Life with the Akashic Records

What I’ve learned from working in the Akashic Records is that they have their own perspective, which provides an ever-expanding view of my soul’s ever-unfolding essence. Once I became accustomed to that perspective—to that altitude of consciousness—I recognized that working in the Records is a radical opportunity to view myself and my whole life from a very different angle. I also began to realize some basic truths, which I call my “Absolutes.” From a Records point of view, these things are absolutely true for absolutely every soul, absolutely all of the time. While I have numbered them for clarity below, please know that they are listed in no particular order, as all of the Absolutes are of “absolutely” equal importance!

The “Absolutes”

1. There’s always more than meets the (human) eye.

From the human perspective of a single lifetime, certain people and events can appear nasty, horrible, wrong—even devastating, as is the case with such natural disasters as hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes. And they really are horrible. Yet from the eternal perspective of the Akashic Records, there’s always more than meets the eye—reasons we don’t understand and ultimate benefits we don’t see. Even though this is true, the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones never minimize our human suffering. Instead they offer suggestions to not only work through a difficult situation but to understand its karmic value. With their help, we can learn the meaning of our suffering, and we can grow from it. And eventually, from a soul-level perspective, we might come to see that absolutely all events, and all of the people involved, are doing their parts in providing opportunities for growth, clarity, purpose, and healing. We see instances of this all around us. After flood waters submerge a city, for instance—taking lives, destroying homes, and crippling businesses—the city’s residents reach out to each other to help rebuild and repair, while officials band together to find ways to improve the city’s infrastructure. Or as another example, an innocent child is killed in the crossfire of a gang shooting. This shocks the entire neighborhood. Yet after mourning their heartbreaking loss, the neighbors galvanize: they hold prayer vigils and town meetings, they organize a neighborhood watch, and they beautify their streets and parks. And eventually, their neighborhood becomes a better place to live.

So despite the initial pain and loss that some people or events can cause, the Akashic Records will show us how even the most devastating circumstances provide opportunities for transformation in which a larger purpose emerges—one that helps us see beyond individual needs to the need of the unified whole to experience its innate goodness. When we view events this way, we can see why it appears that “bad things happen to good people.” In truth, these events are not personal at all, and no person or thing is “good” or “bad.” The eternal perspective negates good and bad. This means that no person or group is ever singled out for punishment, payback, or karmic retribution. (See Absolute #6.) Instead, these brave souls and soul-groups are actually enduring their situations to elevate the consciousness of the planet.

2. We are all One.

All humans exist within the absolute Oneness of God. We cannot escape who we already are or opt out of our soul’s journey to God. In other words, there is no such thing as being outside of, or disconnected from, the Oneness. There is only the state of becoming aware of your existence within the Whole. So from an Akashic perspective, all souls are on their way to discovering that we are One, connected by—and contained within—the loving Light of God.

3. Everything and everyone is Divine.

Not only are we all One, our inner essence is purely Divine—earthly appearances sometimes to the contrary. If we’re in the Akashic Records and we look long enough, we will find the Divine essence—that point of Light and goodness—within absolutely every soul in existence.

4. Everyone is always in active pursuit of peace.

From an Akashic perspective, absolutely everyone wants to live in a state of peace and will go to great lengths to achieve it. From a human perspective, some people’s attempts at achieving peace make little or no sense. Hitler, Stalin, and many other leaders around the globe have been, in their own minds, so committed to securing their own peace that they destroy the peace of others. Though their methods appear quite mad in the eyes of most of the world, from an Akashic point of view, even those souls were (and are) on their way to awakening to their own Divinity and recognizing their connection to the Oneness. It just takes some souls more lifetimes to learn compassionate paths to peace. This does not mean, however, that they won’t get there. Eventually, every soul does.

5. Reincarnation is not about “good” and “bad” lifetimes.

As I have come to understand reincarnation from an altitude of consciousness, I have realized that it is not about “good” and “bad” lifetimes—a lifetime of crime versus a lifetime of philanthropy, for example. Instead, reincarnation is about the journey that a particular soul chooses to take in order to become aware of itself on the physical plane. This journey on the physical plane allows the soul to come to know itself as Divine, to grow in its awareness of itself over an expanse of different lifetimes and in a variety of contexts.

