abutilon, 46

acne, 61, 212

adaptogens, 107

Aesculapis, 199

Alaskan Flower Essence Project, 225

alcoholism, 42, 107, 114, 124

algae, 277, 278, 279, 282–84

ambrosia, 103

American Extra Pharmacopoeia

(AEP), 41–54

American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), 117

anemia, 51

angelica, 164, 179, 180

anxiety, 54, 133–34

aphrodisiacs, 142–42, 227

Apollo, 199

appendicitis, 50

aralia hispida, 70

arborvitae, 164

arnica, 29, 60–63

harvesting, 63

lifespan, 34

medicinal uses, 61–62

side effects, 62

substitutes for, 63

on To-Watch list, 12

arrow-leaved balsamroot, 35


and club moss, 48

and cocklebur, 48

and Hercules’ club, 50

and Japanese knotweed, 42

and Venus’s-flytrap, 235

and yerba mansa, 268

ashwagandha, 109

aspirin, 153, 194

aster, 46, 139


and black cohosh, 70

and bloodroot, 74

and ganoderma, 49

and lobelia, 154

and mulberry, 51

and sea vegetables, 282

and spicebush, 44

and spikenard, 212

and sundew, 222, 223

and whitlow grass, 54

and wild radish, 54

and yerba santa, 273, 275

astralagus, 98, 109

At-Risk List of plants, 9–10, 11, 13, 26–28

attention-deficit disorder (ADD), 54, 283

Ayurvedic medicine, 4, 39, 66

Babineau, Don, 125, 294, 297

Bach, Edward, 55–56

Baker, Jeannine Parvati, 185

balsamroot, 33

baneberry 40

barberry, 46, 118, 126, 167, 174

Barton, Benjamin Smith, 67, 113

beach almond, 130

bead lily, 33

beggarsticks, 47

Bell, Jane, 222–23

Bergner, Paul, 113, 153, 155, 162, 267, 281

Bermuda grass, 47

bethroot. See trillium Beuscher, N., 254

Bierzychudek, Paulette, 25

Bioforce, 93

birch, 47, 195

birth control pills, 262

Birzneck, Ella, 296

black cohosh, 1–2, 6, 27, 64–71, 94, 111

on At-Risk list, 11

B & B formula, 70

flower essence, 57

harvesting, 70–71

medicinal uses, 65–69, 262

and replanting programs, 9

side effects, 69

substitutes for, 71

blackberry, 187

bladderwrack, 280, 281, 283–84

Blakley, Tim, 218, 288, 294

Blanchan, Neltje, 145

blessed thistle, 245

bloodroot, 1–2, 6, 27, 72–77

on At-Risk list, 11

flower essence, 57

harvesting, 76–77

medicinal uses, 73–76, 223

and replanting programs, 9

side effects, 74, 76

substitutes for, 77

blue cohosh, 6, 27, 78–83

on At-Risk list, 11

flower essence, 57

harvesting, 81–83

medicinal uses, 70, 80–81, 179

and replanting programs, 9

side effects, 81

substitutes for, 83

blue vervain, 70, 86

bluebells, 47

Blumenthal, Mark, 294

body painting, 73, 75–76

boneset, 98, 256

botanical sanctuaries

creating, 15, 18–23, 289

and United Plant Savers, x, 10, 19, 20

Botanique Nursery, 224

Bothwell, Jane, 294–95

Braunschweig, 142–43

breast-feeding, 184, 185, 187, 188, 254

breath freshener, 86

Brekhman, I.I., 107

Brinker, Frances, 169

British herbal tobacco, 102


and aster, 46

and bloodroot, 74

and catalpa, 47

and Japanese knotwood, 42

and lomatium, 161–62

and osha, 178–79

and pleurisy root, 197–98, 199, 200

and sea vegetables, 282

and slippery elm, 206

and spikenard, 212

and sundew, 223

and trillium, 41

and Venus’s-flytrap, 235

and yerba santa, 273

Brounstein, Howie, 163


and arnica, 61, 62

and loosestrife, 43

and smartweed, 52

and stoneroot, 217

and trillium, 41

buckthorn, 92

bugleweed, 47, 139

Buhner, Stephen Harrod, 295

Bunting, David, 295

bur marigold, 47

bur reed, 47

Burbank, Luther, 139

burdock, 15, 98, 212, 229, 245

burnet, 47

burns, 85, 206, 249

butterfly weed, 29

butterwort, 232

Cain, Michael, 25

calamus, 29, 84–87

harvesting, 86–87

medicinal uses, 85–86

side effects, 85

substitutes for, 86

on To-Watch list, 12

calendula, 63

California Carnivores, 222, 236

California poppy, 136, 148

California School of Herbal Studies, 266

Calvin, Natasha, 283

Canadian fleabane, 47


and birch, 47

and bloodroot, 73, 74–75

and chaga, 48

and ginseng, 107

and goldenseal, 113

and Japanese knotweed, 42

and sea vegetables, 283, 284

and self-heal, 44

and slippery elm, 205

and sundew, 223

and turkey tails, 53

and Venus’s-flytrap, 235

Candida. See vaginal infections

Carnivora, 235

carnivorous plants, 221, 224, 231–34, 239

carrots, 160

cascara sagrada, 88–92

harvesting, 90–91

medicinal uses, 88, 89

substitutes for, 92

on To-Watch list, 12

cassia, 47, 92

catalpa, 47

catnip, 136, 189, 265

cattail, 48

caulophylum, 70

cayenne, 144, 152, 155

Cech, Richo, 76, 162, 163, 172, 213, 235, 287–88, 295

celandine, 77

celery, 160

centaury, 86

chaga, 48

