Aarsleff, Hans, 177n., 209n.

Achilles, 22, 230, 370, 417–19, 421, 422

Act without Words (S. Beckett), 194

Ada (V.Nabokov), 127

Adam, 60, 61, 62, 64, 129, 185, 213, 324, 499

Adamov, Arthur, 22

Addison, Joseph, 11

‘Adonais,’ 470–2 passim

Adorno, T. W., 168, 240

Advancement of Learning, The (F. Bacon), 208

Aeneid, The (Virgil), 269

Aeschylus, 22, 157, 329–32 passim, 384, 477, 478, 479

Aesop, 369

Africa (Petrarch), 138

Agamemnon, 157, 331, 461

Agamemnon (Aeschylus trans. R. Browning), 329

Agamemnon (Seneca), 477

Age d’homme, L’ (M. Leiris), 207

Agrippa von Nettesheim, Henry Cornelius, 64

Ajax, 348

Akin, J. et al., 302n.

Alajouanine, T., 298n.

Alazraki, Jaime, 70n.

Alcaeus, 461

Alcestis, 44

Alfieri, Vittorio, 477, 478

Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll), 37

Allem, Maurice, 483n

Allemann, Beda, 340 n.

Allen, Ward, 288n., 366n.

AllgemeineNalurgeschichte und Theorie des Himmek (I. Kant), 160–1

Aminta (Tasso), 466

Ammerman, R. R., 217n.

Amores (Ovid), 423

Amos, 154

Amphitryon, 478 &n.

Amphitryon (F. Perez de Oliva), 478

Amphitryon 38 (J. Giraudoux), 478

Amyot, Jacques, 248, 260, 265, 288 &n., 354 375

Anacreon, 460

Anderson, Maxwell, 479

Anderson, Neils, 126n.

Anderson, Robin, vii

Andromaque (J. Racine), 46

‘Angelus Silesius’ (Johann Scheffler), 64, 65

Anglo-Saxon Dictionary (J. Bosworth), 25

Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy), 480

Anouilh, Jean, 478, 479

Anscombe, G. E. M., 140 n.

Anthropological Linguistics, 250

Anlhropologie slruclurale, L’ (C. Lévi-Strauss), 319

Antigone, 23, 42, 344n., 346, 348, 349, 478

Antigone (Sophocles trans. J. C. F. Hölderlin), 67, 344 &n., 345, 346, 347, 349, 350

Antony (Mark Antony, the Triumvir), 387, 389

Antony and Cleopatra, 383, 387, 388, 389

Apel, Karl-Otto el al., 256n.

Apollinaire, Guillaume, 318

Apostles, The: descent of gift of tongues on, 61, 65

Aquinas, Thomas, 148, 150 &n.

Arabian Nights, The, 379

Arbogast, H., 200 n.

Arcadia (Sir P. Sidney), 479

Archilochus, 269

Ardener, Edwin, 126n.

d’Argental, Comte, 384

Argot ancien, L’ (P. Champion), 25

Aricie, 456

Ariosto, Lodovico, 7, 272

Aristophanes, 263

Aristophanes’Apology (R. Browning), 329

Aristotle, xv, 148, 149 &n., 267, 284 287, 319, 324; influence of 79, 85, 259, 260, 463, 487

Aristotelian society proceedings of the 221

Armorial Families (A. C. Fox-Davies), 25

Arndt, Hans Werner, 211n.

Arnold, Matthew, xv, 249, 362, 418, 435, 472, 473 474

Arp, Hans, 202, 203 &n.

Arrowsmith, William, vii; and Roger Shattuck, 250, 286, 287, 289

Ars Magna (R. Lully), 209

Ars poetica (Horace), 248, 268 n., 327, 328

Ars Signorum, vulgo Character Universalis et Lingua Philosophica (G. Dalgarno), 78, 210

Artaud, Antonin, 31

deArte Combinatoria (G. W. Leibniz), 210

Artmann, Hans Carl, 370

Asclepiades, 465

Ashton, E. B., 255n.

Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (N. Chomsky), 99n., 106n., 111

Astrophel (E. Spenser), 469

As You Like It, 423

Atemwende (P. Celan), 167

Atreus, king of Mycenae, 477

Auberique, P., 109n.

Auden, W. H., 375, 473–5

Auerbach, F., 161n., 448

Aufgabe des Ueberselzers, Die (W. Benjamin), 66 &n.

Augustine, St. (Aurelius Augustinus), 148, 149, 150, 153, 159n., 228, 229, 230, 314

Austen, Jane, 8–11 passim, 26

Austin, J. L., 141 &n., 143, 216, 217, 218, 219, 222, 224 &n., 225, 228

Autret, Jean, 335n.

Auvray, Lucien, 355n.

Aveling, Eleanor Marx, 395–7

Awkward Age, The (H.James), 37

Ayer, A.J., 169n., 172, 217 &n., 219n.

Ayers, M.R., 225n.

Bach, Emmon, 106 &n;and R.T Harms, 106 n.

Bacon, Francis, 208, 284

Bacon, Roger, 77, 98

Ball, Hugo, 20in., 202–4passim

Balzac, Guez de, 20

Balzac, Honoré de, 386, 482, 483 &n., 484

Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua, H7 n., 326n.

Barker, S. F. and P. Achinstein, 164 n.

Basilides, 72

Bates, E. S., 289n

Baudelaire, Charles Pierre, 287, 386, 422, 446

Baudissin, Wolf Heinrich, Count, 401

Baumfield, B., 49 m.

Bausch, Karl-Richard and Hans-Martin Gauger, 447n.

Beardsley, Aubrey, 15

Beattie, James, 99

Beaufret, Jean, 340 n.

Becher, J. J., 210

Beckett, Samuel, 48, 194, 289, 498

Beethoven, Ludwigvan, 28, 163, 479, 489

Befristeten, Die (E. Canetti), 146

Beissner, Friedrich, 340n.

Bender, M. Lionel, 20n.

Benjamain, Walter, ix, 22, 66–7, 68, 249, 250, 257, 262, 273, 283, 290n 313, 324, 332, 339, 340n, 344n.

Benn, M. B., 340n 343n.

Benveniste, Emile, 109n, 137

Beowulf, 71, 319

Berenice (J. Racine), 46, 391

Bergson, Henri, 148, 151, 152

Berlioz, Hector, 384, 438, 440, 442, 443, 445

Bernstein, Basil, 34n.

Bertaux, Pierre, 340n.

Berthelot, Rene, 446n.

Bethge, Hans, 379

Bever, T. G. and W. Weksel, 130 n.

Bevotte, Gendarme de, 479n.

Beyond the Pleasure Principle (S. Freud), 167

Bible, The: Anchor Bible, 422;

Authorized Version (King James VI), 13, 259, 288, 322, 323, 335, 364, 366 &n., 367, 375, 422, 440; Bishops’ Bible, 366; code of history, 165; German Bible, 323; Gospels, The, 143, 257, 366; Luther Bible, 259, 272, 280, 315; New English Bible (N.E.B.), 322; New Testament, 259, 363n.; Old Testament, 23, 153, 155, 257; translation of, 366 &n.; Vulgate, 322, 334; see also Coverdale, Matthew, Tyndale, Whitchurch

Bible of Amiens, The (J. Ruskin), 335

Billington, James, 159n.

Binswanger, L., 205n.

Biological Foundations of Language, The (E. H. Lenneberg), 295

Bisterfeld, J. H., 210

Black, M., 140n.

Black, Max, 217n., 220n., 223 &n.

Blackmur, R. P., 484

Blake, William, 39, 72, 79

Bleak House (C. Dickens), 26

Bloch, Ernst, 168, 219, 227, 228

Bloch, Marc, 143, 144 n.

Bloom, Harold, 471 &n.