As a soul comes to know itself, it is graced with multiple opportunities to learn compassion and love for itself as well as for other souls. So in its lifetime as a “criminal,” for example, that soul has a unique and powerful opportunity to dissolve the false barriers that exist in its own understanding of its goodness. It can come to understand that the barrier is in the perception, and that the behavior comes out of that perception. (In other words, how that soul thinks it knows itself in that lifetime will determine how it chooses to act.) But the more enlightened that soul becomes, the more aware it becomes of the absolute truth that it is a physical expression of infinite Light, and it is free to be generous and loving. Such a realization can happen in a single lifetime, as in the case of the hardened criminal who “comes to see the Light.” Alternatively, it can happen over the course of several lifetimes. Either way, it’s okay. Since time as we know it does not exist in the Records, and all souls are eternal, we have all the “time”—and the lifetimes—we need.

6. Karma is not about reward and punishment.

Having learned that reincarnation is the journey of all souls that leads to ultimate goodness and Oneness, I have also discovered that karma has no punitive aspect. Rather, karma is a series of cause-and-effect relationships that allows us opportunities to discover what can result when we make different kinds of choices. In the Akashic Records, the basis for evaluation is always grounded in compassion. The Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones never judge our actions; they merely help us understand them. They know that we are becoming our potential, and they don’t clobber us because we’re not there yet. Instead, they reveal both the motivating factors that pre ceded our actions and the outcomes that most likely will follow them. It is then (and always) up to us to choose the action that we will take next. What results from that action will create our karma. It won’t be good; it won’t be bad. It just will be.

Without the notion of karma as reward and punishment, we are free to view ourselves with acceptance and understanding. So from the vantage point of the Records, I can say with absolute certainty that I am a human being who’s becoming increasingly aware of my innate good ness and my innate “Godness.” At this moment and in all moments, I am completely loving and whole—I just don’t always remember that fact. But by God, I’m working on it! And what I see when I look through the eyes of the Records precludes any need for forgiveness because there is no condemnation. There is only an exquisite love story: the story of my soul’s existence. Though the journey has at times been filled with terrible hardships and struggle, it has been graced in equal measure with unspeakable richness and love. And always, all along the journey, as I continue to catch glimpses of my true self in the eyes of other souls, I fall more deeply in love with the Oneness that we are. How grateful I am to be alive in this moment, viewing the world from this altitude of consciousness. How beautiful we all appear in the Light of the Akashic Records!

The Three Nots

The shorthand version of everything I’ve just said is something I call “The Three Nots”: Fear Not; Judge Not; Resist Not. These are the guidelines by which our Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones would have us live our lives—if they had the choice.

I realize these three can seem like a tall order! Remember that this life is a journey. We fear less on our way to Fear Not. We judge less on the path to Judge Not. We resist less until we Resist Not. Here is how it works.

Fear Not

After working in the Akashic Records for a while, we begin to relax because we can see that every situation that ever existed either has been or will be resolved for the highest good of all. It may not happen today or even in this lifetime, yet every issue does indeed result in peace and goodness. The game of life won’t end until we souls achieve this shared goal.

We also can see that there is a part of us that is indestructible, that nothing can obliterate, that lives on forever. We see that we have had lifetimes of terrible poverty, war, natural disaster, human cruelty—and yet we are still intact. The essence of who we are is immutable. Nothing can separate us from the essential Divinity within us, and as we come to know this as real and true, fear begins to fall away until there is nothing left to fear.

Judge Not

From a Records point of view, we begin to see that we are not the judges of the Universe, not the judges of others, and not even the judges of ourselves! Really! We begin to see all people, including ourselves, growing into their own awareness, developing their own authority, and making determinations on their own behalf. It becomes abundantly clear to us that other people are quite capable, and we can trust them with their own lives and decisions. We are not “in charge” or in any position of authority over others sufficient enough to judge them.

