The Pathway Prayer Process

The Pathway Prayer Process to Access the Heart of the Akashic Records is a procedure that allows you to be in conscious relationship with the Akashic Records in order to develop your spiritual awareness. As its name suggests, it is a vibrational “pathway” constructed by the words and sounds of the prayer. This Pathway Prayer serves as an energetic bridge, a direct route of access, to the Heart of the Akashic Records.

As you speak the Opening Prayer, the energetic vibrations from the sounds of its specific words and phrases construct a bridge of Light that allows you to safely shift from your ordinary human consciousness into the Divine universal consciousness. Then later, as you speak the Closing Prayer, your consciousness shifts back until you are “your old self” again.

Since the day I received the Pathway Prayer from my Akashic Records, I have never been afraid. I have had no fear of exploring or testing the prayer or the Pathway Prayer Process on myself or my Akashic students. I always have had, and continue to have, a deep commitment to share with others any spiritual resources that have been beneficial to me, my students, and my clients. I believe that the Pathway Prayer came to me because I have the willingness to take it as far as I can in order to see what good will come from it. I know that my personal combination of curiosity, willingness, and a desire to serve make me a likely candidate. I also know, however, that if I had declined the opportunity, the prayer would have been given to someone else, because now is the time in humanity’s development for the Universal Heart to open and the Universal Soul to lead—through the open heart of each person on the planet—to the unification and elevation of all.

When you read the Pathway Prayer, you will note that its language is traditionally Christian. Since this might be a sensitive issue for some people, I’d like to take a moment to explain the words and their context. The prayer came to me in the midwestern United States, in the Western Hemisphere of the world. The words reflect the most familiar language and understandings of this region in order to make the prayer as accessible as possible to the general population. God is a common identifying word for the Divine Presence in this part of the world. And when I use the words Holy Spirit, I am referring to the Spirit of God, as opposed to any individualized personality or personification of the God Force.

Below you will find an annotated version of the Pathway Prayer that you will use to access and read your own Records. The annotations explain not only the meaning of the prayer but what happens as you say each line. See section entitled “Pathway Prayer Process to Access the Heart of the Akashic Records When Reading for Yourself,” you’ll find a version of this prayer that is reprinted without notes. That is the version you can bookmark and use to open your own Records in the future. For now, though, it will be most useful for you to read the annotated version first, so you can learn the process for reading your own Records. (In the next chapter, we will look at the prayer you will use to do Akashic readings for others. It varies only slightly from the prayer below.)

Once you have read and understood the prayer, you will be ready to open your Records for the first time. You won’t ask any questions at that time; you’ll simply sit in the energy for several minutes, acclimate to the feeling, and observe. Then, after you close your Records, I’ll guide you through an exercise during which you’ll open your Records again and ask a question.


Understanding the Pathway Prayer Process: Reading for Yourself

The Pathway Prayer Process to Access the Heart of the Akashic Records

Opening Prayer

When reading for yourself, say this part aloud:

1.And so we do acknowledge the Forces of Light,
2.Asking for guidance, direction, and courage to know the Truth it is revealed for our highest good and the highest good of
4.everyone connected to us.

In the first line of the prayer, both your finite being (the person you are in this lifetime) and your infinite being (your eternal soul) are calling forth and aligning with the higher realms of Light. In so doing, you are establishing a connection to the Akashic Records through a vertical pillar of Light. This connection begins about eighteen inches above your crown, at your eighth chakra. This chakra, which is also known as the soul chakra, is the point of interface between the soul plane and the physical plane. As the Light passes through your eighth chakra and descends to your seventh, it starts to become denser and gather form. By the time the Light reaches your seventh chakra, its vibration is dense enough that you are able to discern it as the unique vibrational Record of your individual soul.

In Lines 2 through 4, you are asking for three things: guidance, direction, and the courage to fearlessly and willingly receive the Truth (not predictions) to the best of your ability and for everyone’s highest good.

5.Oh Holy Spirit of God,
6.Protect me from all forms of self-centeredness,
7.and direct my attention to the work at hand.

Fear, self-importance, and self-seeking (seeking validation and approval to bolster a flailing self) are your greatest detractors in the Records. They magnetize distractions and diminish your ability to hold steady in the Light and receive information. As you speak Lines 5 through 7, the Holy Spirit helps you shift your attention away from yourself and your performance, and helps you focus on the reading. Not allowing yourself to be distracted by personal concerns actually becomes the protection mentioned in Line 6, because if your focus is appropriate while you’re in the Records, there’s no chance of falling prey to outside influences. You’ll be immune to anything that is not of the Light as long as you remain in a mode of service to the person whose Records you are reading. (Right now, you are reading for yourself. In the future, however, you could be reading for someone else.)

Keeping your attention focused on the reading also keeps you grounded in the present, which holds you steady in the pillar of Light and allows the information and the reading to flow.

