Section V:

Embedding and Acting

Figure V.1. Steps to High ACE Organization


“Be careful not to declare victory too soon.” It is the opening quote from the next chapter, and it offers a cautionary warning that there is a risk of falling back on old habits, despite our best efforts to take the first six steps along the pathway to a high ACE organization. Unless ACE becomes part of the cultural thinking, it will likely be remembered as an interesting initiative that fell by the wayside. Chapter 13 addresses the seventh step to a high ACE organization — how to overcome this risk and make ACE part of the talent strategy, thinking, and execution on a regular basis, not as a one-time event (see Figure V.1).

Chapter 14 focuses on action. The seven steps to high ACE will be an exhilarating journey, one that begins with and is sustained by clear, deliberate actions. This last chapter is a call to action. It records in one place many of the key ideas and action tips throughout the book and adds additional thoughts on high-level actions to get you started or to accelerate progress from where you are today.