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Don’t Gossip |
If there’s one topic necessary in a book about the workplace, it’s gossip. For whatever reason, offices, stores, factories, and almost every other location where people gather to work are riddled with people who seem to have nothing better to do than gossip about their coworkers.
While gossiping has always been portrayed in movies and television shows as a “woman’s thing,” the truth is that men are just as guilty of engaging in this pointless and destructive habit.
Gossip can ruin working relationships and undermine the most productive businesses. It can lower morale, create a difficult work environment, and even cause good people to leave the company.
Spreading gossip not only harms the reputation of the person it is directed toward but also is destructive to the person spreading it. While I’ll never totally understand why people gossip, I believe it has to do with their lack of self-esteem and a feeling that since there’s nothing of consequence going on in their own lives, they may as well trash-talk other people.
My suggestion regarding gossip is simple — don’t do it! Refuse to engage in gossip, and avoid being around those who seem to make it their life’s mission. The last thing you want is to become known as someone who spreads gossip about your coworkers, or for that matter, anyone else.
What if you’re the target of the gossip? If someone is gossiping about you, take the person aside and talk privately with him. Explain to him, as calmly as possible, that you will not tolerate his spreading false and hurtful rumors about you. Let him know, in no uncertain terms, that if it continues you will bring the problem to management. And, if it does continue, do so.
If you hear a coworker spreading gossip about someone else, let that person know you’re not interested in hearing such things, and go about your own business.
Of course, it goes without saying that gossiping is one of the worst career moves you can make. Not only does it make people not want to be around you, but once top management learns of it, it will block your possible advancement within the organization.
How do you deal with people who gossip at your job?