Welcome to your next level of work in the Akashic Records. This level involves deepening your understanding of how the Records help people achieve healing. As we begin to explore energy healing in the Records, it may be useful to review the meaning of the word heal: “to cause an undesirable condition to be overcome; to restore to original purity or integrity; to return to a sound state.” These forms of healing occur naturally in the Records because every Akashic reading allows us to see ourselves as we are seen, known, and loved by our Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones: as essentially pure and sound. When we see our purity and soundness during a reading and begin to know this truth about ourselves, our knowing then becomes the first step in our healing. This helps us begin to restore ourselves to our original purity and integrity, to our original sound state—and in this way our healing begins.
At this point you may be asking yourself, If seeing myself differently is all it takes to start healing, then why can’t I do it myself? Why do I need the Akashic Records to tell me who I am? I already know who I am. The answer is both simple and complex. When we humans look at our lives, our perceptions are limited both by and to our current physical bodies, having our current earthly experiences in this current human lifetime. So from our human perspective, we see illness and imperfection. We often feel that something’s wrong or missing: that we are not “the whole enchilada.” Yet when we have a chance to view our true essence from the perspective of the Records, we see a different picture. By our very nature as manifestations of the Divine Source, our true essence is eternal wholeness, eternal wellness, and eternal goodness. Not only are we the whole enchilada, we’re “all that, and a bag of chips”! At the soul level, this is always the case. As is often said, we are Divine Beings in physical bodies having human experiences on this planet. The Akashic Records shed Light on this truth, and they help us remember and internalize it, so we don’t have to stay caught up in illusion.
I was diagnosed with a severe heart disorder when I was in for a routine medical checkup. I am a medical practitioner myself, and that diagnosis hit me out of the blue. I knew I needed to find a way to heal my heart. That’s when I discovered how to use the Akashic Records to heal myself. Learning to do that opened a new dialogue with my heart. My heart became open to healing, and it received healing Light.
One of the great paradoxes of the spiritual journey is that at the soul level you are perfect in every way, yet in your current physical form you may be suffering some very real limitations such as mental or physical illness, chronic disease, financial hardship, or relationship problems. As you walk your spiritual path, you are asked to hold within yourself these seemingly conflicting truths: so while your infinite soul is perfect and flawless, your finite human self may be suffering from a terminal illness. One way to reconcile this paradox is to recognize that these two truths exist simultaneously in two different dimensions. The soul-level truth of perfection exists in the invisible dimension within, while the physical truth of illness exists in the visible, external dimension. Yet these two truths do not negate each other; they merely coexist until you leave your physical body and become entirely spirit and entirely whole at the end of this current lifetime.
Understanding this spiritual paradox allows us to recognize that illnesses and disasters of any kind are neither indictments nor expressions of the condition of the soul. Rather, they are experiences that we encounter as humans for the purpose of learning to love ourselves and others in spite of—or oftentimes, because of—those illnesses or disasters.
How do you help your clients remember their essential wholeness? Well, unlike other energy healers, as an Akashic reader-practitioner you do not send, direct, remove, or manipulate a client’s energy during a reading. Instead, you open the client’s Records and ask the Light of the Akasha to reveal that soul’s true essence, so that for the duration of the reading (and to a certain extent, afterward), that person can experience him or herself from the altitude of consciousness that the Records provide. As the reader, you merely “flip the switch” that allows this en-Lightenment to begin. Then as you speak the truth during the reading, the Light of the Records intensifies and accelerates, and the information is transmitted to your client on the energy of your spoken words. When the energy and the information are sufficiently registered in your client’s consciousness and physical being, they cause a shift, an expansion, and an opening up, which enable healing to occur at whatever levels are necessary—mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, energetic, soul, or any combination thereof.
I spent the majority of my life feeling like an outsider and was constantly searching for where I belonged. In my quest to fit, I read self-help and spiritual books, had readings and healings, and learned various spiritual modalities. It all helped, but it didn’t thoroughly quench my desire for a sense of belonging and inner peace. It was like putting bandages on an open wound—a wound that wouldn’t heal and that would continually tear given new circumstances.
I was initially hesitant to learn to consciously access the Akashic Records because I intuitively felt the profound change awaiting me. However, accessing the Records for the first time, I was immediately filled with a sense of perfect belonging and peace. For the first time, I felt I was home. Today I continue to call the Akashic Records home, and it is through this spiritual resource that I continue to rely on love, acceptance, and wisdom to support and guide me through the hills and valleys of life, all the while understanding I belong right where I am.
