Kadar sat in the study of his Regent’s Park home preparing for his day. As he sipped the very black chai tea his Afghan servant had delivered, he inhaled deeply, enjoying the sweet but spicy scent of the cardamom added to it. His mind traveled back to the world where he’d first experienced the food and drink he now regularly enjoyed. Thoughts of the desert sands and his life there contrasted sharply with his current life in England.

“How different it is here,” he mumbled as he sat back in his chair. In England, he was essentially a man of leisure, each day attending appointments with other men like him. There he’d been anything but that type of man.

But one similarity existed between the two very different worlds. Just as in the wilder world of his past, he still enjoyed the underground sexual world of domination and submission. And to his surprise, he’d found many more willing participants here in England.

Reflecting on his most recent time with a new submissive, he causally thumbed through the newspaper and drank his morning tea. He read through the Agony Column, even though he no longer advertised, because like so many other Londoners he couldn’t resist the mystery the column offered in the staid and responsible days of Victoria.

Before he’d made it halfway through, he saw it.

“L. misses her tutor and wishes to resume her studies.”

Kadar’s heart beat wildly against his chest as he reread the message he knew was meant for him. Lily had drifted in and out of his mind since the day he’d watched her run from his house. He’d accepted, albeit with disappointment, that what he’d hoped for had no chance of occurring. She was a proper society woman through and through.

But as he ran his fingertips over her words, he saw that he’d been mistaken. She was certainly a lady on the surface, but like so many of the women he’d met, she craved something more than the bland sexuality mid-nineteenth century restrictive morals forced her to accept.

No, she’s different than those women, he thought to himself as his mind replayed her sweetly innocent response to him as she stood naively in his Hertfordshire home.

Her ad had given little evidence of the passion he suspected he’d find within her. His fantasy of that passion raced through his thoughts, building upon itself with each new desire he conjured.

Just as he believed her passion to be far deeper than the façade of a perfect English lady let on, he also knew he’d have to be patient and gently initiate her into the world she timidly approached. Too much too soon and she’d run.

No, he’d need to take his time.

As he considered how sweet her surrender would be when it finally came, his growing erection pushed against his trousers. His body preferred to move much faster than he should.

A knock at the door roused him from his fantasies, and as his servant entered to refresh his drink, he said, “Akil, I will need you to take another letter to the Times just as before.”

The man nodded. “Will there be anything else, Master?”

Kadar rose from his chair to retrieve a pen and paper. When he was finished composing his ad, he handed it to him. “After you deliver this to the paper for tomorrow’s edition, I want you to go to the market.”

“Yes, Master.”

He handed Akil another sheet of paper with a list of items he desired. “Make sure you obtain the ingredients for Qabili Palau. And I want the best chocolates, so go to the confectionary near Hyde Park. Do you know the one I mean?”

Akil smiled a knowing smile and bowed. “I know exactly the one, Master.”

“Then go. And when you retrieve everything on that list, take it to Hertfordshire. We’ll be going there tomorrow morning.”

“Will there be anything else?”

Kadar thought about his question and quickly scribbled another note. “Have this delivered to the young woman named Violet. And send Nuha in.”

Bowing deeply, Akil took the paper and left to begin his errands. With his exit, Kadar’s maid and sometimes cook entered the study. She stood quietly waiting for him to give her orders, her gaze directed toward the floor.

When he’d finished writing another note, he looked up at her. “Nuha, you’ll be going to Hertfordshire in the morning. I’ll need you to cook for a gathering I’ll be having tomorrow. I sent Akil to get all the ingredients you’ll need for Qabili Palau, and I want you to make baklava.”

“Yes, Master. I will require rosewater. Do you prefer I purchase it or make it myself?”

“Do whatever it takes to ensure the baklava tastes like it did when you first made it for me.”

“As you wish. I will need roses then.”

Handing her money, Kadar instructed her to find Akil to add the flowers to his list. When she’d left, he relaxed at his desk and returned to his fantasy of his next meeting with Lily.

Lily awoke from a night filled with decadent dreams, her entire body humming with excitement. She’d submitted her ad in time for yesterday’s paper and anticipated his answer today. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach at seeing something meant especially for her.

Everyone else in the house had finished breakfast, so she was able to search the paper in private. But as she began to read the Agony Column, Mason Danvers was announced and led into the breakfast room.

“Captain Danvers, this is an unexpected surprise,” she said with frustration as she folded the Times in her lap.

“Good morning, Lily. It’s wonderful to see you again. I’m here to meet with your brother, but I don’t see him. Is he here?”

“I’m not sure where he is, but please take a seat and feel free to wait.”

“That’s very kind of you. Thank you. Please don’t let me interrupt you. I saw you were reading the paper as I entered.”

“No, that can wait. I wouldn’t be much of a hostess if I read the paper while you sit here with me.”

Lily accepted that she would have to wait just a short while longer to find out if her mystery man from Hertfordshire had answered. She and Mason conversed about goings on in Regent’s Park and William’s new nanny until Richard returned for their meeting.

