Abbott Labs/women dairy farmers, 94–95
Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh, 91
Abdi, Hawa, 129–30
Abe, Shinzō, 10
acid violence
Afghan-U.S. Women’s Council, 62
Akilah Institute for Women, 28
Albee, Persis, 88
Albright, Madeleine
Hillary Clinton and, viii, 132–33
Alliance for Artisan Enterprise, 109
Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety, 91
American Civil Liberties Union, 65
Ana, Dona, 20
ANN INC. and purpose/philanthropy, 21–22
Annie’s, 107
Ant Credit, China, 104
Anthony, Susan B., 174
Ashby, Molly, 107
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), 13–14
Aspect Ventures, 106–7
Azizi, Farida, 54
Azzarelli, Kim
meeting Verveer/Vital Voices and, 1–2
Bair, Sheila, 66
Ban Ki-moon, 177–78
Bangura, Zainab, 134
Bank of America/social responsibility, 32–34, 100–101
Barsh, Joanna, 59
Bartik, Betty Jean Jennings, 148
Bauer, Susan, 149
Bechdel, Alison/“Bechdel test,” 169–70
Belle Capital, 102
Bem, Sandra, 116
Between Two Worlds (Salbi), 76–77
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 19, 56, 153
Blair, Cherie, 154. See also Cherie Blair Foundation
Blankfein, Lloyd, 103
Bloomberg News, 160–61
board positions/gender, 4, 57–59
Bochniarz, Henryka, 62–63
Bock, Laszlo, 69
Bodenheimer, George, 15
Boko Haram, 138–39
Born, Brooksley, 66
Brandt, Christen, 141
Briggs, Jimmie, 131–32
Brooke-Marciniak, Beth, 24–25
Brown, Elizabeth Schaeffer, 99–100
Brown, Pauline, 105–6
Brown, Tina, 5, 16, 39, 51, 53–5
Brzezinski, Mika, 163
Budnik, Shaun, 119
Buffet, Warren, 164
Burch, Tory, 100. See also Tory Burch Foundation
Burns, Ursula, 70
Bush, Laura, 62
Byron, Lord, 148
Cab Riders United, 78–79
Cameroon presidential run (2010), 69
care issues (overview), 68, 116–21
Castro, Panmela, 34
Center for Women and Justice. See Cornell Law School’s Avon Global Center for Women and Justice
Charron Paul, 79–80
Cherie Blair Foundation, 34, 93–94, 153
child marriage, 50, 123, 126, 127–28, 129, 139, 160
Chinoy, Sharmeen Obaid, 161
Chime for Change, 162
Chon, Katherine, 122
Circle Financial Group, 55–56
Clinton, Bill, 38
Clinton Foundation, 56
Clinton, Hillary
women’s issues and, x–xi, 5, 13–14, 17, 18, 35–38, 39, 52, 60, 62, 85–86, 101, 109, 112–14, 127, 129, 133–34, 178
Cohen, Carol Fishman, 120
Cohen, Jane, 26
Coletivo programs, 20–21
Confidence Code, The (Kay and Shipman), 182–83
confidence creating/gap, 182–83
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, 115
Cook, Mike, 119
Cooper’s Law, New York City, 79
Cornell Law School’s Avon Global Center for Women and Justice, x, 49–51, 65, 125, 138
country economies and women (overview), 11–14
Couric, Emily, 165
Couric, Katie, 164–65
Daily Beast, 53–54
Daveu, Marie-Claire, 162
Davis, Geena, 160, 166–70, 186
Davis, Laura, 141
Day, H. Alan, 64
de Thuin, Aude, 55
Deloitte/Personal Pursuits, 23–24, 119
Dermer, Julie, 78
Desai, Vishakha, 182
Di Nonno, Madeline, 167
Diawara, Demba, Imam, 129
direct-sales model, 87, 88–89, 96
documentaries/women’s issues (overview), 160–62
domestic violence issues, 50–51, 79–80, 113, 123–24
double dividend. See multiplier effect by investing in women/girls
Douglass, Frederick, 173
Dreifuss, Claire-Lise/Jean-Jacques, 130
Dunham, Ann, 85–86