Though your client may not immediately recognize that any kind of healing has occurred, you as the reader understand that most healings in the Records begin with subtle openings in people’s awareness. Those openings then lead to deeper shifts that empower people to begin releasing unhealthy thoughts and habits and replacing them with ones that significantly enrich their lives. And in every case, what allows for these healings is the realization of the truth that we are never separate from our Source of Creation. Therefore, we are always—in every moment and despite all earthly appearances—good, whole, well, and sound. As we make our way back to realizing this soul-level truth, we are in a state of grace that allows ongoing healing to occur—if only, at first, on the subtlest of levels.
One way of looking at your role as an Akashic reader-practitioner is to imagine yourself as a restorer of artifacts and your clients as crystal-clear vessels that have gathered dust through the ages. Some of the vessels are covered with so much dust that it’s difficult to see their hidden beauty. When viewed superficially, they may even appear unattractive or flawed. Yet once they’re cleaned with a sonic device, the dust shakes loose, and you can see their perfection. You must perform this process delicately, how ever: increasing the sonic vibration too quickly or too much can damage some vessels, but increasing the vibration at just the right pace will gently loosen the dust and restore them to their original integrity.
As a practitioner of the Akashic Records, your role is to allow the transmission of Akashic energy first and information second. This order is necessary because the energetic vibration of the Records is what the information travels on. So by “bathing” your clients in this energy and giving them information, you allow them to “shed their dust,” so they can see their true selves in the Light of the Records.
Though your role may appear simple on the surface, the preparation involved in becoming a good reader is of vital importance and may take some time and effort. Your personal preparation is an ongoing inner process that involves understanding yourself at the level of soul and realizing your own soul-level wholeness and wellness.
As you work in your own Records and in the Records of others, a natural healing occurs. By consciously, responsibly, and deliberately placing yourself in the energy of the Records, you begin this healing process. Each time you open the Records, peace, love, light, and goodness surround and infuse you, filling you and your energy field with the higher quality of the Akashic life force. As this happens, there is a quickening of the energetic vibrations both inside and around you, and any vibrations that are ready to move at a more rapid rate will do so. You then experience those accelerated vibrations as elevated feelings and heightened senses.
Whenever you access the Akashic Records, the energy of the Akasha meets your human energy and causes a kind of “ignition,” as the Light of the Akasha (which is extremely fast and refined yet indestructible) meets your slower, heavier human energy. When this happens, the lighter energies join together to create a faster vibration, and the heavier, denser energies associated with negative emotions and repetitive thought patterns fall away and are absorbed by the earth’s energy field. There, they are transmuted into energy patterns that are more useful on the physical plane. So, merely by being in the Records, you receive an “energetic tune-up” that helps you refine and elevate your own energy and serve your clients more effectively.
As I mentioned when explaining the Pathway Prayer, the interface of Akashic and human energy begins about eighteen inches above your crown, at your eighth chakra. At that point, the Akashic energy flows through a hollow tube, or pillar, of Light through which the Akashic energy moves into your infinite, interior dimension. This dimension connects you to the Universe through the person you are in this lifetime. In this dimension, you can find your current emotional makeup, the structure and patterns of your mind, the resources of your will, your dreams, your soul, your relationship with the Divine, and all other parts of yourself that you know to be true but cannot see with your physical eyes.
Whether your heavier, denser energies accelerate or fall away, they are always used for good in other situations. No energy, whether identified as “positive” or “negative,” is ever lost or wasted. Every atomic point of Light is useful in its right place, and the Light of the Akasha facilitates the distribution of energy to its right place in the Universe. For us humans, this experience usually registers as emotional or mental shifts. During emotional shifts, the denser, slower energies expressed as sadness, fear, despair, resentment, anger, and frustration are transmuted to higher, quicker energies expressed as happiness, contentment, freedom, and joy. By being present in the Records—even if you’re reading for someone else—you can experience such a shift. So if you were sad or uncertain about something before you opened the Records, you may find that after the reading you suddenly have clarity and hope. And if you were confused about an impending decision, you might suddenly know what to do.
So far, I’ve been addressing your practitioner preparation as it occurs through the Akashic Records. There’s another kind of preparation, however, that involves your active and deliberate participation. Doing effective work in the Records and becoming the best reader you can be requires taking responsibility for who you are, where you are in life, and how you are dealing with the life you are living. The more you take responsibility to resolve your personal issues and clear them from your mind and body, the more space you make within yourself to accommodate more Light and health.
Working in the Akashic Records has not only changed my life for the better, it has literally saved my life. Today I am happy and free, with an understanding of who I am and why I’m here. I will be forever grateful for my Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones, and for the energy of the Records themselves.