chamomile, 136, 265

chaparral, 25, 33

chaparro, 12, 29

chervil, 160

chicken pox, 49, 68

chickory, 32, 48

chickweed, 22, 213

childbirth. See also pregnancy

and black cohosh, 65

and blue cohosh, 80

and cattail, 48

and kava, 133

and lobelia, 154

and osha, 178, 179

and partridgeberry, 185

and pipsissewa, 194

and slippery elm, 205

and snakeroot, 243

and spikenard, 212

and trillium, 227, 228

and wild yam (American), 261

Chinese coptis, 103

Chiron, 199

cholera, 205, 280

cholesterol, 47, 54

Christmasberry, 130–31

Christopher, John R., 70, 143, 144, 170, 186–87, 188

chronic fatigue syndrome. See fatigue

Churchill, Winston, 247

cilantro, 160

Clark, Lewis, 221–22

cleavers, 22, 213

club moss, 48

Clusius, 85

Clymer, R.S., 185

Cochran, Margaret E., 31

cocklebur, 48

cockscomb, 48

Coffey, Timothy, 142

Coffin, Albert, 153

cold sores, 124–25, 249


and calamus, 85

and echinacea, 97

and eyebright, 100, 102

and goldenseal, 114, 119

and kudzu, 42

and lobelia, 154

and lomatium, 161–62, 165

and mulberry, 51

and pipsissewa, 194

and pleurisy root, 197–98

and sage, 51, 250

and self-heal, 44

and trillium, 41

and yerba santa, 272, 274

colic, 154, 216

Collinson, Peter, 216

coltsfoot, 212, 273, 274, 275

comfrey, 32, 63, 208

concussion, 61


and abutilon, 46

and cascara sagrada, 88, 89

and cassia, 47

and partridgeberry 185

and pleurisy root, 199

and sea vegetables, 282

and slippery elm, 206

and velvet leaf, 53

Cook, James, 133

Cook, William, 69, 70

corydalis, 34

cow parsnip, 48

Cowan, Eliot, 72

cramp bark, 186, 262

croup, 74

Cullina, Bill, 146

Culpeper, Nicholas, 101

Currim, Fara, 163

cypripedium, 70

cystitis. See urinary tract infection

D’Amato, Peter, 236, 238

daffodil, 33

Damman, Hans, 25

Dana, Mrs. W.S., 141, 142

dandelion, 22, 162, 174, 187, 212

Darwin, Charles, 144, 222, 233

Datta, Tane, 295

Davis, Jeanine, 116

Davis, Richard, 93

dayflower, 48

de L’Obel, Matthias, 153

de la Tour, Rick, 226, 295

de la Tour, Shatoiya, 295

Dean, Nance, 75

Densmore, Frances, 184

deodorant, 249

depression, 65, 68, 283

diabetes, 45, 49, 107

diaper rash, 268


and Canadian fleabane, 47

and cascara sagrada, 89

and goldenseal, 113, 115–16, 120

and hawkweed, 49

and loosestrife, 43

and partridgeberry, 185

and pleurisy root, 199

and purslane, 52

and self-heal, 44

and snakeroot, 243

and sumac, 45

and sweet gum, 53

and trillium, 228

Dietz, H., 32


and calamus, 85

and goldenseal, 114

and goldthread, 125

and Oregon grape, 170

and partridgeberry, 184

and spicebush, 44

and slippery elm, 206

and snakeroot, 243

and stoneroot, 217

and trillium, 41

dill, 86, 160, 245

Dione, 234

divination, 248–49

Dobbs, Arthur, 233

doctrine of signatures, 101, 243

dodder, 48

dogwood, 48, 49

Donovuolo, April, 146–47

drug use, 70, 118, 154

Drum, Ryan W., 296

Dry Creek Herb Farm, 226

duckweed, 49

Duke, James, 22, 74, 185

dulse, 279

Dutch elm tree disease, 203–4, 207, 208


and beggarsticks, 47

and Canadian fleabane, 47

and Japanese knotweed, 42

and lion’s-foot, 50

and loosestrife, 43

and pleurisy root, 199

and sage, 249

and smartweed, 52

and sweet gum, 53

and tree-of-heaven, 53

and trillium, 228

and wild indigo, 253–54

ear infections, 51, 70, 85

echinacea, 27, 35, 93–99, 111, 238

on At-Risk list, 11

harvesting, 97–99, 287–88

medicinal uses, 96–97, 164, 225, 245, 254, 256

substitutes for, 98

Eclecticism, 39, 67, 101, 113, 114, 252, 253–54

eclipta, 49

ecosystems, 3

eczema, 73, 170, 253

Edwards, Theron, 242–43

elder, 162

elecampane, 180, 201, 212, 225, 275

elephant tree, 12, 29

Ellingwood, Finley, 152, 254

Elliott, Doug, 112, 127, 128, 296

Ellis, John, 112

Ellis, R., 283

Ellner, Stephen, 31

epilepsy. See seizure disorders

Epstein-Barr, 162

Erichsen-Brown, Charlotte, 184

Essiac formula, 74, 205

eucalyptus, 274

euonymus, 49

Euphrosyne, 101

European horse chestnut, 219

eyebright, 27, 100–104

on At-Risk list, 11

harvesting, 103–4

medicinal uses, 100, 101–3

substitutes for, 103


and eyebright, 101–3

and goldenseal, 113, 114

and loosestrife, 43

and partridgeberry, 184, 187

false hellebore, 34

Farnsworth, Norman R., 73, 243

fatigue, 51, 85, 161

Fells, Dr., 73

Felter, Harvey Wickes, 80, 113–14, 128, 143, 154, 253

fennel, 86, 102, 160, 177, 179, 245

Fielder, Mildred, 187

First World Congress on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Human Welfare, 3