economic participation/women
Economist Intelligence Unit Women’s Economic Opportunity Index, 75
education for girls
risks, 138–39
Eggleston, Bill, 167
Elahi, Ebby
gratitude/shifting perspective, 44–46
Elahi, Ostad, 46
Ellerman, Derek, 122
EMILY’s List, 59
ENIAC project/machine, 148
entrepreneurs. See specific companies; specific individuals; women-owned businesses
EQ (emotional intelligence), 99
Equal Pay Act (U.S.), 121
equality for women/girls
making the case for, 195–97
media and, 158–71
See also inequality of women
ExxonMobil/Foundation, 25–26
EY (formerly Ernst & Young), 16, 24–25, 57
factory jobs and women, 91–92
failure significance, 183–85
Families for Safe Streets, 78–79
Farmer, Ruthe, 145
farmers/women farmers, 19–20, 94–95
Feigen, Brenda, 165–66
Ferrera, America, 158–59
Fisher, Catherine, 22
Fisher, Doris/Donald, 122
Folbre, Nancy, 117
Fonstad, Jennifer, 106–7
Forbes, Moira/Steve, 163
ForbesWoman, 163
Forbes Women’s Summit, 163
Ford Foundation, 127
Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit, 70
Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, The (Prahalad), 3
Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing
Friedman, Thomas, 52
Frisch, Bob, 192
Full Participation Report (No Ceilings initiative), 178
Furstenberg, Diane von, 6, 39–40, 41
Garrett, Elizabeth, 143
Gates, Bill, 164
Gates, Melinda, 5, 56–57, 149, 178
Gaymard, Clara, 55
Geena Davis Institute for Gender in Media, 167
Gender and Economic Growth in Uganda (Ellis/World Bank), 74
genital mutilation, 113, 123, 128–29, 135, 136, 162
Gentile, Laura, 15–16, 17, 18, 21
Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace, and Security, 132
Gillibrand, Kirsten, 59–60
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 50, 65–66
Girl Rising movement/film, 162–63
Girls Who Code, 143–44, 183, 184, 190
Global Banking Alliance for Women, 105
Global Gender Gap Report (World Economic Forum/2006), 12
Global Sports Mentoring program, 17–18
Goings, Rick, 89–90
Golden Seeds, 102
Goldman Sachs/Foundation, 10, 103–4
Gomes, Regina Maria Silva, 20–21
Gordon, Holly, 162
Gore, Al, 27
Goudie, Mary, Baroness, 61
Gouw, Theresia, 106
Grameen America, 95–96
gratitude, 44–46
Griswold, Eliza, 130
Gucci, 162
Hague, William, 132
Haiti earthquake/artisans, 9
Half the Sky (documentary), 160, 161
gratitude and, 46
human relationships and, 32
Harman, Jane, 60
Harrison, Patricia, 160
Harvard Business Review, 23, 120
Hatcher, Dotti, 92
Hayek, Salma, 162
Henkle, Dan, 122
Hewlett, Sylvia Ann, 22
Highton de Nolasco, Elena Inés, 125
Hizb al-Islam, 130
Hollaback! app, 151–52
Horbunova, Oksana, 38
Hormats, Robert, 13
How Remarkable Women Lead (Barsh), 59
human trafficking, 37–38, 40–41, 61, 113, 122–23, 126
Hunt, Helen LaKelly, 56
Hunt, Swanee, 35
Hurst, Aaron, 189
Hutchison, Kay Bailey, 39
Ibarra, Herminia, 181–82
Inconvenient Truth, An (documentary), 27
inequality of women
pay inequality/statistics (overview), 121–22
See also equality for women; specific issues
Intel/Foundation, 156–57
International Finance Corporation (IFC), 103, 104–5
International Folk Art Alliance, 109–10
Isaacson, Walter, 148
Janah, Leila, 150–51
Japan’s economy/women, 10
