
Let Your Feelings Be the Guide

A number of years ago I had the distinct pleasure of being part of a coach training program with a group of top coaches from around the globe. We were studying a specific coaching system that was based on the law of attraction and was designed to produce quantum growth for our business clients.

If you’ve studied personal development you’ve no doubt heard the idea that our feelings about a particular thing, rather than our thoughts, are the real power behind the law of attraction, that we attract what we focus on. Unfortunately most of us have been taught to “think through” our ideas and actions instead of to feel through them.

As a result of this training, with a group that was made up of mainly women, I saw my language change. I’ll admit, it was pretty strange at first. Like most men, I was used to using words that described how I thought about something. The women, on the other hand, would say things like “icky” or “dark” to describe how they felt about an unpleasant idea, or if they felt good about the idea, they might say “juicy” when asked about it.

I guarantee you that if I ask one of my male friends how they feel about a particular situation they may say, “It stinks,” or, “It’s lousy,” but they will not say, “It feels icky to me.” As strange as it seemed at first, I soon found myself using similar words to describe how I felt about a particular plan and whether the thought of doing it felt exciting or “heavy.”

Our emotions are our built-in guidance system. They clearly indicate whether something is in alignment with our true selves, with who we really are. If the thought of doing something feels good, it is in alignment with us. If it feels “icky,” it is not.

Our emotional guidance system lets us know, at any given moment, whether we are in alignment with our desires, fully connected to our higher selves, attracting what we want. If we feel good, we are aligned. If we feel bad, then we know our thoughts are not serving us. That’s why thinking them leaves us feeling down.

Knowing whether or not you are in alignment with what you desire is simply a matter of paying attention to how you feel. Your job is to monitor your feelings. When whatever you’re thinking about or focusing on causes you to feel good, you’re in alignment with attracting what you desire.

If you’re feeling an unpleasant emotion like anger, greed, envy, or fear, or any other emotion that is not serving you, it simply means that you are focusing on something other than what you desire.

If you want to feel better and thus attract to you what you want, all you need to do is reach for a thought that feels even a tiny bit better. As you continue to do this, always going toward a more positive thought, you will be moving up the emotional scale.

By continuing to focus on what you want and what you are grateful for and to monitor how you feel, you will move more and more into alignment with the energy of what you want. You will be working with the power of the law of attraction, instead of working against it, which is what many people habitually do.

Too many people spend their time and energy thinking and speaking about all the things they don’t want and everything that’s wrong with their life. Because this kind of griping is out of alignment with who they really are, it leaves them feeling lousy and, by virtue of the laws of the Universe, keeps attracting the same conditions over and over.

If you want to change what’s showing up in your life you must change what you are telling yourself over and over. You need to stop giving attention to what you do not want and start seeing what you do.

You can literally change the story you have been telling yourself about “how things are.” There is no “how things are.” What you are attracting into your life — the good, the not-so-good, and everything in between — is the result of what you have been telling yourself and focusing on.

Remember that what you envision your life to be is accepted by your subconscious mind as being true whether or not it actually is at this moment. Your subconscious does not distinguish between what you vividly imagine and what is real. It simply responds to your every desire, which it receives through your thoughts, words, emotions, and actions.

It is quite true that the most important thing you can do, as Esther Hicks says in her law of attraction seminars, “is to feel good.”

If you feel good you are in alignment with universal forces and are attracting your desires to you. If you feel less than good, you are not.