fishing, 161

Fletcher, Robyn, 218

flower essences, 55–59, 222, 225, 230. See also individual plants

food poisoning, 51, 52

forests, old-growth, 18, 191

Foster, Steven, 3, 22, 118, 184, 185, 296

foxtail grass, 49

fraxinus, 70

Frontier Herbs, 116

fungal infections, 44, 73, 74

Funk, Judy, 10, 20

Funk, Michael, 10, 20

Gagnon, Daniel, 268

Gaia, 116

gallstones, 52

ganoderma, 49

Garden in the Woods, 129

garlic, 219

Garlic Festival, 239

gayfeather, 34

Geller, Cascade Anderson, 296, 299

gentian, 12, 24, 29, 32, 33, 40, 85, 285

George, W.H., 267

Gerard, John, 85

Gerarde-Johnson, 193

germander, 33, 40

Giardia, 169, 172

Gibson, William Hamilton, 149

Gilday, Kate, 75, 125, 230, 297

Gilmore, Melvin R., 96

ginger, 25, 34, 57–58, 245


and bloodroot, 75

and loosestrife, 43

and Oregon grape, 172

and pipsissewa, 194

and sage, 250

and sumac, 45

and wild indigo, 254

ginkgo, 33

ginseng (American), 1–2, 6, 27, 32, 94, 105–10, 111, 211, 213

on At-Risk list, 11, 40

flower essence, 56, 57–58

harvesting, 108–9, 288–89

lifespan, 33, 36

medicinal uses, 107

side effects, 107

substitutes for, 109

Giono, Jean, 14

glacier lily, 24

Gladstar, Rosemary, 21, 56, 226, 297

Glum, Gary, 74

glycerine, 187, 254

goldenrod, 195

goldenseal, 1–2, 6, 27, 40, 64, 94, 111–22

on At-Risk list, ix–x, 11

flower essence, 56, 57, 58

harvesting, 116–17, 288–89

medicinal uses, 102, 113–16, 124, 144, 187

side effects, 115

substitutes for, 118, 124, 267

goldthread, 29, 118, 123–26

harvesting, 125–26

medicinal uses, 124–25

substitutes for, 126

on To-Watch list, 12

gonorrhea, 113, 133, 193, 252

Good, Peter, 74

gotu kola, 130

grape leaf, 49

grapestone, 277, 282

gravel root, 195

Green Nations Gathering, 8

green tea, 103

Green, James, 297

Grieve, Maude, 43, 81, 101, 102, 184

grindelia, 162, 172, 273, 274, 275

ground cherry, 49

ground ivy. See trillium

hair growth, 49, 61

Hales, Anita, 223

Harding, A.R., 106, 289

Hartung, Tammi, 268

hawkweed, 49

Hawthorn, 283

hay fever, 102, 215, 273, 275, 282

headache, 133, 143, 161, 243

heart disease

and arnica, 61

and bloodroot, 74

and goldenseal, 113

and kudzu, 42

and lobelia, 154

and pleurisy root, 199, 200

and sea vegetables, 283

and stoneroot, 217

and sweet gum, 53

and tree-of-heaven, 53

helionas, 27, 32, 40, 127–29

on At-Risk list, 11

harvesting, 129

lifespan, 33, 35

medicinal uses, 128–29

substitutes for, 129

hemlock parsley, 177


and cascara sagrada, 89

and cockscomb, 48

and grape leaf, 49

and partridgeberry, 185

and stoneroot, 215, 217

and yerba mansa, 268

and yerba santa, 274

Hemple, C.J., 67

hepatitis, 42, 50, 124, 169. See also jaundice

Herb Pharm, 8, 93, 216, 262

herbal medicine. See also individual diseases and plants; plants, medicinal

American rediscovery of, 5, 39–41

and flower essences, 55–59, 222, 225, 230

Native American, 39, 40

worldwide use of, ix

Herbs for Kids, 117

Hercules’ club, 50

Heroic medicine, 152–53


and bloodroot, 73

and Oregon grape, 169, 170

and sea vegetables, 282, 284

and sweet gum, 53

and Venus’s-flytrap, 235

and yerba mansa, 268

hiccups, 51, 70

hijiki, 279, 282

Hill, Anne-Clement, 223

Hippocrates, 5

