
Step into the Career of Your Dreams

Henry David Thoreau wrote this about pursuing dreams: “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.”

Notice that he didn’t say advance “sheepishly,” “fearfully,” or “timidly.”

You were not born to live quietly, hoping to get to the end of your life without being noticed. Sadly, that’s the way many people spend their lives. They simply plod along, working in a job that’s not what they want, wishing they were someplace else, living, as Thoreau put it, “lives of quiet desperation.”

Personally, I like this quotation from French writer Émile Zola: “If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud.”

Are you living your life out loud?

Each one of us was born with different dreams and desires. Many teachings point to the idea that if you have a desire to be, do, or have something, you already possess the ability to make it a reality.

If you stop for a moment and think about your deepest desires, I think you’ll agree that they are not only well within the realm of possibility but also within your present reach. You’re probably a lot closer to achieving your dreams than you realize.

One problem, especially among creative types, is that it can be difficult to see how to turn what you love to do into a source of income, how to turn your passion into a career or business. This frustration, combined with all the technology and social media activity that seems essential to your success, leaves you feeling overwhelmed.

As Napoleon Hill wrote in Think and Grow Rich, success requires specialized knowledge; however, it does not have to come from you. You need to have the desire, willingness, and faith to take the first step. Once you’ve done that, the next steps will begin to appear. As Thoreau said, “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams…”

If you develop a strong commitment to your success and hold to your vision, taking whatever actions seem appropriate, you’ll soon see the pieces coming together.

You’ll meet the people necessary for you to progress, often in unusual ways. Resources will appear, seemingly out of nowhere. All sorts of occurrences will take place as the Universe conspires for your success, and, as our old friend Thoreau taught us, you will “meet with success unexpected in common hours.”

So here it is in all its simplicity:

     Advance confidently, not fearfully.

     Endeavor to live the life you have imagined, the life you were born to live. Do your best.

     You will meet with success. Yes, you will.