Of course, we still make choices for ourselves, for this is the only place we have authority and power. Other people get to make their own choices, too, even if we don’t agree with them. When that happens, all we can do is choose to participate with them or not. Either way, the only thing we can “judge” is what is appropriate for us.

Resist Not

If there is not a reason to judge and there is nothing to fear, then the only thing left not to do is resist what makes us uncomfortable. The causes of discomfort vary greatly from person to person and lifetime to lifetime. Some people may be uncomfortable with conflicts in relationships, or even too much success. Other people may be uncomfortable with humiliation or shameful behavior. Whatever the reason, when we resist and push away from what makes us uncomfortable, we begin to build an energetic wall that keeps growing all around us until the very thing we are resisting becomes the barrier that keeps us from moving through it.

Resistance is a rejection. If I am resisting a part of myself, I am rejecting that part of myself. If I am resisting a person or what that person is trying to give me, I am rejecting all or part of that person. If I don’t resist but just let something be, it will go its merry way. For example, if I resist my hurt feelings about something, they will build up around and inside me and block me from moving through them. However, if I can just be with my hurt feelings, I can eventually let them go and make room for different feelings.

The importance of practicing The Three Nots is to give yourself a chance to grow more deeply in the Records. Proceed at a pace that feels comfortable. Take one step and one situation at a time, and ask for help when you need it. As you apply what you’ve been given, more will come to you. The idea is to grow into the infinite Light, not to be overwhelmed or blinded by it.

In January 2008 I took an independent-study Akashic class in which I was asked to go into my Records and pick something that I wanted to manifest in my life. In my Records, I knew I wanted and was ready to have love in my life again. (I had been divorced for seven years.) I was a little worried, but I decided that would be my goal for the class.

A few days later, I met someone. As I was getting ready for the class session about the heart, he told me he loved me. When I was exploring the class session about the mind, I saw a vision of the two of us living in a community in the mountains. Before I had a chance to tell him about my vision, he asked me if I wanted to go on vacation to North Carolina—near the mountains! He said he may want to move back there someday and wanted me to see it.

A few months after I finished the class, my man and I became engaged. We were married a year later.


Final Thoughts on the Akashic Records: The Past, the Present ... and the Future

Earlier I explained that the Akashic Records contain the story of your soul over lifetimes, and that this current incarnation has its own unique story. But what about the future? The possibilities and probabilities of your future are held in your Records, too.

We see the deepest meaning and truest value of the Records in how we use them to support and guide us as we move into our future. As you apply that guidance and rely on the energy of the Records, your own future will take the form of the life you’ve always wanted. Not every detail will be the same as you had first envisioned it, but the general direction and quality of your life will match your original intentions. So if you have been desiring a life of adventure, you will have it. If you have wanted a life of passion, it will be yours. Whatever your soul has been seeking, you eventually will find it. You will grow more and more into your own personal heaven on earth. Will it be a life without challenges, obstacles, and stress? Of course not. It will be a human life with physical occurrences, mental activities, and emotional upheaval. Yet, you will live it from a place of grace so that as circumstances unfold, you, my friend and new Akashic practitioner, will discover that you are able to be happy, kind, respectful, and generous even when things aren’t going your way. The more you use the Records, the more you’ll be able to enjoy the life you have. Your life will continue to become more and more of what you always wanted.

Something else I want you to know is that as the Light in you shines brighter than ever before, your soul mates and traveling companions will find you. It will be so much easier for you to recognize those like-minded, like-spirited souls; and you’ll have a wonderful time together. When you meet for the first time in person, it will seem like a reunion of long time friends. And do you know what? That’s exactly what it will be!

I want to acknowledge you for responding to the inner prompting that urged you to pick up this book. It is a courageous and beautiful step to honor the call of your soul and set your feet upon the path. Know that you are never alone, never lost. Just open your Akashic Records and ask for help. Though your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones will never intrude, they are always happy to help. If you share the Records with your friends, you can be there for each other in remarkable and powerful ways. On your own, you will become a strong Light. But together, you will be a focal point of vital, brilliant Light.

