I’m thrilled that you found your way to this book about learning to read the Akashic Records. I can tell you with certainty that if your experiences in the Records are anything like mine and my students’, this work will blow you away—literally: It will blow away the misperceptions you’ve held about the world up to this point in your life. It will blow away the fears and excuses that have kept you from moving forward. And it will blow you into a new place of understanding, insight, love, and peace—a place that allows you to embrace your life and everything about it.
So, congratulations! At some point, you made a deliberate decision to deepen your spiritual connection and expand your experience on this planet. Now is the perfect time to begin, and this book is your perfect tool. It contains the curriculum for my two-day Beginning Class and walks you through the entire process of learning to read the Akashic Records. The book is divided into two parts: In Part One you will learn how to read the Akashic Records; Part Two offers techniques and exercises for using the Records to heal yourself and others.
As you work your way through this book, you’ll probably read some parts only once. Other parts, however, will become stopping places you’ll revisit many times. However you choose to use this book, the information it presents is cumulative—it builds upon itself—so please read it all the way through at least once.
It is my heartfelt hope that you will make extensive use of this book—that you will give the spiritual opportunity before you a fair try. With the book as your guide, you can follow the Light in ways you never dreamed of before.
And now, our journey begins....