8.Help me to know myself in the Light of the Akashic Records,
9.To see myself through the eyes of the Lords of the Records,
10.And enable me to share the wisdom and compassion that the Masters, Teachers,
11.and Loved Ones of me have for me.

As you say Lines 8 through 11 aloud, you are asking the Holy Spirit to help you see yourself as you are seen, known, and loved in the Akashic Records. You are using the words myself and me because you are referring to yourself as who you are every day in the physical dimension.

It’s important to have a clear idea of who you are dealing with as you navigate the Records. This is a good time in our process to examine who the Lords of the Records, the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones are, as well as their roles and responsibilities within the Akasha.

The Lords of the Records

The Lords of the Records are a group of Light Beings who work at the universal level, rather than with individual souls. Light Beings are nonphysical beings that are involved at every level of awareness. They invigorate and generate a higher quality of Light in every corner of our Universe. Over time, this higher quality of Light translates into an improved quality of life for all humans. It also affords greater potential for understanding the higher truths about oneself and others.

The Lords of the Records are responsible for maintaining the integrity and incorruptibility of the Akashic Records. As such, they decide who may and may not access the Records. They also decide what information will be revealed during a particular reading. Once they make that decision, they give the information to the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of the soul who is seeking guidance. Or sometimes they withhold information if it wouldn’t be beneficial or the timing isn’t right. That’s why we sometimes don’t get answers when we ask particular questions. (If you’ve got ten this far in the book, the Lords of the Records have determined that now is the time for you to access the Akashic Records.)

The Masters

The Masters are also a group of Light Beings. Like the Lords of the Records, they have never been in physical bodies. But unlike the Lords, who work at the universal level, they work with individual souls. Your particular Masters have been with you since your soul’s inception and are responsible for your soul’s ongoing growth and development. In other words, they are responsible for getting you on the path and keeping you there. At your soul’s inception, together with your Masters you chose the plan for your soul throughout time: “My soul will learn these specific lessons as it becomes aware of itself as God.” Based on the les sons your soul chose to experience, your Masters will call upon certain Teachers and Loved Ones to support your mastery of those lessons in various situations and lifetimes. So, depending on the lesson you are working on at any given time, when you open your Records to discuss it, your Masters will call upon just the right Teachers and Loved Ones that are suited to help you best. Just as you can have more than one Master, a Master can have more than one soul in its charge.

The Teachers

The Teachers may or may not have been in physical bodies before. Unlike your Masters, your Teachers are not with you throughout your soul’s existence. Instead, they are lesson specific: each one only stays with you only for as long as it takes you to learn a particular lesson and integrate the consciousness of that Teacher—whether that’s a certain period during a single lifetime or a span of several incarnations. Once you have learned the lesson and integrated the consciousness of that Teacher or Teachers, it will move on to work with other souls.

If your Teachers ever were in physical form, they may have been “ordinary folks” when they lived on earth. Or they may have been “biggies,” such as Jesus or Buddha or Mother Teresa. Either way, your Akashic Teachers prefer to remain unidentified because they don’t want to foster your dependence upon them—or their earthly identities. As you’ll read next, this holds true for the Loved Ones as well. Since the Akashic Records are meant to be a pathway to spiritual and emotional maturity, the job of your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones is to help you develop a reliance on the Divine essence and energy of the Records, rather than on a particular being or identity.

The Loved Ones

The Loved Ones are people you knew in this lifetime but who are now deceased. Although they are committed to your soul’s growth and evolution, your Loved Ones are not necessarily connected to you on an emotional level. Instead, they may have been distant relatives or acquaintances who watched you from afar while they were alive but who, after they died, chose to actively support and serve you. Like your Teachers, your Loved Ones prefer not to be identified, so you don’t become dependent on them as the personalities you knew in this lifetime. However, they will reveal themselves during a reading if they feel that your knowing they’re around will support you in that moment. Even when they do come forward, though, they never conduct the reading. It’s more like they just step forward to say hi, and then step back again. (Image 3.1)

Image 3.1

Every person has Akashic Loved Ones—even souls whose earthly bodies died at birth or only lived for a very short time. In such cases, previously deceased members of that soul’s ancestral line—a grandparent, for example—will fill the role of that person’s Loved One.

Now that we know who will be meeting us in the Records, let’s return to the prayer.

Read this part silently to yourself:

12.Help me to know (your current legal name) in the Light of the Akashic Records,
13.To see (your current legal name) through the eyes of the Lords of the Records,
14.And enable me to share the wisdom and compassion that the Masters, Teachers,
15.and Loved Ones of (your current legal name) have for ( him or her).
16.Help me to know (your current legal name) in the Light of the Akashic Records,
17.To see (your current legal name) through the eyes of the Lords of the Records,
18.And enable me to share the wisdom and compassion that the Masters, Teachers,
19.and Loved Ones of (your current legal name) have for ( him or her).