Jasmine (Jewish-Arab Businesswomen’s Association), 83–84
Jebreal, Rula, 110
Jung, Andrea, 47, 88, 89, 95–96
Kalantry, Sital, 50
Karan, Donna, 109
Karman, Tawakkol, 55
Kassebaum, Nancy, 39
Kate Spade store, 82–83
Kay, Katty, 182–83
Keefe, Joseph, 14
Keeping Hope Alive (Abdi), 129
Kering/Foundation, 162
Kern, Jackie, 78
Kestenbaum, Jocelyn Getgen, 50
Kim, Jim Yong, 75
Kim, Sung-Joo, 99
Klawe, Maria, 149
Klein, Michael, 74
Know Your Value events/Knowing Your Value (Brzezinski), 163
Kolb, Henriette, 104–5
Kramer, Mark, 3
Krawcheck, Sallie, 14
Krill, Kay, 22
Lan Yang, 164
Lanham Act (1940), 118
law leadership and women, 63–66. See also specific individuals; specific organizations
Lazy B: Growing Up on a Cattle Ranch in the American Southwest (Day O’Connor and Day), 64
leadership positions/women
characteristics of women leaders, 59
excuses for lack of women, 66–67
paying it forward, 70–71
pipeline excuse, 67–69
statistics on, 57
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (Sandberg), 71
Leavenworth, Elaine, 94–95, 185
Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. (2007), 65
Lenses of Gender, The (Bem), 116
Lerner, Dana, 78–79
“Like a Girl” commercials, 170
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009), 65
Lindhout, Amanda, 130
Liz Claiborne company, 79–80
Lovelace, Ada, 148
Lovely, Dionne Colvin, 16–17
Luks, Allan, 48
Mack, Carol, 54
Mad Men era, 21
Mahindra, Anand, 139–40
MAKERS (documentary series), 160
Malcolm, Ellen, 59
Man UP, 131–32
Marcelo, Sheila Lirio, 97, 116
Marriott, Bill, 27
Marriott International, 27–28, 71
Masoro, Rwanda, co-op, 83
MasterCard/Center for Inclusive Growth, 153–54
Matthews, Chris, 26
Matthews, Kathleen, 26–28, 71, 187
May, Emily, 151–52
Mayer, Marissa, 70
McBride, Anita, 62
McCardle, Megan, 184
McCarron, Suzanne, 25–26
McCarthy, Gina, 66
McConnell, David Hall, 87–89
McCormack, Inez, 54
McLaughlin, Kathleen, 107
media and women/girls
advertising, 170
American exports and, 168
equality for women and, 158–71
See also specific individuals; specific media
Meer, Jeff, 112
Megbope, Ayodeji, 104
Mehta, Sheetal, 139
Melching, Molly, 128–29
Meloni, Luisella, 39
Menon, Tanya, 194–95
Merlino, Nell, 185–86
Mhenni, Lina Ben, 152
loan sharks vs., 86
multiplier effect and, 86–87
middle managers power, 75, 80–81. See also specific individuals
Miss Representation (documentary), 162
mobile technology and women
banking, 152–53
health care and, 152
Modern Slavery Act, Britain (2015), 61
Mohamed, Deqo, 130–31
Monahan, John Paul “Jay,” 165
Money magazine, 9
Moreno, Luis Alberto, 12
Morrissey, Helena, 57–58
Mothers of Invention (innovators), 17, 110
Ms., 165–66
multiplier effect with investing in women/girls
microcredit and, 86–87
research/report on, 25–26
Murkowski, Lisa, 61–62
Muscatine, Lissa, 112
Nanavaty, Reema, 93
National Center for Women and Information Technology/awards, 144–45, 190
Nelson, Marilyn Carlson, 123
Nemati, Malak Jân
background, 174–75
women’s/girl’s rights and, 175–77
networks and power
See also specific events; specific individuals; specific organizations
New York Times, 32, 52, 61–62, 107, 130, 161
Newsweek, 53–54
Nike Foundation, 127–28
No Ceilings initiative, 56, 178
Nobel Peace Prize winners, 55, 86, 138
