
For their support, inspiration, and comments, I thank: Elizabeth Allen, Fenella Barton, Damien Boisvert, Jean-Claude Breach, Janet Burstein, Pito Callos, John Campanelli, C.B. Cooke, Dennis Cooper, Diane Ferrara, John Figueroa, Suzanne Gardinier, my editor John Glusman, Sarah Goldstein, Tasha Harris, Dennis Hunter, Amanda Johnson, Chris Johnson, Joyce Johnson, Eric Latzky, Micki Lennon, Derek Link, Joy, Barry Lowenthal, Bruce, Bob Ready, my agent Irene Skolnick, Roger Schulte, Helen Schulman, Deb Schwartz, Alexandra Shapiro, George Stambolian, Greg Vernice, Jim Wagner, Scott Wilson (both of them), and Wahn Yoon.