
Be Authentically You

I was once in business with a man who had a habit of saying, “It’s business,” as a way to justify his actions. It was as if he had two different sets of values: one for his business and one for his personal life. Needless to say, our partnership didn’t continue for very long.

If you want to be happier and more productive, be authentic. Don’t do something in business that would not be acceptable in your personal life. Do not treat people differently at work than you do at home.

This should be obvious, but when we look around the world of commerce, it becomes clear that it’s not. We see corporate executives ordering their employees to do things that are unethical and, at times, even illegal. All in the name of “business.” We see companies cook the books to portray a better image to the investment community, as though it’s acceptable to lie and cheat as long as it’s in the best interest of the company.

Large corporations mislead consumers as well as investors, all in the name of profits. Companies that have been fined for making false claims about their products write off the fines as part of the cost of doing business. This behavior is not acceptable. It never was and it never will be.

What can you do to avoid getting caught up in these unsavory practices? For starters, make sure the company you own, work for, or want to work for is an upstanding, ethical organization. If it isn’t, go elsewhere. If you are being asked to do something that goes against your beliefs, don’t do it, even if it means your job.

Your integrity is all you really have to guide you. Compromise that, and you’ll regret it. You may not go to jail, you may not even be found out, but the guilt you will carry around as a result of selling out will weigh you down for a very long time.

Make sure you are clear about your values (see chapter 12). Know what drives your behavior. Once you know what you stand for and what is important to you, you’ll be better able to determine which actions are appropriate and which are not.

Whether at home with your family or in a negotiation for a “big deal,” treat everyone you meet with caring and honesty, and you will see your success increase.