The writing and research for my last book, Reinventing Talent Management, began during an economic boom and was completed during what has now become known as the Great Recession. We learned a lot about what organizations hold near and dear when the times get tough — regarding commitments to employee engagement and leader development, maintaining their employer brands, staying focused on their business and talent strategies, hiring for today versus tomorrow, and so forth.
In contrast, the writing and research for this book began during the Great Recession and ended in the midst of a gyrating marketplace — periods of boom and bust for firms in different industries and geographies, high unemployment in a vast number of countries around the globe, a stock market roller coaster, political upheavals in many countries, and increasing financial, environmental, and social sustainability concerns. In short, a period of enormous turbulence! Perhaps this is the “new normal.”
In many ways, it appears that we are at an inflection point — one that will reshape the way organizations compete with each other and people compete for opportunities to grow and prosper. If you are out front of the turbulence, taking command rather than merely reacting, you are likely to be a game changer. If you are behind the curve, then chances are you will be at the mercy of the unrelenting crosscurrents that will determine the nature, direction, and success of your organization. Given all these forces, the use of talent in all forms will play a pivotal role. Because people are the asset most seriously affected by the revolution around us, how well we manage the human side of our organizations will be the competitive differentiator and key to survival and success. Optimize talent and you will win!