Just to be clear, taking responsibility for yourself should not to be confused with taking the blame for others’ beliefs and actions. You are only responsible for yourself, and for doing the best you can do. So in this context, taking responsibility means accepting your life without blaming, and understanding that everything has a Divine purpose even if it’s not always obvious. Acceptance in this way is neither a sign of resignation nor defeat. Hardly. Instead it means arriving at a place of peace and being able to say to yourself, This is who I am, and this is my life. I’ll change whatever I can, and I’ll release what I cannot change. Either way, I’m doing my best. And by doing my best as an individual, I’m contributing to the highest good of all. I no longer need to look to any other person to make things better for me. I accept responsibility for my life, and I’ll make choices for myself. And I’ll enjoy the results of those choices while I am here on this earth.
Getting to a place of peace and personal responsibility will require you to look within to find those patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that have been causing you pain. Fortunately, you have the Akashic Records to help you with this process. With the guidance of your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones, you can safely examine who you are and be honest about the areas that need work. You can then begin to make changes in your life that support your new spiritual direction, open you up to accommodate more Light, and allow you to live from a place of compassion and grace.
As you will discover while working in your Records, the way to experience the greatest relief, freedom, joy, and peace is to remove your attention from others and what they have or have not done and instead examine yourself. As you ask yourself, How have I responded? What is my part in this situation? Why am I stopping myself from being kind and loving? you will begin to discover ways to heal yourself.
Through my work in the Records, I have gotten to know myself. Life is filled with meaning and purpose and clarity, and yet it is wondrous and mysterious. The sense of aloofness and existential pressure that had dominated my life is lifting through my work in the Records. I have become much more capable of accepting people as they are, and don’t feel it is my job to fix them. My sense of judgment, which was a wall between me and others, has relaxed. It is still there, but rather than being aggressive and critical, the energy is accepting and kind.
The process of self-discovery and healing is ongoing. It’s like a school that meets all year round, and as this life-school goes on, things ebb and flow. There will be times when you feel peaceful and happy and free. Other times you will become stuck in old ideas and behaviors and feel like you’re barely making progress. Such times are inevitable for all human beings. Just find a quiet place and open your Records. Your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones will be happy to lend support and help you restore harmony and balance.
At times this work can seem overwhelming, yet it’s a necessary part of being a responsible Akashic reader. As you continue on this path of personal responsibility, you will grow in understanding and love for yourself and others. These qualities will shine through you, making you a beacon of Light and healing for everyone you encounter. Your skill and success as an Akashic practitioner will depend on your relationship with yourself, your own healing process, and your willingness to be led by the forces of Light. As you do these things, you will naturally realize your potential to radiate love and good will into your world and to assist others with understanding, kind ness, and power through your Akashic Record’s readings.
As you move more deeply into energy healing in the Records, you’ll discover that your level of personal preparation will determine your ability to get out of the way so that healing can occur most effectively for your clients. You’ll also discover that your knowledge and understanding of the process itself will facilitate your clients’ healing. There are several reasons for this:
Let’s sum things up thus far. Your role as an Akashic reader-practitioner is to use the energy and information of the Records to recognize the soul-level truth of your own essence, as well as each client’s essence. Then as you give a reading, that soul-level recognition will elevate and shift your client’s energy and perspective so that he or she can recognize the truth, too, and then healing can occur. That is both your role and your goal—unfortunately, however, it may not be the conscious goal of the client for whom you are reading!
Though at some basic level, all souls desire to experience their wholeness and Oneness with all of Creation, not all humans who come to you for a reading are consciously aware of this desire. In other words, they aren’t “feeling the love” right then—for themselves or for others. So if you’re doing a reading for “Joe,” for example, and you begin telling him how lovely he is (because that is his true essence as revealed by his Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones), he may find what you’re saying so disconcerting that his first instinct will be to reject it and insist that it’s not true. Especially if he has come for guidance about a “mistake” he perceives he has made, his thoughts about himself in that moment will be anything but positive and kind. So the Akashic information that you’re sharing with Joe will not match what he “knows” about himself, and energetically, he will be unable to receive it.
What do you do in this situation? First of all, remain unflappable. It’s okay. Joe’s okay. You’re okay. Recognize the truth behind Joe’s reaction, and don’t let it throw you out of the Light and into your own thoughts, fears, and judgments. Instead, just hold steady for a moment. Take a deep breath, take a sip of water, and/or say the silent part of the prayer to yourself again. (Help me to know “Joseph Alan Woodside” in the Light of the Akashic Records, To see “Joseph Alan Woodside” through the eyes of the Lords of the Records, And enable me to share the wisdom and compassion that the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of “Joseph Alan Woodside” have for him.) Or you can shorten that prayer to Help ! and trust that Joe’s Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones will keep you centered in the Light so that you can receive their guidance.