“Thank you for another lovely time, Lily,” Mason said as he stood to join her brother.

Smiling, Lily eagerly returned to the newspaper and the Agony Column. Three-quarters of the way down the page she found her answer. As her heart pounded against her chest, she read each of his words with delight.

“K. welcomes his wayward pupil L. at three o’clock at his home on Saturday.”

Instantly, her face felt hot and the flush traveled over her body as she reread the enticing words. He would welcome her that very afternoon!

Looking up, she saw Mason staring at her as he spoke to her brother. Embarrassed, she meekly smiled and was greeted by Mason’s full grin, which only served to heighten her discomfort.

Turning away, she looked out the window and tried to calm herself so as not to attract any undue attention. Every cell in her body felt alive as she thought about what may begin in just a few hours. She would finally meet her stranger face to face. The idea of what they’d do afterward made her heart begin to pound again, and her breathing quickly became labored, her breasts gently rising and falling as she closed her eyes to envision the delights that awaited her in Hertfordshire.

Her reverie was broken by Mason’s voice. “Are you feeling all right, Lily?”

Confused and flustered, she turned to see him standing near her. Quickly, she closed the paper to conceal the source of her excitement.

“Yes, yes. I’m fine. Thank you.”

“Did you read something in the paper that upset you? It seems like every day the news becomes more filled with the depravity so many in our fine city wallow in.”

“No, I’m fine.”

Was what she planned to do that afternoon depraved? Just months before, she may have answered yes with little doubt, but now she was far less assured of her answer. Nothing had ever excited her as much as the feel of the man’s hands controlling her.

Standing from the table, she hastily excused herself, leaving the men to continue their discussion. Alone in her room, she excitedly prepared for her journey to Hertfordshire, unsure of everything but her desire to see the man again.


It was nearly three o’clock as her coach rambled to the designated meeting place. Lily fought back the urge to instruct the driver to turn around and return to the safety of her brother’s home on Frederick Street. Twice before on the trip, she’d almost lost her nerve, fearing what she was about to do. But just as she had in those moments of doubt, she once again steadied herself and admitted that she wanted this, no matter what society would think.

She’d worn her most flattering dress, a pale pink that flattered her more than any others she owned. Nervously, she fixed the stray curls that had escaped her bonnet, wishing she possessed hair that behaved as it should.

Exiting the carriage, she looked around but saw no one. The country home of K. was thankfully private she noted as she approached the front door. Her knock was answered by the same man who’d greeted her on her first visit, and just as before, he showed her into the room and instructed her to wait with her back to the window. As she stood waiting for the stranger to come up behind her, Lily was sure she’d never been as excited in her entire life as she was in these moments anticipating his first touch. When he finally ended her tortured wait, she reacted with a start.

Gently, his hands held her head so she remained eyes forward, and his words reassured her. “There’s no need for fear. I would never hurt you, Lily.”

The way he spoke her name sounded like a secret whispered only to her. It thrilled her, and instantly she felt her nipples harden into tightened pearls pressing against the fabric covering them.

He began his sweet assault on her neck, planting kisses in a path from her ear to her collarbone as he held her fast with his hand on her jaw. Gradually, the flick of his tongue was added to his kisses, exciting her even more. Lily was powerless to stop a small moan from escaping from her throat when he spoke again.

“You are so lovely, my pupil.”

Before she could think of what to say, his body moved away from behind her, only his hand left touching her as he held her chin firmly. When he returned, she felt the warmth of his body press against hers and his free hand held something in front of her face.

“Lily, I want you to wear this whenever we’re together. You may refuse, but if you do, there will be no more meetings.”

Each word on its own was said in a purely seductive whisper, but the meaning of them together unnerved her. Would she never see him? And why was she forbidden from seeing his face?

For a long moment he remained still, as if waiting for her answer. When she quietly acquiesced, he positioned the blue silk blindfold over her eyes and fastened it in a tie behind her head. Then he released her face and moved away from her once again.

Immediately frightened by her newfound helplessness, she lifted her hands in defense to feel for safety in front of her.

“Don’t be frightened. I’m right here,” he said as he slowly pulled her to him, pressing his broad chest against her gently heaving breasts.

Lily waited in sweet anticipation for him to begin his assault on her mouth, eager to finally kiss him with all the desire inside her, but instead he only very softly brushed his lips against hers, increasing her need.

Parting her lips to encourage him to intensify his kiss, she felt his soft breath as he whispered “lovely” against her mouth before pulling away. Lily pressed her lips together and bit her lower lip in frustration. How much she wanted to feel his lips on hers, devouring her passion and giving her his!

“I have something for you.”

He took her by the hand and led her away from the window. After only a few steps, he stopped her and gently eased her down to the floor. Unaccustomed to sitting this way, she began fidgeting and smoothing the front of her dress.

“Don’t move. And no fidgeting,” he quietly commanded.

She heard his footsteps move away from her but was unsure if he left the room when he opened the door. She sat still as a statue but fearful of what he had for her. Was it a gift, she wondered as she sat waiting for what could bring her pleasure or pain?