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Don’t Let Your Goals Scare You |
Are you playing too small?
It’s fascinating to me that so many sales organization managers complain that their employees typically reach the quotas set by management, or perhaps even fall a bit short, but rarely exceed them. They get stuck in their comfort zone, setting and achieving smaller goals, ones that they know they can handle.
If you want to excel, set goals that cause you to stretch beyond your comfort zone and challenge you to step up.
You know what I mean: goals that both excite and scare you.
The thought of actually accomplishing them excites you, because it would be so fantastic. And the thought of even attempting to accomplish them scares you, because you still think you are not smart enough, skilled enough, or powerful enough, or some other illusion is stopping you. Remember that FEAR, or False Evidence Appearing Real, is just that — false evidence. You have no reason to fear attempting your most audacious goals, so why not just go for it?
It is likely that if the goal is big enough and important enough to you, you will find a way to accomplish it. If your desire is strong enough, you will be guided to the right resources, people, information, and actions to reach your objectives.
If you were to take off the restraints, what would you go for?
What goals would you strive to accomplish?
What great things would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?
What are you waiting for?