An Opening Meditation

I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you to an exciting new dimension of spiritual knowledge. This dimension is so subtle—with such a light and quick vibration—that it will actually cause an energetic shift in your consciousness. As this shift occurs, it will allow you to move out of your ordinary ways of perceiving so that you can access the extraordinary—an interface with the Divine!

To facilitate this shift in consciousness, I start each of my Beginning Classes with a meditation. This meditation helps us ground ourselves in an energetic pillar of Light that lovingly holds us steady as we move into our work. So please find yourself a comfortable chair in a quiet room. Seat yourself squarely, with your back straight and your feet on the floor. Then read through the following meditation at a pace that feels comfortable to you.

Opening Meditation: The Pillar of Light

As you sit with your feet flat on the floor, let your chair hold you up and support you. Get a sense of where you are and where your body is.... Now rub your hands together and begin to draw energy up from the heart of the earth. Draw it up from the very center of the planet, through the soles of your feet, and allow it to travel up through your body ... up through your legs ... up through your trunk ... into your neck ... and up into the cavity of your skull. Allow the energy to press into the lining of your skull.

While still rubbing your hands together, you might be noticing that the energy has been traveling down your arms and into your hands. By now, your hands should be warm. Use them to clear your aura—the energy field around you body. Physically brush off your body, clearing away any vibration on you or around you that isn’t yours. Send it into the earth, where it can be absorbed and transmuted. Then, when you’re finished, put your hands palms-up in your lap or on the arm-rests of the chair.

Now allow yourself to become aware of the infinitely powerful and loving source of Light that is always there, hovering about eighteen inches above your head.... As you become more aware of the Light, it becomes more activated, and it rains down over you—in front, behind, on both sides. The Light clears away anything on you or around you that interferes with your ability to experience your own goodness.

As the Light moves from head to toe, it gathers under your feet and begins to swell. It begins to establish for you a platform of Light that holds you up in this place, at this time. It doesn’t bind your feet, but it does hold them and support them.

Then the Light begins to fill your energy field. This is an egg-shaped space that extends all the way around you, about eighteen inches in every direction—in front, behind, and on both sides. The Light begins to fill that space ... up to your ankles ... your knees ... your hips ... all the way up to your shoulders and over the top of your head, so that now you are sitting inside a pillar of Light.

Take a moment now to let the Light do its work on you. First, by its natural magnetic property, the Light draws from you anything within that doesn’t support you: any physical pain, stress, or distress that’s present; any emotional turbulence, worry, or chaos; and from your mind, any thoughts that might be scaring you or upsetting you. The Light can draw all of that from you. It can draw from you anything within that is interfering with your experience of the ever-present inner peace. You don’t have to tell the Light what to do. The Light is an infinite intelligence that knows exactly what you need at this moment. Just let it do its work....

And while the Light is drawing from you through its magnetic nature, at the same time, by its radiant nature, it is radiating itself into you. And as the Light radiates into you from every angle possible—in front, from above, from below—and as it passes through the boundary of your skin, the Light becomes exactly what you need. So if what you need is courage, the Light will become that. Perhaps you need comfort. The Light will become that. Open yourself up to observe the Light as it becomes what you need and meets whatever the need of the moment is. Take a few moments to allow this to happen...

By now you should be in a state of reasonable balance and ready to move forward. Bring your attention back to this moment, and then continue reading.