One thing that we see clearly is that the forbidden idolatrous and occult practices very closely resembled the mystical practices of the prophets. This may have been one reason why the prophetic practices were concealed as hidden mysteries, restricted to relatively small societies. This was particularly true after the close of the prophetic period, where these practices were virtually unknown outside of very small, select circles.
The prophets knew that many people who did not have the proper preparation or temperament would attempt to emulate their practices. When unsuccessful, these people would turn to the relatively simple, but forbidden, meditative practices of the idolaters. The prophetic methods were therefore shrouded in virtually absolute secrecy, and there is no express mention of them whatsoever in the entire Bible.
The Talmud states that during the prophetic period, there existed a literal “lust for idolatry.” 107 It may seem somewhat difficult to understand how people could have a lust for something like idolatry, which, according to the context, was as strong as the sexual desire. But when there were many people involved in the mystical experience, the desire to join them was very strong. The mystical experience is one of the sweetest, profoundest, most uplifting experiences possible, and is something that can be very greatly desired.
At the same time, however, the true mystical experience is Ruach HaKodesh, which can only be attained after one has completed Ihe ten preliminary levels. Before one can reach this level he must literally be a saint, both in his relationship to God and his dealings with man. Beyond this, one could not even enter the prophetic schools until he had undergone years of discipline and purification. People were therefore tempted to take shortcuts, and among the most readily available were the occult practices of the idolaters.
During the time of Solomon's Temple, the Talmud informs us that there were literally millions of individuals involved in the prophetic mysteries.108 It is no coincidence that idolatry and sorcery were so prevalent at the time. People who could not reach the spiritual heights of the prophets took the easy way of idolatry and occultism instead. It is therefore also no coincidence that when the prophetic schools were abolished after the destruction of Solomon's Temple, the “lust for idolatry” was also abolished.109
Still there were small closed schools that kept the traditions of the prophets alive. In order to prevent the masses from once again turning to idolatrous practices as a substitute for true prophetic meditation, they restricted the spread of these ideas. Finally, outside of a small school, these practices were totally unknown. The only ones who had any idea of the methods was a small, restricted school of Kabbalists.
Maimonides writes that prophecy will have to be restored before the coming of the Messiah.110 As we have seen, however, prophecy does not occur automatically, but must be cultivated with extensive discipline through very specific practices. Before the Messianic age, therefore, these practices will have to be revealed and taught. Only then will there be a fulfilment of the prophecy, where God said, “After that, I will pour out my spirit on all flesh, and your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions” (Joel 3:1).