As you silently read Lines 12 through 19 to yourself, you are being moved into an expanded state of consciousness. This state is anchored in the physical dimension yet can register the more subtle impressions and vibrations of the dimension of the Akashic Records. Also occurring simultaneously:

The vibration of your current legal name calls up the Records of your soul. Your Records are then brought forward by the Lords of the Records and are given to your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones. They, in turn, “download” the specific information that you will need for this particular reading.
Energy from the Heart of the Akashic Records moves down through your crown and registers its vibration deep behind your heart center. Your heart center is your “receptor site” for the information you’ll receive from the Records. When this energetic anchoring is complete, the shift in your consciousness will also be complete.

In Lines 15 and 19, you are using the word him or her instead of me because you are asking for information about the person you are in this lifetime as well as any and all identities that your soul has had throughout its existence. So for the duration of the reading, there’s a slight distinction between your finite being as the reader/observer and the infinite soul whose Records are being read.

Announce the opening of the Records by saying this part aloud:

20.The Records are now open.

Your shift in consciousness is fully complete. You now have access to your Akashic Records and your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones.

Closing Prayer

When you are ready to end your session in the Records, say this part aloud:

21.I would like to thank the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones
22.for their love and compassion.
23.I would like to thank the Lords of the Akashic Records for their point of view.
24.And I would like to thank the Holy Spirit of Light for all knowledge and healing.
25.The Records are now closed. Amen.
26.The Records are now closed. Amen.
27.The Records are now closed. Amen.

Being granted access to the Akashic Records is both an honor and a privilege and should not be taken lightly. Of course you will want to express gratitude to all the Light Beings who made your experience possible.

Just as it took some time for you to shift out of your ordinary state of consciousness, it takes some time to shift back again. This shift, or transition, is a journey of sorts; and every journey has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Saying Line 25 signals the beginning of the shift, saying Line 26 signals the middle, and saying Line 27 signals the end.

Once you have closed the Records, don’t forget to ground yourself in whatever way works best for you. (See section entitled “Ground yourself after each reading.” for some examples.) As I mentioned earlier, this prayer appears again See section entitled “Pathway Prayer Process to Access the Heart of the Akashic Records When Reading for Yourself,” so you can use it to open and close your own Records.

Pathway Prayer Process to Access the Heart of the Akashic Records When Reading for Yourself

Opening Prayer

When reading for yourself, say this whole part aloud:

And so we do acknowledge the Forces of Light,

Asking for guidance, direction, and courage to know the Truth as it is revealed for our highest good and the highest good of everyone connected to us.

Oh Holy Spirit of God,

Protect me from all forms of self-centeredness,

and direct my attention to the work at hand.

Help me to know myself in the Light of the Akashic Records, To see myself through the eyes of the Lords of the Records, And enable me to share the wisdom and compassion that the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of me have for me.

Read this part silently to yourself:

Help me to know ( your current legal name) in the Light of the Akashic Records,
To see ( your current legal name) through the eyes of the Lords of the Records,
And enable me to share the wisdom and compassion that the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of (your current legal name) have for ( him or her).
Help me to know ( your current legal name) in the Light of the Akashic Records,
To see ( your current legal name) through the eyes of the Lords of the Records,
And enable me to share the wisdom and compassion that the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of (your current legal name) have for ( him or her).

Announce the opening of the Records by saying this part aloud:

The Records are now open.

Closing Prayer

Say this part aloud:

I would like to thank the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones for their love and compassion.
I would like to thank the Lords of the Akashic Records for their point of view.
And I would like to thank the Holy Spirit of Light for all knowledge and healing.
The Records are now closed. Amen.
The Records are now closed. Amen.
The Records are now closed. Amen.

(For a condensed version of the Pathway Prayer Process, see the Appendix)

At this point, you may be wondering how angels, saints, spirit guides, and other Light Beings you may have heard about or experienced relate to the Akashic Records. Since the Akasha is the All That Is—the primary substance from which everything originates—Light Beings such as angels and saints exist within the Akasha. Yet they reside in, and are supported by, a different realm from the Akashic Records. Though their energy exists in the Akasha, these particular Light Beings are not directly accessible through the Akashic Records; this is because their work is different from the work of the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones.

As I said earlier, the role of the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones is to support us in taking personal responsibility for our lives. As we work in the Akashic Records, the power and energy of the Records move through us; then we take the information and clarity we receive and use it to take care of ourselves. So in a sense, we work in the Records to learn to “parent” ourselves. Conversely, when we call upon angels, saints, and other Light Beings to ask for their help and protection, we hand the power and responsibility to them, and they do the caretaking for us. Whichever we choose to do, it’s a win-win situation, since what do you think supports the entire realm of the angels and all other Light Beings? That’s right: the Akasha—the All That Is!