Bloomfield, Leonard, 19, 128

Boas, Franz, 89

Boccaccio, Giovanni, 413

Bohme, Jakob, 65 &n., 71

Bois, John, 366n.

Boisjermain, Luneau de, 334

Bolgar, R. R., 448

Boltzmann, Ludwig, 162 &n.

Boman, Thorlief, 165n.

Bonner, Anthony, 74 &n., 76

Boole, George, 70, 216

Borchardt, Rudolf, 356–9 passim, 370

Borges, Jorge Luis, xx, 70–3 passim, 74, 352, 356

Borst, Arno, 59n., 62n.

Bosch, Hieronymus, 28

Bossuet, Jacques Benigne, 385

Bowra, C. M., 373n.

Bradley, F. H., 220

Brahmin linguistic mythology, 62

Braque, Georges, 490

Brecht, Bertolt, 359, 378, 478, 479

Brillouin, Leon, 163 n.

Brink, C. O., 268n.

Broad, C. D., 134, 148

Broca, Paul, 131, 297

Broca’s area of the brain, 297

Broch, Hermann, 336–8

Brod, Max, 68

Bronowski, J. and Ursula Bellugi, 130n.

Brooke, Tucker, 403

Brothers Karamazov, The (F. Dostoevsky), 37

Brotheryon, B., 23 2n.

Brower, Rueben A., 250, 274n., 326n.,

Brown, R. L., 89n.

Brown, R. W., 108

Browne, Sir Thomas, 319, 489

Browning, Robert, 15, 190, 329–32 passim

Brunei, P., 386n.

Bruner, Jerome S., 134, 223n.

Brunhes, B., 161n.

Bruni, Leonardo, 248, 276, 311

Bruno, Giordano, 261

Buber, Martin, 154 &n., 155 n.

Büchner, Georg, 13, 120

Buffon, George Louis Leclerc, Comte de, 160

Bull, William E., 139 n.

Bültmann, Rudolf, 143

Bunting, Basil, 367, 461

Burgess, Anthony, 289

Burke, Edmund, 286

Burke, Kenneth, x, 35, 80

Burling, Robbins, 34n.

Butor, Michel, 289

Bynner, Witter, 376

Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron, 328

Byronism, 285

Byzantine rhetoric and theology, 230

Caesar, Gaius Julius, 259, 461

Cain, mark of, 64

Calderon de la Barca, Pedro, 270, 272

Cammaerts, Emile, 196n.

Camoes, Luis de, 478

Campbell, Roy, 287, 327

Canetti, Elias, 146, 147, 163

Cantos (E. Pound), 386, 490

Carew, Thomas, 468–9, 470, 475

Carlyle, Thomas, 262

Carnap, R., 106, 141, 212, 216–20 passim

Carnot, N. L. Sadi, 160–3 passim

Carnot ‘s Theory, An Account of (W. Thomson), 161–2

Carroll, John B., 93n.

‘Carroll, Lewis’ (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), 37, 196, 197 &n., 222

Cartesianism, 79, 81, 91, 96, 119, 215, 228, 229, 255 298, 372, 385, 390

Casaubon, Isaac, 278

Cassandra, 44

Cassirer, Ernst, 89, 97

Cassou, Jean, 447n.

Cathay (E. Pound), 375, 376, 377n., 378, 412

Catullus, 24, 370, 371n.

Cavalcanti, Guido, 353, 354 &n., 370

Caxton, William, 3

Celan, Paul, 167, 191–2, 197, 318, 370, 400, 409–11, 412, 425–6, 426n.

‘Celine, Louis-Ferdinand’ (L.-F. Destouches), 385

Cellini, Benvenuto, 270

Cervantes (Saavedra), Miguel de, 72, 74–5, 272, 285

Cezanne, Paul, 490

Chamisso, Adelbert von, 440

Champion, P., 25

Chanson du vieux marin, La (V. Larbaud), 365

Chapman, George, 248, 260, 284 418–19

Chappell, V. C., 171n.