Hirsch, Pamela, 297

HIV; 124, 161, 235, 284

Hobbs, Christopher, 114, 297

Hoffman, David, 5, 189, 227

Homer, 5

honeysuckle, 50

Horizon Herbs, 76, 162, 179, 181, 213, 235, 288, 295

horse medicine, 161

horseradish, 32, 103, 273

Hoyne, Temple, 69

Hutchens, Alma, 182, 187


and beggarsticks, 47

and black cohosh, 68

and cassia, 47

and mulberry, 51

and olive leaf, 51

and osha, 178

and persimmon, 52

and puncture vine, 52

and sweet goldenrod, 49

hyssop, 54, 157

immune stimulation

and echinacea, 97, 254

and ganoderma, 49

and ginseng, 107

and lomatium, 162

and turkey tails, 53

and Venus’s-flytrap, 235

and wild indigo, 254–55

impetigo, 171–72

impotence, 48, 49, 54

Indian-pipe, 50

Indian strawberry, 50

infertility, 161


and echinacea, 97

and goldenseal, 114, 119

and goldthread, 124

and honeysuckle, 50

and kudzu, 42

and lomatium, 161–62

and pipsissewa, 194

and sage, 250

and self-heal, 44

inoculations, reactions to, 254

Inouye, David W., 36

insect bites, 51, 249

insect repellant, 86

insomnia, 49, 185, 283

International Carnivorous Plant Society, 224, 234

Irish moss, 277, 278, 282

irritable bowel syndrome, 42, 43

Israelson, Loren, 4

jack-in-the-pulpit, 25, 32, 34

Japanese knotweed, 41–42


and goldthread, 124

and Japanese knotweed, 42

and knot grass, 50

and pennywort, 54

and toadflax, 53

and trillium, 41

jeffersonia, 70

jet lag, 61

joe-pye weed, 139

Jones, Feather, 266, 268

Josselyn, 143

Jules, Erik, 227, 229, 230

juniper, 94, 194

Katz, Sara, 8, 297

kava, 27, 130–38

on At-Risk list, 11

harvesting, 135–38

medicinal uses, 131, 132–34

side effects, 132, 134

substitutes for, 136

Keewaydinoquay, 44

Keller, Helmut, 234–35

kelp, 277, 279, 283

Keville, Kathi, 147–48, 297

kidney stones, 217

Kierstead, Julie, 163

King, John, 67, 96, 254

King, Tyler, 146–47

Klein, Robyn, 223, 298

Kloss, Jethro, 1, 186

knot grass, 50

kombu, 279, 283

Krezak-Larson, Kathy, 266

kudzu, 42–43

kundalini, 66

Kuts-Cheraux, A.W., 254

lady’s mantle, 229–30

lady’s slipper, 27, 40, 139–49

on At-Risk list, 11

flower essence, 57, 58

harvesting, 144–49

lifespan, 25, 26, 31–33

medicinal uses, 142–44

substitutes for, 148

land conservation, 18–19, 21, 289, 290–91. See also botanical sanctuaries

laryngitis, 50, 62, 74, 216, 217

lavender, 144

Lebot, Vincent, 131

lemon balm, 148

lespedeza, 50

Lewallen, John, 280

Leyel, Mrs. C.F., 184

licorice, 223, 265, 274, 286

Liebmann, Richard, 298

Lightall, J.I., 66, 69

lily, 33, 35

Linnaeus, Carolus, 100, 112, 216

lion’s-foot, 50

liriodendron, 70

lizard’s-tail, 50

Lloyd, Curtiss Gates, 69, 113

Lloyd, John Uri, 69, 80, 94, 96, 113, 118, 128

lobelia, 29, 150–58

harvesting, 155–57

medicinal uses, 70, 144, 150, 152–55, 205, 274

side effects, 150, 154–55

substitutes for, 157

on To-Watch list, 12

lomatium, 27, 32, 159–66

on At-Risk list, 11

harvesting, 163–65

medicinal uses, 161–62, 185

side effects, 162

substitutes for, 164

loosestrife, 43

lopseed, 51

lousewort, 32

lovage, 160, 164, 179, 180, 181

Lovett, Ezra, 153

lymph nodes, 254

maidenhair fern, 12, 29

malaria, 48, 53, 169

Maloof, Joan, 36

Mars, Brigitte, 298

marsh mallow, 98, 180, 208