Angels and Saints

In what ways do the angels and saints differ from the Akashic Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones? The angels are similar to the Akashic Masters in that both groups work directly with individuals. The difference between the two groups, however, is that while the Akashic Masters do not have individual identities, the angels have very specific identities, personalities, and powers. So an individual can call upon a particular angel—such as Michael or Raphael or Ariel—and ask that angel to use its unique powers to help with a specific need. While anyone can ask the angels for help at any time, some people who are highly clairvoyant can access the angelic realm and have what we might call “two-way conversations” with the angels.

The saints function much like the Akashic Teachers. Whereas the Teachers may or may not have had physical bodies and are most often unidentifiable in the Records, all of the saints once lived on Earth and have specific identities and roles. In the same way that people seek the help of specific angels, they seek the help of specific saints.

Reading Your Akashic Records for the First Time

Now that you understand the Pathway Prayer Process, you are ready to open your Records. First, prepare yourself by finding a quiet place where you’re sure you won’t be interrupted. Next, get yourself centered and grounded. The best way to get centered and grounded when preparing to work in the Records is to use the Pillar of Light meditation (see section entitled “Opening Meditation: The Pillar of Light”). This particular meditation will bring you into a state of reasonable balance within yourself and into a solid state of balance within your environment.

When you finish the meditation, take a few deep breaths and begin to focus your attention on the work at hand. Read the Opening Prayer on, See section entitled “Pathway Prayer Process to Access the Heart of the Akashic Records When Reading for Yourself” as instructed. Don’t ask any questions immediately after you say, “The Records are now open.” Instead, just sit for a while and notice what is happening. Since your first experience in the Records will be entirely new and unique, try not to judge it. Know that you’ll have the perfect experience based on who you are and what you need in the moment. Remember that the Lords of the Records have known and loved you since your soul was born. Therefore, trust that they have told your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones precisely the best way to welcome you to the Records.

After spending about five or ten minutes in your Records, read the Closing Prayer on as instructed. You may want to ground yourself afterward. Then take a little time to contemplate your experience and/or write down a few notes about it. (As I mentioned earlier, the reason for grounding yourself is to get refocused on the physical earth and in your everyday life, so you are fully present to what is happening around you.)

The Difference Between the Akashic Records and Intuition

After accessing their Akashic Records for the first time, new students often have questions about the difference between receiving information in the Records and listening to one’s intuition. Common questions include:

Is there a difference between opening my Records to get information and asking my intuition for information?
If there is a difference, what is it?
“Is one way better than the other?”

The short answer is yes, there is a difference. You can experience it firsthand in the following exercise.

Exercise: The Akashic Records and Intuition

Part 1: Access Your Intuition

Think of a question that’s been on your mind a lot lately—something relevant and “alive” in your life right now. As you formulate your question, remember that asking how, what, or why will get you a more complete answer than asking a yes-or-no question.
Write your question on a clean sheet of paper, leaving plenty of room below it to record an answer.
Now, access your intuition and ask your question. (If the word intuition intimidates you, then call it some thing else. Think of it as your Higher Self, your inner wisdom, your inner voice, your gut feeling—anything that enables you to “tune in” and receive an answer to your question.) Either write the answer as it comes to you, or get your answer first and write it later.

Part 2: Access Your Akashic Records

Once the answer from your intuition feels complete, turn back to, See section entitled “Pathway Prayer Process to Access the Heart of the Akashic Records When Reading for Yourself” and say the Pathway Prayer to access your Akashic Records. After you say, “The Records are now open,” ask your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones the very same question you asked your intuition. Again, either write the answer as you receive it or get your answer first and write it later.
When you finish writing, go back and compare both answers. Are they almost the same? Noticeably different? Does either answer surprise you? Why or why not?

After doing this exercise in class, my students share some interesting stories. Some of them say they received similar answers from their intuition and their Records. Many more of them, however, say they got different answers—different, yet not conflicting. To help illustrate this point, here are the real-life answers Julie got each time she asked her question.

Julie: When my husband, Adrian, first took up archery, I thought it was kind of cool. It’s a sport that requires focus, precision, and skill, and it seemed like something he would be good at. Well, he did get good at it—very quickly. Soon, though, he wasn’t satisfied with just shooting his arrows at paper bull’s eyes. He wanted to go hunting for deer. I was shocked, appalled, incredulous! How could he hunt such beautiful creatures? Who would want to kill Bambi, let alone cook him up and eat him? I felt so conflicted. I didn’t want to discourage my husband, yet I “conscientiously objected” to his zeal over what I viewed as his senseless new passion.