Char, Rene, 385

Characteristica universalis (G. W. Leibniz), 73

Character, pro notitia linguarum universali (J. J. Becher), 210

Chardin, Jean Simeon, 484

Charterhouse of Parma, The (Stendhal), 47

Chassaigne, Marc, 277n.

Chateaubriand, Francois Rene, Vicomte de, 139 333–5 passim

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 4, 5, 29, 269

Cheke, Sir John, 278

Chesterton, G. K., 288, 429

chinesische Flöte, Die (H. Bethge), 379

Choerilus of Athens, 329

Chomsky, Noam, vii, xiv, 62, 77, 99n., 103–14 passim, 116, 119, 177 &n., 178 n., 219, 245, 302–4, 488, 489, 496 &n.

Christian: church in West, 258; culture, 45, 467 doctrines, 165, 467 &n., 472; early churches, 149, 157; Jews, 158; view, 467

Christianity, 258; early, 230

Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 157, 248, 251, 272, 278, 292, 324

Cimetiere marin, Le (P. Valery), 73

Cinderella fable, 447

Clapeyron, B. P. E., 161

Claudel, Paul, 324, 385, 477, 479

Claudius, Matthias, 283

Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emmanuel, 161, 162

Clough, Arthur Hugh, 18, 472, 473

Cocteau, Jean, 478

Cohen, Jonathan, 208 n., 211 &n.

Cohn, Albert, 400 n.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, xv, 26, 64, 72, 83, 85, 364

Collectanea etymologica, 211

Collins French Phrase Book, 319

Come’die humaine (H. de Balzac), 483

Comenius, Johann Amos, 209 &n.

Comte, Auguste, 266

Confessions (St. Augustine), 149, 153

Congreve, William, 16

Conrad, Joseph, 335, 477

Convivio (Dante), 253

Cook, Raymond, 2O4 n.

Cooper, James Fenimore, 285

Copernicus, Nicolaus, 60, 218, 285

Corinthians, Epistles to the, 251

Coriolanus (W. Shakespeare), 5, 44, 187

Corneille, Pierre, 384, 478

Cornford, F. M., 156n., 363 &n.

Corsen, Meta, 340 n.

Courier, Paul-Louis, 353

Couteras, Helen and Sol Saporta, 302 n.

Couturat, L., 211n.; and L. Leau, 208 n.

Coverdale, Miles, 366

Coward, Noel, 16–17

Cowley, Abraham, 248, 267–8, 343, 461, 466, 475

Cowper, William, 420

Craft and Context of Translation: A Critical Symposium, The (W. Arrowsmith and R. Shattuck), 250, 253n.

Cratylus (Plato), 255

Creation, The (F. J. Haydn), 322

Cresswell, M. J., 497n.

Cribb, T., 254

Critique of Linguistic Philosophy, A (C. W. K. Mundle), 173

Croce, Benedetto, 140, 249, 256 & n., 264

Crow (T. Hughes), 370

cummings, e. e., 236

Curtius, Ernst Robert, 358, 448

Cusanus, Nicholas, 65, 84

Cymbeline, 1–8 passim, 11, 27–8

Cyrano de Bergerac, Savinien, 129

‘Dada’ movement, 24, 201–5 passim, 485

Daiches, David, 366 & n.

Dalgarno, George, 78, 210

Dali, Salvador, 28

Damnation of Faust, The (H. Berlioz), 443, 444

Daniel, Samuel, 124, 261

Dante Alighieri, 13, 49, 168, 185, 186n., 253, 339, 353–9 passim

Dante and His Circle (D. G. Rossetti), 353

Dante Deulsch (R. Borchardt), 357 & n., 358, 359

Da Ponte, Lorenzo, 479

Darwin, Charles, xiii, 56–7, 372

David Copperfield (C. Dickens), 447

Davie, Donald, 375

Death of Virgil, The (H. Broch), 336–8

Deborah, Song of, 24

Debussy, Claude, 438, 490

Decadent movement, 15, 202

De Cecco, John P., 103 n.