Martin, Hugh, 113

mastitis, 44, 50, 216

Mather, Cotton, 184

Mavor, Sunny, 60

Maximilian, Prince, 205

mayapple, 12, 29, 152

McCargo, Heather, 70, 129

McConnaughey, Evelyn, 280

McGregor, Ronald K., 94, 96

McGuffm, Michael, 117

McKeown, Kathy, 96

Mead, Margaret, x, 9

measles, 223

Medicinal Plant Task Group, 285

Medicine Eagle, Brooke, 74

medulla oblongata, 70

Meehan, Thomas, 182

memory, improving, 49

meningitis, 68


and black cohosh, 65

and ginseng, 107

and lady’s slipper, 143

and sumac, 45

and trillium, 227

and wild yam, 262

menstrual problems

and black cohosh, 65–68, 262

and blue cohosh, 80

and burnet, 47

and bur reed, 47

and goldenseal, 114

and helionas, 128

and hyssop, 54

and lobelia, 154, 155

and nut grass, 51

and Oregon grape, 170

and partridgeberry, 185, 186

and smartweed, 52

and spicebush, 44

and spikenard, 212

and sweet gum, 53

and sweet melilot, 53

and trillium, 227

and wild yam, 262

and yerba mansa, 267

Meyer, Joseph, 143

milk thistle, 22

milkweed, 198, 199

Mills, Simon Y., 223

Millspaugh, Charles F., 152, 182, 227

mint, 274

miscarriage, preventing, 128, 129, 185–86, 212

Montgomery, Pam, 298

Moore, Michael, 22, 161–63, 224, 243, 250, 266–68, 274

Morton, Julia, 184

motherwort, 71, 83, 129, 187, 189, 229

Mountain People, 20

mugwort, 32, 251

mulberry, 51

mullein, 130, 208, 223, 225, 273, 274, 275

multiple sclerosis, 235

mumps, 44

myrrh, 187, 254

Nature’s Way, 116

Nature Conservancy, The, 117

nettle, 22, 179, 273, 275

New England Wildflower Society, 147, 290

New Jersey tea, 152

Newman, Robert, 125

night-blooming cereus, 27

Nitsch, Twylah, 183

nori, 279, 282

North American At-Risk Flower

Essence Set, 56–57, 297

nut grass, 51

O’Callaghan, Ellen, 24

oak, 9, 187, 204

olive leaf, 51

onion, 34

Oregon grape, 29, 40, 118, 167–75

harvesting, 172–75

medicinal uses, 169–72

side effects, 169–70

substitutes for, 172

on To-Watch list, 12

osha, 27, 32, 160, 176–81

on At-Risk list, 11

harvesting, 179–81

medicinal uses, 178–79

substitutes for, 179, 180

oxeye daisy, 51

pain relief, 194, 262

palytoxin, 280

parasites, 115, 124

parsley, 32, 36, 160, 177, 219

partridgeberry, 27, 182–90

harvesting, 188–89

lifespan, 34

medicinal uses, 184–88, 262

substitutes for, 183, 187, 189

on To-Watch list, 12

passion vine, 130

passionflower, 136, 148

penicillin, 153

penny cress, 51

pennywort, 54

peppermint, 189, 265

perilla, 51

persimmon, 51, 52

Peruvian bark, 187

peyote, 11, 27

Phillips, Michael, 298–99

Phillips, Nancy, 298–99

physiomedicalim, 39

phytolacca, 70

Pilarski, Michael, 163

pine, 275

pinkroot, 12, 29

pipsissewa, 29, 183, 191–96

harvesting, 195

medicinal uses, 193–94

substitutes for, 195

on To-Watch list, 12

pitcher plants, 232

plantain, 54

plants, medicinal. See also herbal medicine; individual plants

biennials, 24

in China, 4, 39

clonal, 25

in England, 5, 39

gardening, 9, 13–15

for general wellness, 15

in Greece, 4–5

growth stages of, 24–26, 30–36

identifying, 22

in India, 4, 39

organic, 8

perennials, 24–25, 29, 30, 32–34

wild vs. cultivated, 6, 11

plants, medicinal, scarcity of, ix–x, 2–5, 6–8, 40, 285. See also individual plants