In such a moment, it’s extremely important to understand that this may be the first time in quite a while that Joe has heard good things about himself, and the mismatch in perceptions may be so jarring that he is neither willing nor able to accept what is true. On one level, for example, he may feel that you’re messing with his “comfortable” and familiar picture of himself—it’s as if he’s looking in a mirror and expecting to see what he always sees, but the image you’re reflecting back to him is so alien he finds it downright scary. On another level, Joe may sense that you—equipped with the laserlike Light of the Akasha—are poking holes in the illusory facade he’s constructed in order to rationalize his unwillingness to understand, forgive, change, decide, heal, and move forward in his life.... But he is here for a reading, isn’t he? Despite all of human Joe’s kicking and screaming, the eternal soul currently known as Joseph Alan Woodside has shown up for his healing. This brave soul is calling for help because he cannot do it alone, and you are answering the call. And it is precisely in moments such as this when all of your personal healing work in the Records will support you as a reader-practitioner. It is also when you must begin to follow what I call the Three Levels of Healing in the Akashic Records.
The permanent resolution of any problem requires a permanent evolution of the soul. In other words, in order for people to have any kind of healing in the Records, they must first experience a permanent shift in the way they perceive them selves. Then that new perception can eventually lead to a shift in the way they treat themselves. But sometimes, as in Joe’s case, people can’t experience those shifts unless you, the Akashic reader-practitioner, lead them through the Three Levels of Healing: understand the story from the client’s point of view, look for the causes and conditions, and recognize the soul-level truth.
During this first level of healing, you will be working at the level of the problem and its physical manifestations. When people come to you for readings, it’s usually because they have a problem or situation they can’t resolve on their own. They may be upset, angry, hurt, confused, even desperate—and you may be their last resort. So the first thing to do after you’ve opened a client’s Records is to listen to his or her story. Allow your client to describe the problem as he or she currently sees it—what it is, how and when it started, who else is involved, and what complications it has caused. While you listen, completely accept the person and the story without judgments or preconceived notions, because you know that this human being has been doing the best that he or she can do. You also know that what you are hearing is this person’s transitory truth, as told from his or her human perspective, and that it is not necessarily the soul-level truth.
Since energy travels on the spoken word, your client’s verbal acknowledgment of the problem is the first step in the healing process. Here’s an example of how it works. Let’s say that “Jillian” comes to you for a reading. After obtaining her cur rent legal name, you say the Opening Prayer to access Jillian’s Akashic Records. Once her Records are open, you say, “I can see that you’re upset. Can you tell me what’s going on?” Jillian then explains that she’s distraught and overwhelmed because she’s in the middle of a lengthy divorce. She’s angry and bitter, and she can’t stand it anymore. She goes on to describe the details of the divorce, including how and why the proceedings began and how the divorce is affecting her life.
While Jillian speaks, your job is to hear her story and under stand it from her point of view. Rather than sit in judgment of Jillian, her husband, or the process of divorce itself, stay with her and her story. Don’t project your own experiences or com pare her to anyone you know. Just sit and listen, and be the wide-open conduit who allows information to be received and transmitted for the duration of the reading.
It may seem like nothing significant happens during this level of Jillian’s reading. Yet, if she can tell you her story, and you can hear it without judgment, the first level of healing will occur. Here’s what happens: When you open Jillian’s Records, you “ring the Akashic doorbell” and ask the Akasha to enter your consciousness and also to surround you and Jillian in Light. You then initiate the healing by asking Jillian to tell her story. As she begins to speak, the energy of her words allows the Light of the Akasha to intensify and accelerate its vibration. The more you listen to Jillian with compassion and understanding, the quicker you allow the Light to do its work, and the quicker you both allow yourselves to resonate to the Light’s accelerated vibration. Once that acceleration occurs, you and Jillian receive the energetic “jump-start” you need in order to move to Level 2.
This level of healing moves you into the domain of causes and conditions. After a client has finished describing his or her problem, you can ask the Records to reveal its causes and conditions. Sometimes a cause can be physical, as in the case of someone who was born with a certain disease or who developed cancer after working with asbestos for many years. At other times a cause can be mental or emotional, as in the case of someone having a particular belief or attitude that causes something to happen—or that precludes it from happening. At still other times, a cause can be “invisible” and due to certain past-life experiences, choices, beliefs, or ancestral influences.