We are living in a fascinating time. What distinguishes our age from all others is the idea that individuals are now able to take responsibility for their own understanding and their relationship with their own spiritual authority. This is a liberating notion for individuals, and it is potentially dangerous to the status quo.

Throughout history, humanity has been growing into the idea that it has “say,” or authority over itself. We have been wrestling with ideas of our relationship to authority, both human and divine, for centuries. The movement toward responsible participation has been gaining in momentum for the past few centuries, exemplified by the political revolutions in the United States (1776) and France (1789).

Today, we are moving beyond the age of national identity to the age of Oneness, or the global village. This has been facilitated by the brilliant, sophisticated technology that has been made available in the past twenty years. In the United States, the degree of political participation is greater than at any other time in our history and is more inclusive of the various segments of the population. On one hand, we are teetering on the edge of disaster; on the other, we are poised to launch into an age of possibilities beyond our wildest dreams. There is general agreement that our old ideas are no longer working and that our entire planet is suffering from our limited sense of connection to earth and our narrow sense of responsibility for its well-being. On a collision course with global disaster in every area—the economy, politics, health care, and the distribution of resources—we can no longer afford the luxury of our self-centeredness. We are face-to-face with our fears of standing up for ourselves and others in the presence of greed, and we are just beginning to get the idea that we do make a difference, and that no one else is going to rescue us from our mounting problems. It is occurring to us that we have a role to play in the well-being of our world.

Spiritually, we have relied upon institutions, organizations, and even our own minds to give us the sense of power we have wanted. We have believed that if we could just sort everything out and find our way with our well-trained minds, we could tap into the pipeline of spiritual aliveness we know exists. But this has failed. Thinking about spirituality has not empowered us. We have certainly learned a lot, but the illusion that we could access spiritual power through our minds has collapsed. We have followed the rules and precepts of both Eastern and Western religions, and these have been a helpful start. They have not, however, provided the catalyst that we had hoped would propel us into direct access of spiritual power. The age of keeping our heads down and our mouths shut is over. The day of waiting for someone stronger, better, and smarter to come along and figure things out is over. The hope of one leader coming onto the scene and taking the helm to steer us out of the morass will not be satisfied. We are clear that the old way does not work. It has been successful up to a point, but it cannot take us into the experience of spiritual power that we can use in our everyday lives. The heartening news is that the Akashic Records can.

When I first accessed the Akashic Records, I felt a sense of unconditional love and support unlike anything I had ever known. I knew that if everyone could experience the Records, world peace would be the outcome. I asked myself, “How could there be global strife and despair if everybody felt this good?” It became my mission to assist in anchoring to the planet this love from the Records.

The Records made it clear that in order to succeed in my mission I had to first clean up my own negative judgments and opinions about myself and my life. I was encouraged to focus more on what was right about me rather than what I perceived as wrong. I stopped comparing myself to others and learned to really respect and honor my own individuality. I began living my life conscious of my own magnificence. It is from this place that I continue to share the wisdom and support that the Records hold for humanity.


The significance of the Pathway Prayer Process to Access the Heart of the Akashic Records is that it is a spiritual means into a spiritual dimension that holds energy, power, and wisdom. The Pathway Prayer takes us into the Heart of this dimension so that the energy (power) and information (wisdom) inform and utilize the heart, so it can direct the mind and the will. The mind is wonderful, yet it has not been what we hoped it would be for humanity: it does not have the sensitivity or compassion that real people need. Knowledge is essential, yet without the heart’s guidance, it is incomplete. The will is critical to manifesting and realizing the ideas of the mind. Yet without the heart, the will can be cold and ruthless; if the heart does not have its say, the will can manifest results that are ultimately unsatisfying.