Adrian took his first hunting trip this weekend. As he drove away, I made myself feel better by telling myself that he wasn’t skilled enough to get a deer on his first time out—well, darn if he didn’t get one yesterday. So my question today was a no-brainer: I’m so uncomfortable with my husband’s deer hunting. What is behind my discomfort?

As instructed, Julie wrote down her question. Then she asked her intuition for an answer, and here is what she got.

Julie’s intuition: The reason you’re so uncomfortable with your husband’s deer hunting is that you could never kill an animal for sport. You view animals as sacred creatures, each with its own place and purpose on this planet. How could anyone hide for hours in a stand of trees just waiting for a deer to pass, and then take its life in an instant? ... Adrian says his motive was neither malicious nor selfish: he took the deer for its meat. And as he thanked the animal for giving its life, he promised he wouldn’t waste it. He also believes he was helping to control the deer population so that hundreds of deer don’t starve this winter. But as valid and justifiable as all of these reasons may be, killing a deer with a bow and an arrow is just something you wouldn’t do. Besides, you didn’t eat venison before, and you’re certainly not going to start now.

After thanking her intuition, Julie opened her Akashic Records. Then she asked the same question of her Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones.

Julie: I’m so uncomfortable with my husband’s deer hunting. What is behind my discomfort?

As Julie sat listening to her Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones, they explained what was going on. And pardon the expression, but they hit the bull’s eye! Here is what they said.

Julie’s MTLOs: Come on now, Julie. Don’t kid yourself. You eat chicken, you eat turkey, you eat fish—you’d eat sushi every day if you could. Where do you think all of that meat comes from?—and some of it killed much less humanely than the way in which your husband killed his deer.... Your objection to Adrian’s hunting isn’t all about killing and eating animals. Let’s look at your discomfort from a different perspective—not in the context of hunting, per se, but in the context of how hunting affects your relationship. What’s been one of your biggest complaints lately?

Julie silently answered that she and her husband hadn’t been spending as much time together as she would like.

Julie’s MTLOs: Yes. You wish that you and your husband weren’t so busy, and that you could see each other more often. And regarding Adrian, what is one of your biggest fears?

Julie answered that her biggest fear of all is that something will happen to Adrian and she will lose the love of her life.

Julie’s MTLOs: Yes, that’s the biggie ... that you will lose the love of your life. Now can you see what’s behind your discomfort? You feel that Adrian has so many hobbies and interests that already take him away from you, and now he’s found yet another one to lose himself in. Not only will deer hunting take him away from you for long stretches at a time, it could also put him in harm’s way, so this is kicking up your fears: What if he has a car accident while he’s driving all that distance? What if he falls out of a tree stand and badly hurts himself? What if no one finds him, and he doesn’t have his phone? What if another hunter shoots him with an arrow and maims him—or worse? ... Do you see it, Julie? Your discomfort has so little to do with the deer and so much more to do with your fear. You don’t want to lose your “dear” Adrian, not even for a weekend. You don’t want to waste time away from each other, especially on a “senseless new passion” that could threaten your husband’s safety.

And speaking of senseless new passions: this man supports you, Julie. In every way possible, he’s your biggest fan and cheerleader. He’s behind you in all of your interests and hobbies even when they make him uncomfortable. So why not support him the way he supports you? You don’t always have to agree with what he’s doing. But don’t make him feel bad about this new interest because it’s really not about the d-e-e-r as much as it is about the d-e-a-r. Share with your husband your concerns about his safety, and make him promise to keep his cell phone in his pocket—fully charged. And in addition to sharing your concerns, acknowledge the truth behind it all. You love him dearly, and you love your time together, and you miss him when he is away. But by now, you also know this: no hobby or passion that either of you has will ever overshadow your passion for each other. Especially if you’re both happy as individuals, you’ll be a very happy couple. After all that you two have gone through in order to be together, nobody’s going anywhere, and that is the truth. Just know it and relax.

So there you have them: two very clear examples of the answers Julie got from her intuition and the Records. Notice how her second answer didn’t conflict with the first. It just addressed the situation from a different perspective and filled in more of the details. While Julie’s intuition answered the question from a narrower and more immediate perspective, the answer she got from her Records was from a broader and more “historical” context. (Had it been necessary, that historical context could have been another lifetime. For this particular answer, however, the historical context was a few decades.)

Let’s look at the two methods separately, starting with intuition. Intuitive information is inherent within the self. It lives within the internal Divine spark. It’s you making contact with that spark within yourself, and the answers and information that you receive relate to what you’re experiencing or feeling in a particular moment. Since you are only able to view things from your limited human perspective, what you receive is in the here and now—in this moment and in this lifetime. So the answers that you get solve immediate problems or help you understand those “gut feelings” or thoughts that come to you like “lightning bolts out of the blue.” But depending on how strongly you rely on your intuition, those answers can be unclear and erratic at times—or even nonexistent. And when they do exist, you may not know where they came from, so they won’t necessarily effect lasting changes based on a larger knowing.