Decembrio, Pierro Candido, 259

Declaration of the Word As Such (A. Krucenyx), 194

De compositione verborum (Dionysius of Halicarnassus), 347

De Divinatione (Cicero), 157

DeFato (Cicero), 157

Defaucompret, Auguste-Jean-Baptiste, 285

Defence et illustration de la langue francaise (J. Du Bellay), 253

Defoe, Daniel, 18

De Interpretation (Aristotle), 148

De interpretatione (P-D. Huet), 276, 279

De interpretatione recta (L. Bruni), 248

Delafosse, M., 33n.

De L’Allemagne (Mme de Staël), 82

Delille, Jacques, 272

Delos, A Journal on and of Translation, 289

Delphi, oracle at, 156

De mendacio (St. Augustine), 228

Denison, N., 126 n.

De Optimo genere interpretandi (P.-D. Huet), 248

De Quincey, Thomas, 72

Deregowski, Jan B., 223n.

Derrida, Jacques, 1 Ion., 381 & n.

Descartes, Rene, 73, 79, 103, 209, 255 284 432

Description of the Empire of China, A (J. B. Du Halde), 376

Deuteronomy, 153

Dewitz, Hans-Georg, 357n.

Dialects: Alemannic, 357; Alpine, 357; Atakama, 56; Gueno, 56; Khalka, 32; Kung, 100; Puelce, 56

Dialogues (Plato), 362

Dichlung (M. Heidegger), 205

Dickens, Charles, 26, 285

Dickinson, Emily, 368

Dictionary (S.Johnson), 254

Dictionary, A Middle English (Kurath and Kuhn), 25

Dictionary of Early English, A (Shipley),

Dictionary of Gardening. A (Royal Horticultural Society), 25

Dictionary of Naval Equivalents (Admiralty), 26

Diderot, Denis, 36, 253, 270, 401

Diebold, A. R., 126n.

Dilthey, Wilhelm, 262

Diodorus Chronos, 149

Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 347

Divina Commedia (Dante), 339, 354 355, 356

‘Divan’ (Westöstlicher Divan) (J. W. von Goethe), 66

Dobschiitz, Ernst von, 159n.

Doctor Faustus (C. Marlowe), 4

Dodd, C. H., 159 &n.

Dodds, E. R., 156 & n., 256n., 282 &n.

Dohl, Reinhard, 20m., 202 n.

Dolan, John M., 310n.

Dolce, Ludovico, 478

Dolet, Etienne, 276, 277 & n., 280

Doll’s House, The (H. J. Ibsen), 395

Dombey and Son (C. Dickens), 26

Don Carlos (J. C. Schiller), 83

Don Giovanni (W. A. Mozart), 46, 47

Don Juan (J. Moliere), 388

‘Don Juan’ legend, 479 & n.

Donne, John, 15, 191, 424, 461–4, 468, 469, 476–7, 484

Don Quixote (M. de Cervantes), 73–5, 285

Dostoevsky, F., 37, 147, 285, 447

Dowson, Ernest, 15

Drapers’ Dictionary, The (S. William Beck), 25

Drummond of Hawthornden, William 327

Dryden, John, 15, 18, 21, 29, 248, 267–70 passim, 274, 283, 324, 327, 328, 351 360 423, 449–51, 465, 478

Du Bellay, Joachim, 248, 253–5 passim, 264, 288, 429, 433

Dubeux, Albert, 386n.

Duchamp, Marcel, 202

Duckles, Vincent, 439n.

Du Halde, J. B., 376

Duine, F., 354n.

Dumesnil, R., 483n

Dummett, Michael, 223–4 & n., 31cm.

Dunbar, William, 466–7, 472

Duparc, Henri, 438, 446

Dupront, A., 257n.

Durandin, Guy, 23 2n.

Diirrenmatt, Friedrich, 479