At this point in the history of human spiritual development, it is time for individuals to have direct access to spiritual resources. The Pathway Prayer Process provides direct access to the spiritual resource of the Akashic Records, and this book is the training tool you need to cultivate your own relationship with spiritual power. This is a new idea. It is rooted in the awareness that no one person carries the Divine potential to transform our lives for us. This new understanding is that each of us has the same Light within, and no one can do our part for us—that only I can do my part, and only you can do your part. We can no longer wait for anyone outside ourselves to get us out of our dilemmas and into the flow of the spiritual life force, whether on a personal level or a global one.

For the first time in the history of humanity, all persons are being called upon to wake up to a new and wonderful opportunity, and to participate to the best of their ability. Participation is now self-determined: I can join in if I want to. No one else decides for me. Participation is no longer based on gender, race, or class. Taking responsibility and doing one’s part is based on individual choice. Each one of us can see what needs to be done and has the grace within to do it. I have within me the ability and the energy to do my individual part. I do not have the ability or the energy to do your part, however. Likewise, you don’t have what it takes to do my part, but you have exactly what’s required to do what you do best. This is a fabulous system, and it’s directly related to the Akashic Records being available to anyone who wants to access them. Deep within all human beings is a clear and profound sense of the Divine essence. It may be buried under all kinds of unresolved issues and fears, yet rest assured—it’s there. The Akashic Records provide a way to be in conscious, direct relationship with the Divine Presence in an intimate and manageable format. The Records are being opened to nonclerical people like you and me who are the hope of the future.

Humanity has been crying out for help for a very long time. Help was given first to religious leaders, then to political and economic leaders and external organizations. But in the hands of these “others,” significant global change has not yet occurred. This is because global change must begin with individuals, and it must come from within. The transmission and activation of global change begins when one soul recognizes the Divine Light in another. Across the planet, one soul at a time, “pockets” of individual points of Light have begun to form. As these pockets of Light continue to recognize each other, they will form a “blanket” of Light that will eventually converge and cover the entire planet, radiating the best of who we are and magnetizing the best in those around us. This Light meeting Light will transform our reality.

This movement of inner spiritual awareness is already under way and will continue until each and every person is seen in the truth of who they are. As this Light spreads, it will form a layer of Light-consciousness of goodwill, peace, and harmony that will support all our human efforts to have life work in every way, for everyone, all included.

You, dear reader, have been drawn to this book by an inner prompting. It is no accident that you now hold it in your hands. There is something already active within you that brought you to this movement. The Lords of the Records are beckoning you to begin the transformation you seek. Your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones are waiting to provide you with all the energetic backing and wisdom you need to realize your incredible potential. This is your time, right now.

We are in a transitional generation. Our parents did not know about personal responsibility in the way we know it now, nor did they ever consider having direct access to their own spiritual authority—well, some did, but their generation as a whole did not. The Akashic Records were not widely available until now because there had to be enough development of the mass consciousness to be able to handle this resource. Now that has happened. We have seen an explosion in meditation, heart-mind connection work, personal healing, and Light healing for ourselves and others. All of these practices have enabled the masses to mature sufficiently to be ready to use the Akashic Records in the best ways for personal growth and global healing. Our children might not need a tool like this. They might take it for granted and assume that they are entitled to receive insight and support from the spiritual resource of their choosing. We are the generation that needs the training. We are the Bridge of Light. As we construct this bridge with the Pathway Prayer Process, we make it easier for those who come after us. Our descendents will find it the most natural thing in the world to be in direct, conscious relationship with their inner Divinity and its corresponding expression in the Universe.

And so, my friends, thank you so much for stepping onto your path along with so many others who are committed to walking in the Light of truth, the Light of peace, the Light of power, the Light of love. We stand together, shoulder to shoulder, moving ahead in our ordinary lives with an extra-ordinary perspective. You are a point of Light within an amazing, infinite Light that permeates all of life and every soul in the Universe. I want you to know that I know that there is a Light that only you can shine. I know that your Light is unique and vital to the illumination of humanity. Together our Lights will shine and will brighten the path for all who choose to join. You will know when the time is right for you; and when that moment arrives, you will set your feet upon the path. And together we will do what we could never do alone.

Much love and many blessings,
Linda Howe