I have always been blessed with wonderful traveling companions on my journey. To each and every person who has shared a moment or more with me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your contribution to me and to the work.
I’d like to shine the Light on a special group of individuals.
My biggest thanks go to Juliette Looye for her writing gifts, and for supporting me as I discover how to communicate the love and wisdom of the Records through writing. Her writing talent, organizational skills, sense of pacing, and eye for detail are amazing. Add to these gifts her ability to enjoy life, and presto! Our work together became a blessing and a blast.
Thanks to Christina Cross, my longtime assistant and true friend, for her purity of heart, open mind, endless patience, and true vision, as well as her infinite support and encouragement. I have the deepest appreciation for the privilege and pleasure of our work together.
Thanks to Jean Lachowicz, who is always there, fearless and ready to help in any way possible. She is persistent, determined, and steadfast, whether coping with a crisis or crafting a long-term strategy—and always brings a fabulous sense of humor. I thank her forever.
Thanks to Mary Brown for showing up at the right time and bringing me common sense.
Thanks to Laura Staisiunas for following her Light and moving to Colorado.
Thanks to Carol Schneidman for being honest with me.
Big thanks to Mary and Michelle for the perfect help at the eleventh hour.
A very special thanks to my dear friend, Shelia Leidy, a prophet in my life, for being there at the important intersections, shining the Light, and providing the push to continue.
Thanks to my wonderful student friends, especially Anne and Amy, Rhonda, Homa, Tim S., Kim, Paula, Joan, Jennifer, and Jessica. Thanks to the group from Port Townsend and Seattle with Maggie, Sylvan, Linda, Johanna, and the rest. To everyone else who stepped on the path and stayed on it for as long as it was good for them. I love you all.
For a lifetime of friendship and support, thanks to Charlotte, JoAnne, Marla, K.D., Gie, George H., Donna, Julee, Mike, Steven, Timothy, and Harriet.
Thanks to all my siblings, each and every one.
To my brilliant and generous colleagues Robert Dubiel, David Pond, and Dawn Silver, a million thanks.
Thanks so much to all the gracious and fabulous people at Sounds True.
Finally, to my soul mate and earth partner, Lisa. My deepest gratitude for sharing this walk with me, sticking with it, keeping the faith and focus, and knowing that this is my regular job. I love you. And to Michael, the most wonderful son in the Universe: you are a great gift in my life. I love you.
Thank you all.