Some problems can be healed at Level 2 when information about the cause or condition is all that’s required. Put another way, when a lack of understanding is the problem, information is the solution. For example, while telling his story during Level 1 of a reading, “Larry” describes his problem as chronic laryngitis, for which his doctors have been unable to determine either cause or cure. So you ask Larry’s Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones to reveal the origin of his problem. They show you a past life in which the soul now known as Larry was hanged for publicly voicing his beliefs, and you relate the details of this experience to Larry just as you receive them. When you finish, Larry says, “Oh, man! I get it now! This laryngitis thing started a few years ago after a protest rally I organized. At first I blamed myself for the problem: I thought I had shouted too much that day and damaged my vocal chords. But when the doctors examined me, that turned out not to be true. What I now understand is true is that my latent fear of being hanged for speaking out made me lose my voice that day—both literally and figuratively, since it was the last rally I ever organized or attended.”
For Larry, this moment of truth is all that he needs for his healing. He sees that he can let go of his fear of voicing his beliefs because he knows that he will not be hanged for speaking them in public in this lifetime. This Akashic information, as transmitted through the energy of your voice, moves Larry into the awareness that there’s no problem with him or his voice. He lets go of his fear and gains a sense of peace. And, in time, he regains not only his physical voice but his courage to speak out at future rallies.
Although the information revealed during Level 2 can be extremely helpful—and perhaps, as in Larry’s case, may be all a person needs in order to solve a problem—it is still considered transitory truth because you are viewing a particular soul in the context of a past human incarnation rather than as its true essence as a Divine eternal being.
When the information revealed at this level is not enough to dispel the problem, or even to loosen its grip, it’s time to move to Level 3.
Whereas Level 1 is about your clients being heard, Level 3 is about them being known. Level 3 is the domain of essential, permanent, soul-level truth. It’s the level at which you as the reader are able to see a person as he or she is seen, known, and loved in the Akashic Records. Working in this level allows you to transcend the realm of the person’s mundane earthly problem and move into the realm of Divine consciousness. It is from this level that you can see that whatever a client is experiencing right now—drug addiction, illness, divorce, the aftermath of an accident—it is actually perfect and necessary because it’s the most effective vehicle for allowing this client’s soul growth.
Let’s go back to Joe again. If you were talking to him at this level, you might find yourself telling him what a strong and brave soul his Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones know he is for choosing such a difficult lesson or path. Even if he’s still balking at hearing about his goodness because he’s still having trouble seeing the truth, you will have no trouble seeing Joe for the awesome soul that he is. You also will have no trouble understanding that although Joe may think his “vessel” is tarnished or flawed, he always holds within him the potential and the means for change. So if Joe can’t “shake his dust loose” right now, don’t push him. For some reason, he feels the need to hold on to it. Rushing or forcing Joe’s process right now could actually cause him harm. So rather than judging him for feeling this way, just keep telling him the truth that his Records are revealing.
For example, you might tell him that even if he doesn’t know it right now, his Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones know that he is much more than his physical body and circumstances, that his soul can never be sick, and that even though he may feel quite distant from God right now, he is always connected to God and to all of God’s creation. Energetically speaking, what we focus on expands, so by allowing Joe to focus on these truths, you are providing him the opportunity to open his heart and expand his view of himself.
As you speak with Joe, keep remembering that the energy of the Akashic Records is being transmitted through the sound of your voice. You don’t need to direct the energy; the Light will go where it needs to go and will provide what it needs to provide. As long as you relate the truth about Joe, he will resonate to its vibration and will begin to receive his healing—even if that healing involves making peace with his transitory human illness or imperfection, and even if it means understanding that sometimes it’s the illness or imperfection itself that leads to the deepest soul-healing and the richest experience of coming to know God.
As you move out of Level 3 and prepare to close the Records, it’s important to remember that the outcome of a reading is never up to you. Your responsibility begins and ends with you being as spiritually fit as possible in order to maintain the integrity of the Records and assist each soul on its journey. Whatever your clients do with what you give them is entirely up to them. Some clients may walk away from their readings and promptly forget about them. Others may assimilate the information over time and apply it as they are able. Still others may jump up at the end of their readings and decide to change their lives in that moment. Again, whatever they decide, it is not in your control. Letting go of the belief that it is will “protect you from all forms of self centeredness.” Hold on to the belief, instead, that on some level, every person will “get it” at exactly the right time—if not in this lifetime, then in the next ... or the next ... or the next—you get it.
The exercises that follow will help you familiarize yourself with the Three Levels of Healing in the Records. The first exercise will help you practice working in your own Akashic Records. The second exercise will help you practice working with someone else.
Note: Though I’ve broken each exercise into three separate readings to facilitate your learning, all three levels are meant to occur within a single reading.