Kadar watched as Lily left, disoriented and confused by the abrupt end of their rendezvous. Her taste remained on his lips, and he licked them hoping to have just a bit more of her with him before all he had left were memories. The tightness in the pit of his stomach from the effect she created in him remained, evidenced by his swollen cock pressing against the front of his trousers.

He’d wanted her more than he’d ever wanted a woman. Seated in his chair, he stretched to release the tension of unfulfilled need. Closing his eyes, he let the memory of Lily take him over.

A knock at the door interrupted him, and he was forced back to reality as Akil joined him.


“Master, will we be staying here or returning to the city?”

“I’ll be returning to London for a day, so I’ll need you to accompany me. Nuha can return and stay. I’ll need to be back here for Monday.”

“Yes, Master. Will you need anything additional for that meeting with Mrs. Norville?”

Kadar arched one eyebrow. “Were you eavesdropping at the door, Akil?”

The servant grinned. “No. I simply assumed your return to this house would be because of another meeting with this new lady.”

Remembering his promise to Lily, Kadar said, “Only lady from this time on.”

“Yes, Master. Does this mean you will need something special for Monday?”

“The velvet ropes.”

Bowing, Akil left after he was excused and Kadar sat regretting his inability to daydream about his time with Lily before setting off on his trip back to the city.

By the time she arrived back home, Lily had run the gamut of emotions. Frustrated as she left Hertfordshire, she’d angrily pledged never to return to Kadar again. By the time her carriage had reached the halfway point of the trip, she had reconsidered her prior decision, thinking herself rash, and had pledged to return when he’d ordered.

But her basic levelheadedness won out over her extreme emotions so that by the time her carriage arrived at Frederick Street, she’d acknowledged Kadar’s effect on her body and soul but restrained her feelings enough to face her family.

As she entered the house, she stopped to listen to the newfound calm William’s governess had created. In the parlor, he played with a puzzle quietly as Miss Allen looked on with a watchful eye.

“Aunty Lily, come look at my puzzle! Can you tell what it will be?”

Lily crouched down to examine what looked like a picture of a giraffe on the African plains. Teasing him, she answered, “Is it a hippopotamus?”

“No!” he cried with a squeal. “Guess again.”

Pretending to examine it more carefully, she stared at the obvious neck of a giraffe and said, “Is it a squirrel?”

Both William and the governess laughed. “Aunty Lily, you don’t know much about animals, do you?”

Chuckling, Lily shook her head. “I guess not. But do you know what I do know about? Wonderful nephews.”

Leaning in, she kissed the top of his head and pulled back to tap him gently on the nose.

“What’s that smell? It smells like something delicious. Did you bring me a treat?”

Lily recalled how delicious Kadar’s baklava had tasted and for a moment became lost in the memory of him feeding her.

“No, but I promise next time to bring you some.”

Walking into the dining room, she found Elizabeth arranging the table. Instantly, Lily hoped she wasn’t going to have to attend another dinner party. Her emotions were under control for the moment, but she couldn’t predict what would happen if she had to pretend to be carefree and sweet after what she’d experienced with Kadar.

“Elizabeth, you aren’t entertaining again, are you?”

“Heavens, no! This is simply for us.”

Relieved, Lily turned to retreat to her room.

“Lily, there’s a letter for you in the hallway.”

Her heart leaping in her chest, Lily wondered if Kadar had sent her a message. She quickly walked to the hallway table, anticipating what might be waiting for her. Is it possible he knows where I live? She knew she’d told his servant her name, but had she given him her address?

Opening the letter, she saw it was from Mason and relief quickly turned to disappointment. Of course Kadar hadn’t sent anything. How silly of her to think he would!

The letter formally requested a carriage ride the next day with Mason, and as much as she was sure it would at the very least be pleasant, she knew she had little reason to decline. As Richard had said, he was a good man.

The next day came all too quickly for Lily, and at one o’clock, Mason promptly arrived for their official first date. Lily knew she should simply be thankful that an eligible man was interested in her. At almost twenty-three, she was no young girl and every day she spent as the widowed sister of Richard Scott instead of the fiancé of some gentleman, her chances of securing the blessing of a second marriage grew slimmer.

Not that she believed any of that. More and more in the recent days she’d become less the proper English lady she’d always believed herself to be. But what she was changing into she didn’t know.

Mason took her hand to help her into the carriage and she felt his strength press into her hand. He truly was a fine man, and as she opened up her parasol to shield herself from the midday sun, she slyly studied him.

“Lily, the afternoon is yours. Wherever you’d like to go, your wish is my command.”

“Surprise me, Mason.”

“Very well. And while I do that, I hope we may get to know one another better.”

For almost an hour, Lily and Mason enjoyed a beautiful spring day and the sweet conversation that’s found between two souls at the brink of romance. For Lily’s part, she began to find many appealing parts to the captain’s personality and the recent events with Kadar slipped into the recesses of her mind.

Leaning toward the far side of the carriage, Mason uncovered a box of fine chocolates, each beautifully wrapped in its individual special foil. “Please, let us enjoy a chocolate. They’re handmade from the finest confectioner in town.”

Lily took a candy and eagerly unwrapped it to find a milk chocolate and almond treat. Placing it on her tongue, all the wonderful feelings she’d experienced the day before with Kadar came flooding back, and she closed her eyes, afraid if she met Mason’s gaze he’d see she was far different than the proper lady he believed her to be.

“Do you like it?” she heard him say in a voice that sounded very far away.

Opening her eyes, she turned to face him and smiled. “Yes, very much. Thank you, Mason.”

His smile in response reached all the way to his eyes, and her attention was drawn to their warm brown color. In the sun, it seemed like golden flecks swam in the deeper color, creating a very handsome effect. She couldn’t help but think he was a very attractive man.

“What kind did you get?” he asked.

“Almond and milk chocolate.”

“Oh. I prefer pistachios to almonds, I think.”

“Do you?” she asked, pleased to find something they had in common. “I do too. But they’re difficult to find, even in our empire’s great capital.”

“I know. I had them often when I was in Afghanistan. There the natives use them in many dishes, often as a topping.”

“Do they? That sounds wonderful.”

A long silence grew between them, and Lily was conscious of Mason staring at her. Suddenly uncomfortable, she let her gaze fall to her folded hands in her lap.

“Lily? Is something wrong?”

Her gaze fixed on her lap, she shook her head. She couldn’t explain that just the mere mention of pistachios had made her think of another man, a man she’d never seen and who she intended on allowing to do things to her most would denounce as depraved.

“I hope you know I’m very fixed on you.”


“Yes,” he said with a broad smile. “I like you a great deal, Lily.”

Feeling her face grow flush, she inwardly found amusement that his innocent words could make her blush after what she’d done in the past week.

“I’m sure you know I look forward to a time when you’ll agree to be my wife.”

As he spoke, he gently placed a hand on hers.

“I’m flattered Mason. And please know I think highly of you. I just don’t know if I’m ready to marry again.”

Lily knew in her heart this wasn’t entirely true. Despite not even knowing what Kadar looked like, she knew no man, not even her dear Jeremy, had ignited feelings in her like the ones she experienced when he was near. Kadar she would be ready to marry.

Mason lightly squeezed her hand and nodded. “I’m willing to wait until you’re ready, Lily. I’m a patient man who understands that good things in this world often require waiting. And you are very much a good thing.”

As she thanked him, she wondered if she was, in fact, such a good thing as she spent the afternoon with one man while thoughts of another delighted her mind.