Noguera, Natalia Oberti, 102
Norrish, Merwyn, 73
Norway and women’s issues, 59, 71
Ntaiya, Kakenya, 135–37
O’Connor House, 50–51
O’Connor, Sandra Day
background, 64
technology/iCivics video games, 151
Onyango, Maqulate, 17–18
Ooredoo, 155
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, 120
Osekeski, Christine, 141
Overspent American, The (Schor), 46
P.A.C.E. (Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement), 91–92
Paik, Swan, 128
Pankhurst, Emmeline, 165
Paradox of Choice, The (Schwartz), 45
Path Appears, A (documentary series), 161
Pax Ellevate Global Women’s Index Fund, 14, 191
Pax World Funds, 14
Pelster, Bill, 23
people pleasing, 185
Petty, Richard, 183
Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, 177
Pickus, Katherine, 95
Pieters, Martin, 94
Pinault, François-Henri, 162
Pipeline Fellowship, 102–3
poem by Sengupta, 35–36
Poland and women’s issues, 62–63
Polaris, 122–23
political office and women
examples, 60–63
increasing numbers, 59–60
Porter, Michael, 3
positive psychology, 47
postconflict environments
Rwanda, 83
See also specific individuals; specific initiatives; specific organizations
steps to knowing/finding your own, 181–87
See also networks and power
Prahalad, C. K., 3
Prajwala, 40–41
Pray the Devil Back to Hell (documentary), 53
pro bono work, 188–89
Project Nurture, TechnoServe, 19
Project SAAVE (Stand Against Acid Violence), 162
finding your own, 187–91
meaningful life and, 46–47
Purpose Economy, The (Hurst), 189
purpose with work
gender differences, 22
shifting perspective and, 44–46
surveys on/importance, 22–23
See also specific companies; specific individuals
Randel, Jane, 79–80
laws against, 124
threats, 147
Reagan, Ronald, 64
recycling program, Rio de Janeiro favela, 20–21
Rede Nami, 34
Reed v. Reed (1971), 65
Ring the Bell, India, 152
Rogers, John, 103
Roosevelt, Eleanor, vii
Rose, Charlie, 67–68
Samasource, 150–51
San Francisco Declaration, 13–14
Sanders, Lucinda “Lucy,” 144–45
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, Arizona State University, 50–51
Sant, Vicki, 136
Sarkeesian, Anita, 147
Saujani, Reshma, 143–44, 183–84
Saving Face (documentary), 161–62
Schor, Juliet, 46
Schwab, Stewart, 49–50
Schwartz, Barry, 45–46
Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), India, 37, 85, 92–94, 155
Seligman, Martin, 47
Sellers, Pattie, 70–71
Seneca Falls convention, 8, 103, 172–74, 178, 186
Sengupta, Anasuya, 35–36
Sesame Street (TV program), 170–71
SEVEN (documentary theater), 54
SEWA (Self-Employed Women’s Association), India, 37, 85, 92–94, 155
Shatz, Carla, 146–47
“She’s the First,” 140–41, 143
Shriver, Maria, 71
Shukla, Kavita, 110–11
Sirleaf, Ellen Johnson, 55
Sobbott, Susan, 68
Solera, 107
Sorenson, Arne, 27
Spar, Debora, 57
sports and women/girls, 15–18
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 172, 173, 174, 177
Starbucks, 163–64
State Department, 2, 133, 150, 155, 160
Steele, Elinor, 90
STEM disciplines and girls
education and, 143–50
See also technology
Stern, Paula, 145
Stolen Faces (documentary), 48
Strauss Group, 84
Strauss, Ofra, 83–84
Stremkovskaya, Vera, 36–37
Sullenberger, Chesley “Sully,” 31
Summers, Lawrence, 137
Supreme Court (U.S.)
