The next three weeks flew by faster than Avery anticipated. He worked hard to make sure all of the ghost town’s interiors and exteriors were finalized before the end of his contract. He’d continue to consult remotely for a while longer, but the bulk of his work on the project was over. His evenings were filled with fun and camaraderie, as well as intimate cuddling with Colt. After the first scene when he’d been compelled to push their beds together and sleep as one, they’d kept the beds arranged that way.

Sleeping next to Colt every night was a forbidden fruit best left untasted, but Avery hadn’t cared. And now he was slightly hooked.

Two more wonderful Saturday dates passed, and all of them ended like the first—or close enough. He loved playing with ropes again, and Colt looked so beautiful covered in his knots. Sometimes Avery wondered if their weekend scenes were what Colt craved more than anything else, but he couldn’t make himself voice that fear. Avery was leaving Garrett soon, anyway, and then the real test with Colt would begin.

The second time he tied Colt up in their bed, he simply sat there and admired Colt for close to an hour, until his sub was so amped up on anticipation he came from only two strokes to his cock. So many new, wonderful memories in that cabin.

But tonight was their last night; Avery’s plane home left tomorrow morning at ten. He’d hoped to spend his entire evening with Colt, maybe even bring up his doubts, but he couldn’t in good conscience turn down an early dinner invitation from Mack. He wanted to take Avery, Colt, Reyes, and several guys from the construction crew out to dinner to say both thank you and goodbye to Avery.

Avery considered all those men his friends, so he had to say yes.

They drove into town in three cars, because Arthur, Judson, and Patrice invited themselves along. Garrett only had one small restaurant on Main Street, and they took up half the seats. Avery loved the charm of the place. The decor probably hadn’t changed since the fifties, and the menu was as down-home cooking as you could get.

Avery sat at a long table between Colt and Mack. Wes was back from his shoot, and he was on Mack’s other side showing off set pictures to anyone who’d let him. Avery’s heart panged with jealousy knowing he was about to be separated from his heart just as Mack got his back.

“So you got any new work waiting for you at home?” Mack asked after they’d all ordered. He’d also gotten two baskets of chili cheese friends as appetizers for the group.

“Nothing outside of my usual university work so far,” Avery replied. “I’ve had a few inquiries, but nothing that’s really caught my attention.”

“It must be nice to be able to pick and choose your freelance work like that. Makes me even gladder you decided to work with me.”

“It has its perks, and I do enjoy traveling. If I get tenure next year, I won’t be able to travel as much, so I’ll have to be more selective. There’s no sense in committing to a project I don’t feel passionately about.” Avery felt Colt’s eyes burning into the side of his head, the double-meaning clear.

“Exactly why I chose to renovate the ghost town. I want to see Garrett come back to life.”

“I think you have a solid plan in place, Mack, and I hope I get an invitation to opening day.”

“Count on it. And you’ve got a free guest pass for life.”

“That’s very generous.”

“You earned it, my friend.”

The cheese fries arrived and appetizer plates went around. Avery’s fingers brushed Colt’s as he passed the plates down the table, and their eyes met. Colt’s bright blue eyes burned with emotion, and Avery looked away quickly. He took a few fries that had very little cheese or chili, mostly to be polite. This place looked like they served big portions, and he didn’t want to leave too much of his meal behind on the plate. He hated doing that when someone else was paying for him.

Every cell in Avery’s body was keenly aware of Colt. His proximity, his heat, every time he moved to sip his iced tea or eat a fry. His casual conversation with Mack’s construction crew, back to his old self who could make friends with anyone. Avery knew some of that was because of their relationship, but Colt had done the work. And even though his nightmares were almost nonexistent now, he still refused to talk about the night he got shot.

Avery would speak with Reyes about that before he left, so someone could keep an eye on Colt while he was gone.

Wes kept the table mesmerized with stories of filming and how funny his costar was, until their food arrived. He still kept talking, but it was between bites of food, so the steady stream became more staccato. Avery dug into his cold salad plate—one of only a handful of menu items that wasn’t deep fried in some way. The three salads were all passable, but the tuna was a bit strong for his taste. Probably a few days away from being trashed, so he ate a few bites and concentrated on the fresher macaroni and potato salads.

Colt had ordered the chicken-fried steak and mashed potatoes, same as half the men at the table. Stick-to-your-ribs food, Colt had said. Avery resisted the urge to steal a scoop of mashed potatoes off his plate; boyfriends did that in mixed company, not simple friends. Then again, Avery was no longer Mack’s employee, and it had been Avery who’d wanted to keep their relationship quiet.

Avery stole the bite of potatoes. Hot and creamy and salted just right.