Still, there’s a very important place for intuition. It’s your intuition that compels you to turn here to avoid an accident or a traffic jam. Or it says, Don’t leave home just yet, so you can catch an important phone call. Or sometimes you have a gut feeling that says, Look sharp! This needs your attention now! and it helps you avoid a person or a situation that’s not for your highest good.

Now let’s look at the Records. Akashic wisdom comes from outside of, or beyond, the self. It’s you tapping into Divine consciousness, so the answers and information you get are from a perspective that spans the Universe and covers every lifetime that your soul has ever lived. So when you get an intuitive “hit” about something whose reason may not be clear—or alternatively, if you don’t get an intuitive hit at all—you can access your Records for clarity. When you do, your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones will provide the information that will help you wrap your head around the issue or question, and see it from different angles. And with that new information and perspective, you’ll be able to shift your thinking and handle things more effectively, and in many cases, change them dramatically and for good.

One way to think about intuition and the Records is to imagine that you’re an actor on a stage. When you’re using your intuition, you’re standing in the beam of a single, focused spotlight. Though the beam illuminates you in your current lifetime, it doesn’t light up the rest of the stage (aka, all the lifetimes your soul has lived). However, when you access your Akashic Records, the “Divine Director” flips a switch and sheds Light on what’s all around you. Suddenly, you can see so much more! You can see who else is involved in a particular “scene” (karmic issue), and how their words and actions have been affecting you—both in this current lifetime and in others, if applicable. In that moment of illumination, you’re then free to decide if you’d like to change the scene by changing your next lines and actions.

Just as the Akashic realm supports angels, saints, and other Light Beings who have their own roles and purposes, the Akashic Records support your intuition, which also has its own role and purpose. Put another way, if the Akashic Records were an ocean of information, your intuitive inklings would be like single drops of water from that deep, wide ocean—coming from and containing the same contents as the ocean, yet much smaller in size and scope.

Common Questions and Concerns about the Akashic Records

When people first start working in the Akashic Records, they sometimes have doubts about themselves, as well as about the process. “Can it really be this simple?” they ask. “How can I be sure I’m in the Records? Do I even have a right to be in the Records? Am I worthy enough? Gifted enough? Intuitive enough? Does the information I get really come from the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones ... or is it me just making stuff up?” Let’s take some of those questions one at a time.

Can it really be this simple?

First of all, yes. Your part of the process—saying the Pathway Prayer with conscious and deliberate intent—really is that simple. But don’t forget that accessing the Akashic Records is not a solo endeavor. It involves you, the Forces of Light, the Holy Spirit of God, the Lords of the Records, and the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones. When you show up and do your part, all of these Light Beings show up, too. And they literally move heaven and earth to help you shift your consciousness and access the Akashic Records. So your willingness and sincere desire for guidance, backed by a host of heavenly helpers, are your assurance that once you say, “The Records are now open,” you will be in the Records every time. It really is that simple.

Do I have a right to be in the Records? Am I worthy enough?

Again, the answers are yes and yes. Every person on this planet has a right to access the Records because every person is a sacred child of God whose name is written in God’s Book of Life—the Akashic Records. However, not every person has an interest or a desire to access the Akashic Records. As I mentioned earlier, if you were drawn to this book—and now, if you have read this far—it’s because the Lords of the Records called you “collect, long-distance” and you accepted the charge—so consider it your engraved invitation.

Am I gifted or intuitive enough?

As you learned from Julie’s example, the information you get from the Records comes from a Divine consciousness that is beyond and greater than your intuition, so it doesn’t really matter if you consider yourself intuitive or not. This is not to say that after you’ve been working in the Records for a time, your intuition won’t get a lot stronger. It usually does, since working in the Records helps you strengthen your connection to the Light, which increases your receptivity to Divine guidance both in and out of the Records. It is to say that intuitive ability or a particular gift is not a prerequisite for working in the Records, nor will it necessarily make you a stronger reader. What will make you a stronger reader is your ability to get yourself as far out of the way as possible, so you can place all of your attention on the reading and on the guidance that you are receiving. When you can let that guidance flow through you without impediment, that will be the best gift you can possibly give or have.

Receiving the Help of Your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones

If you’ve said the Pathway Prayer with conscious and deliberate intent, you’re in the Records. If you’ve gotten yourself out of the way and are getting loving guidance rather than personal thoughts or judgments, you’re getting your information from the Records. It really is that simple—but just in case you need more reassurance, here are some questions you can ask of your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones right now. Say the Pathway Prayer See section entitled “Pathway Prayer Process to Access the Heart of the Akashic Records When Reading for Yourself” to open your Akashic Records; then ask these questions one at a time:

What would help me be more receptive to the Akashic Records?
What would help me be more receptive to my Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones?
What is currently blocking my receptivity, and how can it be released?

