
In recent years numerous studies have been conducted about happiness and fulfillment in the workplace. Unfortunately, most of them report dismal numbers when it comes to employee happiness.

A 2012 Gallup poll reported employee disengagement in US companies to be as high as 70 percent, costing businesses more than $550 billion a year in lost productivity.

While I’m not claiming to have any magic-bullet solution to this appalling situation, I have learned powerful methods for becoming more engaged, fulfilled, and productive both at work and in my personal life. I take pride in the fact that everything I write is based on my own experience. It’s not theory. I have walked the walk and continue to use these principles daily in my own life.

I wrote Happy@Work to provide you with simple, easy-to-implement ideas that you can use to move toward creating an amazing career — and life. You have the right to enjoy everything in your life, especially your work; however, doing so requires you to take ownership of your circumstances, define what you want, and act in alignment with the laws of the Universe.

Each chapter is designed to stand on its own, containing a single idea that you can apply to and integrate into your life. If you’re constantly rushing out the door trying not to be late for work, the chapters about changing your habits and the one about arriving early may be where you want to start reading.

Some of the most important chapters regarding your career are the ones that explore your dreams and desires, helping you to create a compelling vision and to set and achieve your goals. One of the biggest reasons so many people feel disconnected from their work is that they haven’t learned to explore why they do what they do and what it means to them.

Several chapters are devoted to helping you manage your physical energy and to feeling better, as well as suggestions and exercises to help you take charge of your emotions. Others include suggestions on how to manage difficult people and stressful situations. Do you find yourself working harder and harder but accomplishing less and less? Then be sure to read chapter 11, on taking inspired action.

Many chapters in Happy@Work end with Activity Steps. These consist of simple questions to ask yourself or suggestions to consider. Completing these steps is crucial to your success. While simply reading this book will provide you with ideas and information, it is the self-discovery you gain by answering the questions and completing the exercises that will create lasting change and lead you toward the life you desire.

As with all my books, I suggest you evaluate the information here as it pertains to your own life. You are the master of your destiny, the architect of your life, and it is vital that whatever ideas you adapt to your life resonate with you and are appropriate. Take from this book what works for you, and leave the rest.

I believe that each of us knows what’s best for our life and, in the end, that is our responsibility. There are already too many people preaching dogma. I’m not going to be one of them.

Other Ways to Use This Book

Use this book as a tool — an idea generator, if you will. You may want to read it from beginning to end, chapter by chapter, or you may want to jump around, reading those chapters that can help you with a present challenge or situation, as mentioned above. If you’re time pressed in the morning just take a moment and read a single chapter. Doing so will give you a thought for the day and start your day off on a positive note.

Here’s another way you can use this book in your day-to-day life: while thinking about a particular situation or challenge, just open to a random page and read the lesson it contains. Believe it or not, I sometimes do this with my own books. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how often you gain a new insight from doing this.

If you’re a manager or team leader you may want to choose one or two of the chapter topics to use as a meeting starter and build a discussion around it. Simply have your team members read the chapter either before or at the start of the meeting. If the chapter includes Activity Steps, you can then use those as conversation starters. You may even want to buy copies for your salespeople to give as a gift to prospective customers as a way to warm up cold calls and initial meetings.

The way you use this book is, of course, up to you.

I wish you the very best in your life and career. If, at any time, I can be of service to you or your company, please contact me.