Colt turned his head, lips twitching, and he stole a bite of the tuna salad. Avery didn’t have time to warn him, and Colt’s Gross Face was worth it. He swallowed the bite and washed it down with iced tea. Avery swallowed a bark of laughter, then glanced up. Across the table, Reyes was smirking at them both.

“So Colt,” Reyes said casually, “are you excited to get your single room back?”

“Not really,” Colt replied. “Having a roommate does have its perks.” Under the table, Colt squeezed Avery’s thigh.

Reyes leaned in and lowered his voice. “If you enjoy the company, I’m sure Arthur can assign you a new roommate.”

Mack snickered. Colt glared at Reyes, who was obviously teasing, even Avery could see that. Avery loved the renewed camaraderie between the trio of friends, and he had every reason to hope that Mack and Colt would be best friends again. Yes, their relationship was forever changed, but deep down they still loved each other. Avery could go home knowing Colt wouldn’t be alone.

Home is with Colt, though, not some plain apartment in Los Angeles.

Clean Slate Ranch had stolen a piece of Avery’s heart, as had Bentley Ghost Town, and the tiny little town of Garrett, California. While Avery had no doubt he’d be back for many, many visits, it still hurt knowing tonight was his last night as a resident of the ranch.

And his last night sharing Colt’s bed for a long while.

* * *

Thirteen people took a long time to order and eat, and Colt was a ball of anxiety by the time everyone returned to the ranch. He wanted every possible minute he could get with Avery tonight, and he’d volunteered to drive Avery to the airport in the morning. It gave them a chance to say goodbye as close to departure as possible.

But Colt didn’t want to think about tomorrow. He didn’t want to think about driving the other half of his heart away from the ranch he considered home. Nope. Not tonight. He didn’t know what Avery had planned for them this evening, but he hoped it involved knots. God, but he loved surrendering completely to his Sir. Being bound so securely, knowing Sir would never hurt or abandon him. Never turn his back on him, beat him out of anger, or send him away from the only life he’d ever known.

No, those were all things his family had done once upon a time. His new family was here in Garrett, and he treasured this life that he’d found.

He also treasured Avery Hendrix, and he needed to make long distance work, so he didn’t lose Avery a second time.

They rode in the back of Mack’s pickup truck with some of the construction crew, since it was only a few miles on country roads, and the two-and-a-half town cops didn’t care. Colt tipped his face up to catch the last of the day’s sunshine as the truck trundled to a stop by the main house. The tailgate came down, and he reluctantly opened his eyes. Riding in the truck bed reminded him a lot of Texas, where Colt and his siblings frequently rode into town in the bed, often goading each other into seeing who could stand the longest before they fell over from the rocking.

Did they still do that? Did he have nieces and nephews who challenged each other the same way? It kind of hurt a little that he had no idea.

“Colt?” Avery tapped him on the knee. “You okay?”

“Yeah, just wandered down the wrong memory lane for a sec,” Colt replied. “I’m fine.” He stood and leapt over the side of the bed, while Avery scooted down to the tailgate and climbed off.

“See you for breakfast, yeah?” Mack asked Avery.

“Of course,” Avery replied. “You and Wes enjoy your evening.”

Next to Mack, Wes waggled his eyebrows, then winked. Colt couldn’t help wondering where Reyes was going to spend the next few hours while Mack and Wes entertained themselves.

Definitely no new roommate. When Avery visits, I want the cabin all to ourselves.

Not that they couldn’t drive to a motel. The one in Garrett was officially bedbug free, but he’d probably scandalize poor Mitch Everly if he ever found out what Colt and Avery got up to in one of his rooms.

In the privacy of the cabin, Colt pulled Avery in for a long, exploratory kiss that had his dick at half-mast by the time they pulled apart. “Been wanting to do that for hours,” Colt whispered.

Avery pressed his forehead to Colt’s. “Same. And I…I was hoping for something a little different tonight.”

“Oh?” Colt pulled back and smiled, curious about the hesitation in Avery’s eyes. “Tell me.”

“I’d like you to make love to me tonight.”

At first, Colt wasn’t sure what he meant. They’d made love before, every time they’d—oh. Oh! His heart started pounding. “You mean me inside you?”

Avery blushed and nodded.

“Oh, baby, I’d love that.” As much as Colt loved being tied up, flogged and fucked senseless by his Sir, his absolute favorite sexual memory was the only time Avery had asked Colt to top him. He’d been so uncertain, so hesitant, and Colt had been so nervous because he’d never topped a virgin before. Avery hadn’t been able to come with Colt inside of him, but once Colt was done, Avery came like gangbusters in Colt’s mouth.

“Are you sure?” Avery asked. “This is our last time for a while, and if you’d rather we do a scene, we can.”

“No, let’s do what you want.” Colt slid his hands around Avery’s waist and squeezed. “I love you, Avery Aaron Hendrix. I never stopped, and I’d love nothing more than to make love to you tonight.”