Again, you can write your answers as you receive them, or you can get your answers first and write them later. Then when you’re finished writing, you can close your Records right away or you can leave them open and do the following meditation to strengthen your experience of being in your Akashic Records.

As you did for the Pillar of Light meditation, find yourself a comfortable chair in a quiet room. Seat yourself squarely with your back straight and your feet on the floor, and place your hands palms-up in your lap or on the arms of the chair. Then read through the following meditation at a pace that feels comfortable to you.


Ask your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones to help you have the experience of being in your own Akashic Records.... As you enter your own Records, begin to scan the space around you ... left to right, then right to left ... top to bottom, then bottom to top.... Make a slight movement with your physical body to get a sense of the Body of Light that surrounds you in your own Records.

As you sit in your own Records, register the presence of your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones. Sometimes their presence is a feeling, such as love or peace or stillness. Some times it’s a sensation of warmth or softness. Sometimes it’s a quality of illuminating Light. And sometimes it’s a quality of support, which can be either strong or subtle.

Your awareness of your own self in your Records opens a new dimension and expands the space so that there’s plenty of room for you. Take some time to scan this dimension: travel in through the crown of your head and move down ... past your third eye ... past your throat ... and all the way down to your heart.

While you are scanning your physical body, the Light of the Akasha is moving through you. It extends from your crown to your root, so it can serve as a force field that holds the energy in place.

Though the Akasha fills your entire physical body, its primary region is between your crown and your heart. Place yourself at your crown and look down to the floor of your heart center. It is a clear lake—a mirrored platform—the Akasha’s anchoring point within you. As the Light of the Akasha makes contact with this platform, it becomes the gateway to your inner realms. The Light of your individual soul bounces off this platform and travels back up through the pillar of Light.... See your Light being intensified and strengthened by the Light of the Akasha.

Soon after taking my first Akashic class, I realized that my Akashic Records work would be the foundation for all of my work. Over the past several years, with the help of my Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones (whom I affectionately call my BFFs—my Best Friends Forever), I have worked in my Records to do readings for myself and others, to analyze the feng shui energy of hundreds of homes and businesses, and to write a feng shui book and almost fifty children’s books.


It holds your throat chakra but does not interfere with it or invade it. The Light is available but not invasive. As it holds your throat chakra, it serves as an infinite resource to encourage the verbal expression of your soul into the world.

The stream of Light then continues behind your third eye and holds it and supports it. If this center of your body is fatigued, it can rest in the Light of the Akasha for support.

Take a few moments right now to ask your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones for any guidance they can offer for your work. This is an opportunity to develop your conscious partnership with your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones. If you have any questions for them at this time, you can ask those questions now.

If you feel that your view is dim, or you sense nothing coming to you, adjust your posture and put your shoulders back to open up your heart center and allow the Light to move deeper into that space.

As you prepare to close your Records, know that a path way has been established and you have cleared your inner pillar of Light. You, as an agent and an instrument of the Akashic Records, are clear; and you now have this infinite resource available to support you in your work.

Now bring your attention back to this moment and this book, and close your Akashic Records.


Different Uses for the Akashic Records

There are many valuable ways in which people use the Records to benefit their lives. Some ways work particularly well for some people, while other ways don’t work so well for them, if at all. The following examples provide some ideas for how you might work in the Records. Don’t forget that until your transitional thirty-day grace period ends, it’s not helpful to mix your Akashic readings with other systems or disciplines.

Reading for Individuals

As you know, you can read your own Akashic Records or the Records of other people. When opening another person’s Records, you must have his or her consent. Use that person’s current legal name as described under guideline 2, See section entitled “Use your current legal name when opening your Records.”, and use the version of the Pathway Prayer that’s provided See section entitled “Pathway Prayer Process to Access the Heart of the Akashic Records When Reading for Yourself.”

Reading the Records of Animals or Pets

Reading the Records of an animal or a pet can yield helpful information about its temperament and its needs. But how do you get permission to read the animal’s Records? Just ask it, and it will tell you! Sit with the animal for a moment and tell it what you’d like to do. If the animal doesn’t want to have its Records read, it might turn away from you or leave the room, or it might close its eyes. If it agrees to grant permission, however, it might look into your eyes, move closer, or sit near you or on your lap. If the animal is not nearby, its owner can give you permission to open its Records. If the animal has papers that state a registered name—Harold Jamison Trotter, for example—use that name to open its Records. However, if the animal doesn’t have formal papers, then use its “go by” name—which might be Sweetie Pie, Max, or “the raccoon in my backyard.”

Often when a person works with animals for a living or has a strong affinity for them, that person can read animals’ Records much more easily than other people can. If reading the Records of animals isn’t for you, no problem. Read on to learn about several other ways in which you could work in the Records.

