
I want to especially acknowledge the two Georgias in my life. First I’d like to thank my wife, Georgia, who has supported my writing from the very beginning and who has been by my side through it all. In addition to her support, her knowledge and experience in the upper levels of corporate management have been my sanity check throughout the writing of this book.

Georgia Hughes, editorial director at New World Library (NWL), has been my friend and champion since my first book and has made it possible for me to be published by NWL. Words cannot express the gratitude and appreciation I have for her continued support.

I’d also like to thank:

Marc Allen, publisher at NWL and one of the most honorable and supportive people in publishing. His willingness to publish Handbook to a Happier Life began what is now a ten-year relationship between us. Thank you, Marc.

Of course, all the amazing staff at New World Library. You are a class act.

Art director Tracy Cunningham and production director Tona Pearce Myers: Thank you for this fantastic cover and overall design. I am proud to have my name on such a great-looking book.

Managing editor Kristen Cashman, copy editor Mimi Kusch, and assistant editor Jonathan Wichmann: It’s great having such a great team. Many thanks.

Publicists Monique Muhlenkamp and Kim Corbin: Without you, no one would know about this book. I am so appreciative of being able to work with you.

My longtime friend and mastermind partner Art (Ski) Swiatkowski for helping me stay on track, holding me accountable, and, most of all, being my friend and living the dream.