Avery sighed, his lips twitching into a content smile, as if Colt had finally said the best, most perfect thing. “I love you, too, Colt William Woods. So much. Please don’t leave me again.”

“Never. I’ll be right here waiting for you, always.”

Their clothes came off in between long, luxurious kisses and gentle, stroking touches. They had hours to play and pet and explore, and Colt wanted every moment because it was their last chance for a while. Even once they were both naked on the bed, they moved slowly. Memorizing swaths of skin with their tongues and fingers, sucking on nipples and dipping into navels. By some silent agreement, they bypassed each other’s groin, leaving those spots for later.

Colt had never spent so much time simply kissing and exploring his partner’s body. He found adorable little moles that he greeted with a kiss, and the small scar from Avery’s childhood appendectomy got a lick. Avery’s skin tasted like sunshine and sweat and absolute perfection. They made love with their mouths and tongues for a long time, a quiet desperation building in wave after wave, until Avery finally reached for the lube under Colt’s pillow.

He was so down for this part.

Avery rolled to his stomach and stuffed a pillow under his lower belly, presenting his slim, taut ass to Colt. Colt knelt between his spread legs, his erection straining toward Avery’s hole, that puckered muscle just visible between his pale cheeks. He gently massaged those cheeks, alternately hiding and exposing Avery’s entrance, loving all of Avery’s soft sighs, until his skin was pink. Then he leaned down and lightly bit his left cheek.

Avery gasped and jerked his hips. “You’re such a tease.”

“Yup.” Colt bit the other cheek for good measure, just hard enough to feel without leaving a mark. He nuzzled between Avery’s legs to lick his balls. Avery’s dick was hidden from him, so he contented himself with his sac, licking and sucking on each nut in return, memorizing the feel and taste of him, until Avery was a panting mess.

Then Colt did something he hadn’t done in years, because this wasn’t for random bathroom hookups with strangers. This was intimate and only for Avery. He pulled Avery’s cheeks apart and kissed his entrance. Kissed and licked and teased with his tongue, until Avery was spewing nonsense. His normally buttoned-up Sir was slowly falling apart under Colt’s hands and mouth.

“Oh Colt, fuck, that feels so good. Ungh.”

He wiggled his tongue inside a millimeter, then raised his head. “Does it make me a caveman if I say I love knowing I’m the only man who’s ever touched you here? Ever licked and sucked and kissed the most intimate parts of your body?”

Avery raised his head and twisted his neck around. His face was red and strained, and also totally blissed out. “No. It makes me yours. Only you, Colt.”

“Mine. My Sir.”

“God, yes.” Avery’s head fell back to the bed, and Colt redoubled his attack on Avery’s hole.

He lost track of how long he played, alternating between Avery’s ass and his balls, taking his time with each. Every sound or word from Avery was a gift, and Colt treasured each one like it was the last he’d ever hear. When Avery began a string of gasped “Please, please, please,” Colt knew it was time. He kissed both cheeks once more, then sat up.

“Think you can ride me?” Colt asked.

“Maybe.” Avery’s voice had a delightful slur to it now. “Help me?”

“Of course.”

Together, they arranged themselves so Colt was sitting against the headboard with a pillow behind his lower back, legs stretched out in front. It gave Avery enough room to kneel above him, hands braced on Colt’s shoulders for support. He raised himself up high enough for Colt to swirl a lubed finger over Avery’s already spit-wet entrance. As he pushed inside, Avery sighed, his head falling backward. Colt stared at the exposed length of his throat, at all that pale skin Colt needed to redden with his teeth and tongue.

He carefully worked Avery loose with two fingers, keenly aware of both the tight heat around his fingers and every reaction Avery made. Colt wasn’t exactly huge, but Avery had only done this once, five years ago, and Colt would never forgive himself if he hurt his Sir.

Three fingers made Avery whine. He dropped his forehead against Colt’s shoulder and shivered. “Too much?” Colt asked.

“No, it’s just so…full. I’d forgotten. How intense it is. Don’t stop.”

He finger-fucked Avery with every ounce of love and devotion he had. Avery bit his shoulder a few times as his body was wracked with sensations. His cock leaked precome, and Colt was ready to come just from prepping his lover.

Need to be inside him first. Need to claim him like he’s claimed me.

With loving care, Colt eased his fingers out, then coated his own cock in lube. He gave Avery’s shiny hair a gentle tug so he’d raise his head. “Ready for me, baby?”

“God, yes.” Avery kissed him hard, tongue thrusting inside Colt’s mouth, tasting everything Colt had tasted and sharing it with him. “I need you inside me, Colt.”

“Oh yeah.” With one hand on his cock and another on Avery’s hip to steady him, Colt helped Avery lower himself until his entrance pressed against the tip of Colt’s erection. The pressure increased around his cockhead and Colt gasped, because holy wow, Avery was tight.