Reading the Records of a Home

If you have the permission of the person whose name is on the mortgage or the lease, you may read the Records of that home to learn about such things as its history, its purpose, and its energy. In the case of a home that’s for sale, if the owner has placed it on the market and has signed a contract with a realtor, that owner is essentially saying, “This home is open for viewing on every level.” Therefore, you may open the home’s Akashic Records without obtaining permission. However, if the listing has expired or the home has been sold to a new owner, “public viewing” is no longer possible, and you must once again obtain the owner’s permission to open the Records of that home. When opening the Records of a home, use its full address, including street, city or town, state, and zip code.

While it would make sense to most of us that an animal would have a “listing” in the Akashic Records because it has an obvious life force, it may be more challenging to read the Records of a home, which seems inert and lifeless by comparison. Every home does have its own energy and presence, however, which feels more like the energy of an area of land rather than the energy of a human or an animal. Even so, every home’s energy can be read and deciphered in the Akashic Records.

If you open the Records of a home, you might be able to detect some of its ideals, potentials, and probabilities. You also might get an idea of how that home is able to support its inhabitants and what it cannot accommodate. However, if you can’t seem to read a home’s Akashic Records, don’t worry. Reading the Records of a home is actually secondary to asking about that home in its owner’s Records.

Reading the Records of Public Monuments, Buildings, Parks, Cities, Towns, or Areas of Land

Information about objects, buildings, or places with publicly registered names (the Washington Monument; Stonehenge; the Sistine Chapel; Mt. St. Helens; Galena, Illinois; Everglades National Park, Florida; Arapaho National Forest, Colorado) may be freely accessed in the Records. One of my students often wondered why she repeatedly visited, and felt so at home in, the town of Banff. After opening the Akashic Records of Banff in Alberta, Canada, she learned that she had lived a past life there that was filled with love and purpose. Because of that information, her next trip to Banff was even more special than all of the previous ones.

Akashic Records readings have been a cornerstone of my transition from nonprofit management and grant writing to birthing a quilt store in Mississippi. It’s been very helpful to me to have that level of trust and confidence in them. It’s as though I can hear and feel my guides more clearly. When the Records are open, I am in a posture of listening. They are powerful, practical, real, sensible, and very simple.


Reading the Records of a Company or a Department within a Company

If you own a business, opening its Akashic Records can yield information on how to choose and support your employees, how to make their working environment the best it can be, and what actions would be most beneficial for the company at a particular time. To open your company’s Records, use its publicly registered name.

If you don’t own a company but are the official head of one of its departments, you may open the Records of that department only. Use the name of both the company and your specific department—for example: the billing department of the Midwest Regional Sales office of GreenGrow International in Deerfield, Illinois.

Reading the Records of a Patient or Client

Some people who do energy work like to open the Records of specific clients to request the best ways to assist them. As always, practitioners must have each client’s permission and current legal name before opening his or her Records. As an alternative, when getting permission is not possible, practitioners can open their own Records and ask how to best support a specific client or clients. This same thing can be done by teachers, employers, or group leaders who are planning a class or a meeting and would like to make the experience most effective.

Using the Records to Create

Some people enjoy opening their Records before or during a creative undertaking. For example, some people use the Records to write poems, books, or music. Others sculpt, draw, or paint. Still others dance. This method of using the Records varies according to individual needs and personalities. For example, it’s difficult for some people to stay in the Records for extended periods of time. So for them it’s easier to open the Records, receive inspiration and guidance, close the Records, and then create. For others, it’s more advantageous to open the Records, ask for help and inspiration, and then hang on for the ride!

Using the Records to Learn

Some people like to use the Records to learn about things at deeper levels. For example, students who want to truly understand a sacred or complicated text will read it with their Records open. This can be quite illuminating. Reading with your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones is like reading a book in which someone has highlighted the key concepts and writ ten great notes in the margins—all for your edification!

It’s also fun to study a painting, attend a religious service, or listen to music with your Records open. Just make sure that the music is something mellow or soothing like classical music, rather than jarring like acid rock. Also, remember to close your Records when you’re finished studying or listening.


Learning to work in the Records is an exploration of possibilities. I encourage you to try reading the Records of a variety of people, places, and things in order to discover what works best for you. Try not to compare your experiences to those of other Akashic readers, since each individual has different strengths and interests when working in the Records.

Now that you’ve read about several of the ways in which people use the Records, it’s time to ask your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones which method or methods could work best for you. After opening your Records, here are some questions you can ask:

What is the best way (or ways) for me to use the Pathway Prayer Process at this time?
What are my unique gifts, talents, and abilities, and what are the best ways for me to use them in the Records?

Take the answers you receive to heart and incorporate them into your personal work with the Akashic Records.