At-Risk List, 9–10, 11, 13, 26–28

and botanical sanctuaries, x, 10, 15, 18–23

and educational programs, 16, 23

and ethical harvesting, 6–7, 11

guidelines for consumers, 13–16

and native plant trail projects, 14, 23

rescue teams, 287

To-Watch List, 9–10, 12, 28–30

pleurisy root, 197–202

harvesting, 201–2

medicinal uses, 197–98, 199–200

side effects, 200

substitutes for, 201

on To-Watch list, 12


and bluebells, 47

and goldenseal, 113

and honeysuckle, 50

and lobelia, 154

and lomatium, 161

and pleurisy root, 199, 200

and sea vegetables, 282

poison hemlock, 160, 177

poison oak, 272

pokeroot, 70

pokeweed, 253

posttraumatic stress disorder, 61

prairie dock, 40

pregnancy. See also childbirth; miscarriage, preventing

and black cohosh, 65, 66, 68

and blue cohosh, 80–81

and partridgeberry, 184, 185, 187, 188, 262

and pleurisy root, 200

and stoneroot, 217

and wild yam, 262

premenstrual syndrome. See menstrual problems

prickly ash, 70

prickly pear cactus, 94

Priest, A.W., 265

Priest, L.R., 265

primrose, 34

prostate problems, 52, 54, 193, 283

prunes, 92

psoriasis, 170

psychic abilities, 66, 68

pulsatilla, 71

puncture vine, 52

purslane, 52

pyrola, 192, 195

QBI, 116

quaking aspens, 25

Queen’s delight, 29

Queen Anne’s lace, 160

radiation, 282

Rafinesque, 113, 227

ragweed, 52

rain forests, 130

raspberry, 179, 186, 187, 189, 229

red clover, 22, 103, 219, 238

redroot, 33

reed, 52

rhubarb, 89

rice flour, 40

ringworm, 51, 73

root beer, 193, 212

Rose-of-Sharon, 52

rosemary, 77, 164, 180, 249

rush, 52

sage (white), 30, 247–51, 275

harvesting, 250–51

medicinal uses, 54, 103, 225, 249–50

substitutes for, 251

on To-Watch list, 12

sage, garden, 251

sage, lyre-leaved, 51

Sage Mountain, 126

sagebrush, 251

saguaro cactus, 33

sandwort, 52

sargassum, 279, 282

sarsaparilla, 40, 212

sassafras, 205, 212

Saunders, Charles Frances, 184

saw palmetto, 111

scabies, 51

scarlet pimpernel, 52

Schecter, S., 282

schistosomiasis, 154

schizophrenia, 283

Schnell, Donald E., 238

Schofield, Janice, 178, 299

sciatica, 48

scorpion stings, 153

Scudder, John K., 143, 144, 253

scutellaria, 70

sea lettuce, 279, 280

sea palm, 279

sea vegetables, 277. See also individual plants

contamination of, 280–81

diminishing supply, 278–79

as food, 279, 281–82

as food additives, 277

harvesting, 279–80

medicinal uses, 282–84

seasickness, 61

seizure disorders

and arnica, 61

and calamus, 85

and cow parsnip, 48

and Indian-pipe, 50

and lady’s slipper, 143, 144

self-heal, 43–14, 270

senecio, 60

senna, 92

sheep sorrel, 283

shepherd’s purse, 179, 229

shingles, 283

silene, 33

sinusitis, 42, 102, 217, 273

skin diseases

and goldenseal, 113, 114

and kava, 133

and lobelia, 154

and sweet gum, 53

and trillium, 228

and yerba mansa, 267, 268

and yerba santa, 274

skullcap, 70, 71, 148, 275

skunk cabbage, 275

slippery elm, 27, 40, 203–9

on At-Risk list, 11

harvesting, 207–9

medicinal uses, 204–7

and replanting programs, 9

substitutes for, 208

smallpox, 66, 68

smartweed, 52

Smith, Ed, 8, 93, 94

