Conclusion |
Congratulations! As a result of having read this book you have taken a major step toward taking charge of your success and creating the life you were born to live.
If you skipped over any chapters or have not completed all the Activity Steps, please go back and complete them now. These simple activities will make a huge difference in your life.
You now have a toolbox of ideas and techniques you can use, at any time, to improve how you feel and to mold a life that is more enjoyable, happier, and more amazing than you ever thought possible.
How do I know this? As you read in the pages of this book, I have been using these exact principles in my own life for more than twenty-five years. I have watched, sometimes in awe, as my life has kept getting better and more interesting. It continues to do so to this day.
Of course, there are times in everyone’s life when things are going less than great. During those times, pick this book back up and reread the chapters that pertain to whatever challenge you are experiencing.
As you read in chapter 34 about reading personal development regularly, you’ll want to continue your journey of discovery. Continuing to make small incremental improvements in each area of your life will enable you to lead a life beyond anything you’ve ever expected.
Make a lifelong commitment to reading, watching, and listening to uplifting, life-affirming ideas and information. Just five or ten minutes a day will have a profound effect on your success. When you’re at the gym working out, invest in your own success by listening to audio programs or reading a self-help or business book, rather than watching some mindless TV show that just happens to be on the screen in front of you.
The payback for your small time-investment to learn about ways to improve your circumstances is having the life you’ve always wanted. And the reason it’s important to do it on a regular, ideally daily, basis is that we all get off track from time to time. A steady diet of positive ideas will help you stay on track.
Be sure to subscribe to my Jim’s Jems ezine in order to continue your study. You will, from time to time, receive gifts from me, as well as learn about new programs that may interest you. I promise not to overwhelm you with email, and I will never share your information with anyone, period.
I wish you the very best of success in your career and your life. If at any time I can be of assistance, please let me know. I encourage you to connect with me on Facebook or LinkedIn, to follow me on Twitter, or to subscribe to my YouTube channel.
God bless you.
— Jim Donovan
Bucks County, Pennsylvania