See also specific individuals
Tahir-Kelly, Shirin, 48
Taylor, Charles, 53
Teavana, 164
history of computing, 147–48
O’Connor/iCivics video games, 151
See also specific types; STEM disciplines and girls
10,000 Women program, 103–4
30% Club, 58
Thompson, Leigh, 194–95
Thorn, Sarah, 108
Thrive (Huffington), 163
Tillerson, Rex, 25
Tisch, Ann Rubenstein/Andrew, 141–43
Title IX effects, 15
Tory Burch Foundation, 34, 100–101, 102
Tostan, 128–29
Totenberg, Nina, 65
Toyota and women’s issues, 16–17, 18, 26, 110
Ugly Betty (TV program), 159
UN Millennium Development Goals, 19
UN Security Council
actions, 133–34
resolutions and women, 132
Up Side of Down, The: Why Failing Well Is the Key to Success (McCardle), 184
Verveer, Melanne
APEC summits, 12–13
background, 2
meeting Azzarelli/Vital Voices and, 1–2
Vetticatil, Jose, Brother, 40
Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (2000), 38
violence against women
culture changes and, 126–31
education and, 127–29
law/judges and, 124–26
tech industry and, 147
video games and, 147
See also specific violence issues
Violence Against Women Act/prevention programs (1994), 123–24
Virtue Foundation, 43, 47, 48, 49, 190
Vital Voices
description/purpose, 38
EY and, 24
slogan/logo, 39–40
Vital Voices Democracy Initiative, 37
maternity leave, 120
“helper’s high,” 48
perspective shifting with, 46
voting rights for women (U.S.), 174, 186
Walker, Darren, 127–28
Walla, Kah, 69
Wallace, Liz, 169
Wallace, Wilma, 181
Walmart/Foundation, 107–8, 191
Warren, Elizabeth, 66
WEConnect International, 84, 99, 108, 191
Wellington Club, New Zealand, and sex discrimination, 72–73
Westin, Sherrie, 171
Westpac, Australia, 73–74, 80–81
White, Mary Jo, 66
Williams, Ann Claire, 125–26
Winfrey, Oprah, 5, 16, 70, 163–64
Winkler, Matthew, 160–61
Wittemyer, Renee, 157
Women, Business, and the Law (World Bank), 74
Women for Women/International, 76–77, 82, 163
Women in Public Service Project, 60
Women in the World summits, 16, 51, 52, 54–55, 67–68, 110, 163
Women Moving Millions, 56
Womenomics (Kay and Shipman), 182
Women-omics: Buy the Female Economy (Matsui), 10
women-owned businesses
closing financing gap, 102–3
gender gap in equity financing, 106
growth, 105–7
market access, 107–9
overview, 97–98
social enterprise and, 110–11
supporting, 191
See also specific companies; specific individuals
Women, War, and Peace (documentary), 160
Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), 108, 191
Women’s Business Ownership Act (1988), 101
Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society, 55
women’s rights
as human rights (Beijing conference), 112–14
work left undone, 114–15
See also specific events; specific individuals; specific issues
Woodward, Charlotte, 172, 173–74
Working Woman (TV program), 26–27
World Bank
Global Private Sector Leaders Forum, 74–75
International Finance Corporation study (2010), 101
See also specific individuals
World Development Report (World Bank), 4, 75
World Economic Forum, 11–12
Yellen, Janet, 66
YOLO Colorhouse LLC, 107
Young-Scrivner, Annie, 163–64
Young Women’s Leadership Network, 142–43
Yousafzai, Malala, 55, 138, 142
Yunus, Muhammad, 85, 86–87, 88, 96, 153
Zahidi, Saadia, 12
Zehner, Jacki, 55–56
Zhang Xin, 164
Zuckerman, Ethan, 168