Avery’s eyes were shut, his lips pressed thin, and Colt watched him for any sign of real pain. “We’re almost there,” Colt said. “So close.”

When Colt’s dick finally popped through that outer rim, they both cried out. Avery kissed him again as he gently rocked his hips, taking Colt a centimeter at a time. Working himself up, then back down. The slow, steady pace had Colt seeing stars and ready to blast off, so he squeezed the base of his cock hard, unwilling for this to be over too soon.

“Fuck, you feel so good.” Avery gasped. “So fucking good. The perfect kind of hurt.”


“Good hurt, baby, good hurt. Oh, yes.” Avery had half of Colt’s length inside when he began to thrust in earnest, and in time, he was hitting Colt’s hips with every motion. Then he sat fully and ground his balls against Colt’s groin. Clenched, and Colt cried out. Bit Avery’s shoulder hard enough for Avery to make a desperate sound of his own.

Avery crashed their mouths together and rocked his hips, and Colt stopped thinking about anything except making his Sir come. After a while longer like that, Colt pulled Avery off, and then rearranged them with Avery on his back. Colt pushed his lean legs apart, then rested his ankles on Colt’s shoulders. Avery keened as Colt slid back inside.

“Gonna make you come,” Colt said.

“Yes. Fuck me, Colt. Fill me with your come.”

The dirty talk rippled down Colt’s spine and out through his dick. He bent Avery in half to kiss him and started fucking him with determination. He knew the moment he found Avery’s gland, because Avery nearly bit his tongue in half. Avery clutched at his ass, fingers scraping over skin, occasionally stealing inside his crack to play with his hole. Encouraging him, egging him on faster, faster. Nothing mattered but the steady smack of skin on skin, the sticky slide of his cock in and out of his boyfriend’s body, and the shared gasps and moans that passed between them.

Colt’s senses filled with the scent of their coupling, and his balls drew up. He was so close, but he needed Avery to come first. He reached between them and started stroking Avery’s cock in a firm, sure grip, careful to nail Avery’s gland as often as possible.

Avery came with a strangled sigh, his semen splattering both of their chests and chins, and Colt stopped thrusting so he could lick every drop off Avery’s skin. Avery cleaned Colt’s face the same way, then held both cheeks in his palms. “Keep going. Come inside me.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Avery nipped his chin, and then relaxed back into the pillows. It only took a handful of thrusts before Colt’s climax tore through his body. He pushed deep inside of Avery as he came, filling his boyfriend with his seed. Claiming him. Marking him in the most intimate way possible. Unwilling to be parted yet, Colt allowed his inner caveman to ease his body down onto Avery’s, his dick still inside Avery’s ass. He kissed Avery with lazy strokes of his tongue and tiny thrusts of his hips, until his spent cock slipped from Avery’s body.

With a shocking amount of strength, Avery dumped Colt onto his back and took over the kiss. His slimmer body somehow covered Colt’s and smothered him into the bed. Colt sneaked one hand down to tease Avery’s slick hole, dipping one finger briefly inside. Avery whined, then sucked a bruise on the side of Colt’s neck. His work polo wouldn’t cover it, but Colt did not give a shit in that moment. If his Sir wanted to mark him, he could mark him.

Colt pushed his finger back in and stroked Avery’s prostate. Avery raised his head, pupils blown, more debauched that Colt had ever seen him.

“You get me hard again,” Avery said, “and I’ll be inside your ass before you can blink.”

Colt grinned and worked his gland harder, until Avery’s new erection was humping his hip. Avery growled and followed through with his threat by turning Colt to his hands and knees. The lube bottle squirted. Avery covered Colt’s body with his and thrust his way inside with no prep, and yeah, it stung a little, but in the very best way. They needed this, to claim each other like this one more time, and Colt gladly gave his body over to his boyfriend.

Avery came quickly this time, slamming into Colt as he filled him, then slipping back out of his body. “Show me.”

Colt shivered at the order in Sir’s voice. He clenched and unclenched, until Avery’s gift dripped back out, sliding down his balls.

“Perfect.” Avery turned Colt to his back, then took Colt’s semi into his mouth. Worked him with his lips, teeth, and tongue until Colt was hard and shooting down Avery’s throat.

Exhaustion settled into Colt’s bones, and he’d happily sleep now, except they were both coated in sweat and come, and that wasn’t fun to wake up to. They helped each other into the bathroom to rinse off, touching and playing the whole time. Colt ripped the soiled bottom sheet off, and they curled up together beneath the covers, still gloriously naked.

“I love you,” Colt whispered in the dark.

“Love you, too.”

Those words carried Colt into sleep, and he dreamed of wonderful things, content to have one more night in his Sir’s arms.