Smith, Peter, 80

smoking cessation, 85, 154, 274

smudging, 248, 249, 272


and black cohosh, 66

and bloodroot, 73

and echinacea, 96

and hawkweed, 49

and Japanese knotweed, 42

and lion’s-foot, 50

and wild indigo, 253

snakeroot (Virginia), 28, 32, 241–46

on At-Risk list, 11

harvesting, 244–46

medicinal uses, 64, 66, 242–44

side effects, 243

substitutes for, 245

Snow, Joanne Marie, 299

Sokolski, Katie, 146–47

Solomon’s seal, 34

sore muscles

and black cohosh, 65

and dogwood, 48

and lobelia, 150, 154, 155

and sea vegetables, 283

and yerba santa, 274, 275

sore throat

and arnica, 62

and bloodroot, 73

and calamus, 85

and dayflower, 48

and Indian strawberry, 50

and lomatium, 161

and loosestrife, 43

and mulberry, 51

and pennywort, 54

and rush, 52

and sage, 54

and slippery elm, 206

and wild indigo, 253, 254

and yerba mansa, 268

Soule, Deb, 299

sourwood, 52

Southwest School for Botanical Medicine, 224

Specific Medicine Cypripedium, 144

spicebush, 44

spikenard, 29, 210–14

flower essence, 57, 58

lifespan, 34

harvesting, 213–14

medicinal uses, 212

substitutes for, 213

on To-Watch list, 12

spilanthes, 98, 225, 256

spinal problems, 65, 67–68

spotted knapweed, 34

St. Clare, Debra, 60

St. John’s wort, 111, 133, 164

stillingia, 12

stoneroot, 30, 215–20

harvesting, 218–20

medicinal uses, 215, 216–17

side effects, 217–18

substitutes for, 219

on To-Watch list, 12

Strauss, Paul, 19–20, 83, 299

stream orchid, 12, 30

striped maple, 40

stroke, 61

sulpha drugs, 153

sumac, 44–45

sundew, 28, 139, 221–25, 232

on At-Risk list, 11

flower essence, 222, 225

harvesting, 224–25

medicinal uses, 222–24

substitutes for, 225

sunflower, Aspen, 33

surgery, 61

swallowtail butterflies, 241–42, 244, 245–46

sweating, 51, 249

sweet clover, 219

sweet goldenrod, 49

sweet gum, 53

sweet melilot, 53

sweet vetch, 34

sweet wormwood, 53

Sweet, Earle, 225

Sweetgrass School of Herbalism, 223

syphilis, 212

teasel, 31, 32, 34, 53

teething, 143, 144

Thacher, James, 253

Thie, Krista, 299

Thompson, Frances, 4

Thomson, Samuel, 150, 151, 152–53, 205

Thoreau, Henry David, 141

thrush, 45, 54, 124–25

thyme, 98, 157, 180, 212, 225, 274, 275, 286

thyroid problems, 44, 47, 283–84

Tilford, Greg, 125, 160, 288, 289, 299–300

To-Watch List of plants, 9–10, 12, 28–30

toadflax, 53

tonsilitis. See sore throat

toothache, 50

tormentil, 270

TRAFFIC, 285–86, 290

Train, Mr. & Mrs. Percy, 161

tree-of-heaven, 53

trichomonas. See vaginal infections

trillium, 7, 28, 32, 226–30

on At-Risk list, 11

flower essence, 57, 58, 230

harvesting, 228–30

lifespan, 33, 35

medicinal uses, 41, 227–28

substitutes for,

true unicorn, 11, 28, 35

tuberculosis, 46, 113, 222

tulip tree, 53

turkey corn, 12, 30

turkey rhubarb, 92

turkey tails, 53

turmeric, 112

Tyler, Varro E., 115

typhoid, 253–54


and bloodroot, 73, 74

and burnet, 47

and dayflower, 48

and loosestrife, 43

and pipsissewa, 193

and sage, 51

and slippery elm, 206

and stoneroot, 217

and sundew, 223

and wild indigo, 254

and yellow oxalis, 51

and yerba mansa, 268

