “to tap” and “blood”], vessels.


lúkal - dear one.


m’cara - beloved (not Sanguire, but an affectation of Margaurethe O’Toole for Elisibet Vasilla).


minn’ast - beloved (not Sanguire, but an affectation of Elisibet Vasilla for Margaurethe O’Toole).


Nam Lugal - Lionel Bentoncourt’s title; leader of the Agrun Nam.


Ninsumgal - lady of all, sovereign, dragon, monster of composite power; official title of Elisibet.


Ñíri Kurám - the change, the turning [“path” and “strange” and “to take/to traverse”].


Saggina - local magistrate for European Sanguire.


sañar/sanari - councilor of the Agrun Nam.


Sañur Gasum - eunuch assassin [“eunuch” and “I will” and “to slaughter”]; Reynhard Dorst’s title.


Ugula Aga’us - Captain of the Ninsumgal’s personal guard, the Aga’us.


Usumgal - lord of all, sovereign, dragon, monster of composite power; official title of Elisibet’s father.