Ullmann, I., 32

Ulrich, Gail, 56

United Plant Savers, ix, 301

and botanical sanctuaries, x, 10, 19, 20

founding of, 8

Jubilation Committee, 239

and land conservation, 21

nursery directory, 287, 291–93

urinary tract infections

and club moss, 48

and kava, 133

and lizard’s-tail, 50

and partridgeberry, 184

and pipsissewa, 193, 194, 195

and puncture vine, 52

and reed, 52

and rush, 52

and sourwood, 52

and spikenard, 212

and sumac, 45

and sweet goldenrod, 49

and trillium, 41

and yellow oxalis, 51

and yerba mansa, 268

and yerba santa, 273

usnea, 172


and cattail, 48

and cockscomb, 48

and dogwood, 49

and goldenseal, 114–15

and helionas, 128–29

and osha, 178, 179

and partridgeberry, 184, 185

and pleurisy root, 200

and spikenard, 212

and stoneroot, 217

and trillium, 227, 228

and white ash, 54

and wild indigo, 254

and wild yam, 262

uva-ursi, 192, 194, 195, 286

vaginal infections

and cockscomb, 48

and knot grass, 50

and lomatium, 161, 162

and loosestrife, 43

and Oregon grape, 169

and sage, 250

and slippery elm, 205

and trillium, 227

and yellow root, 54

and yerba mansa, 268

valerian, 136, 148, 262

varicose veins, 49, 62, 185, 216

velvet leaf, 53

Venus’s-flytrap, 27, 231–40

on At-Risk list, 11

harvesting, 236–39

medicinal uses, 234–35

side effects, 235–36

substitutes for, 238

Venus, 233–34

vertigo, 51

violet, 34, 157

Virginia snakeroot. See snakeroot

Vogel, Alfred, 93

Vogel, Virgil J., 184

von Bingen, Hildegard, 101

Wagner, H., 254

wakame, 279, 283

wake robin. See trillium

Wall, Martin, 300

Warner, Richard, 112

warts, 73, 222

water purification, 85

Weed, Susun S., 300

Weil, Andrew, 75

whiplash, 65

white ash, 54

whitlow grass, 54

whooping cough, 61, 70, 113, 223

Wichtl, Max, 184

wild cherry, 152, 212, 223, 274, 275

wild indigo, 30, 252–58

harvesting, 255–58

medicinal uses, 252–55

side effects, 253, 255

substitutes for, 256

on To-Watch list, 12

wild radish, 54

wild yam (American), 28, 259–65

on At-Risk list, 11

harvesting, 263–65

medicinal uses, 185–86, 261, 262

side effects, 263, 265

substitutes for, 265

Willard, Terry, 22, 70

Williams, Stephen, 184

windflower, 34

Winston, David, 101, 206, 223, 300

wintergreen, 182, 192, 193

witch hazel, 187, 254

Wolsey, Cardinal, 85

wood betony, 136

Wood, Matthew, 200, 272, 300

Woodland Essence, 57, 75, 230, 297

World Wildlife Fund, 285

wormwood, 86


and arnica, 61

and bloodroot, 73

and eyebright, 102

and Japanese knotweed, 42

and pipsissewa, 193

and self-heal, 44

and slippery elm, 206, 207

and snakeroot, 243

and spikenard, 212

and stoneroot, 217

and yerba santa, 275

Wright, Machelle Small, 55

wyethia, 34

xanthoxylum, 70

yarrow, 63, 103, 179, 229

yellow dock, 40, 174, 187

yellow oxalis, 51

yellow root, 54

yerba del lobo, 63

yerba mansa, 30, 118, 266–77

harvesting, 269–70

medicinal uses, 267–68

substitutes for, 270

on To-Watch list, 12

yerba santa, 30, 272–76

harvesting, 275–76

medicinal uses, 272, 273–75

substitutes for, 275

on To-Watch list, 12

yucca, 33, 71, 94, 245

Yvinskas, Katherine, 20–21