The following evening, Colt’s tablet startled him by the Skype app ringing an hour earlier than his scheduled call with Avery. He tapped the screen, happy to see Avery’s smiling face. “Hey, did I get the time mixed up?” Colt asked.

“Nope, I have good news and I couldn’t wait to share,” Avery replied.

“Oh? Do tell.” Colt settled on his bed, eager to know what had Avery so excited.

“I accepted a consultation gig for a film shooting in Colorado. It’s last minute, because their previous historian bailed, so it starts next week.”

“That’s awesome. You love consulting. For how long?”

“It’s only four weeks, so I’ll be back in the area before Christmas, but the job isn’t the good news. I worked out my flight so I have a one-day layover in San Jose.”

Colt’s entire body jolted. “Really? I get to see you next week?”

“Yup.” Avery’s smug grin went right to Colt’s balls. “My flight gets into San Jose at eight in the morning, and I don’t depart until seven a.m. the next day. Almost twenty-four hours.”

Colt kind of wanted to do cartwheels across his cabin. “What day?”

“Well, because of the director’s schedule, he needs me there next Tuesday.”

“So the layover is on a Monday?”


“It’s fine, I’ll work it out with Arthur. I’ll work all weekend if I have to, so I can see you.”

Avery tilted his head. “Does Arthur know about us?”

“No, I haven’t explicitly told anyone new that we’re together, but I will, especially Arthur. You’re so important to me, Avery. I can’t wait to see you.” Eight days. Colt could manage eight more days to see Sir again.

“I can’t wait, too. So tell me about the club last night.”

Colt detailed his evening, including the dramatic ending.

“That Dallas guy sounds like a creep,” Avery said. “Miles should get a restraining order.”

“Probably not a bad idea, but I’m sure Wes has floated the idea. He’s pretty keen on helping Miles out but Miles won’t let him.”

“You can’t force people to let you help them.”

Colt spotted the double meaning. “You still think I should see a therapist about my nightmares.”

“I do, but you have to make the choice, because if you don’t do the work, there’s no point.” Avery had his nighttime glasses on, and he pushed them up his nose. “Let’s not have that same argument again. Let’s plan what we’re going to do next Monday.”

“Please tell me there will be ropes involved.”

“We can work that in. I may have bought us a new toy, as well.”

Colt’s dick twitched with interest. “Care to share with the class?”

“You’ll see it soon enough. But what else besides a scene?”

“I’ll see what’s happening in the area that day. I mean, I’d be content to spend the day in the hotel, but I doubt they do check-in at nine in the morning.”

Avery chuckled. “I doubt it, as well. Plus I’d like to see more of the area. I enjoyed San Jose the few times we went out.”

Colt didn’t dare hope Avery wanted to look around because he was interested in moving to the area, but if he could help Avery fall in love with San Jose, he’d plan a fun, fantastic date for them. “Then we’ll see more of the city.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“Tell me more about the film you’re consulting on.”

“It’s one of those love-across-time kind of films, and a third of it is set in the Old West,” Avery replied with a big grin. He always loved talking about his work, so Colt settled in to listen, already looking forward to a week from tomorrow.

* * *

Avery strolled into the now-familiar pickup area of the San Jose airport, anticipation fluttering in his belly. He glanced around for a pickup, only to spot Colt leaning against a classic, cherry-red Mustang, and looking model-perfect in his cowboy boots, hat, and denim jacket. If he had a cigarette in his fingers, he could have been a Marlboro ad.

And he’s all mine.

It had only been a month, but it felt like an eternity before Colt was wrapping him up in a warm, muscled hug. Avery breathed in the leather and spice scent of the man.

“Missed you,” Colt whispered.

“Me, too. But we got through it, didn’t we?” Avery pulled back to really take Colt in. He had faint dark spots beneath his eyes, which betrayed his trouble sleeping, but overall, he looked healthy. “Hi.”

“Hi back.” Colt reached for his suitcase. “Can we please get in the car so I can kiss you the way I want to?”


Colt stuffed his suitcase and laptop bag into the trunk, and then they got inside. With the slightly tinted windows up, Avery indulged in a long, slow kiss that filled his senses with Colt. He kissed his boyfriend as long as he dared, because someone else needed their spot.

“You hungry?” Avery asked. “I haven’t had breakfast yet.”

“Excellent, because I’d picked out a local farm-to-table restaurant I think you’ll love.”

“Oh yeah? What else have you planned for us today?”

Colt waggled his eyebrows. “You’ll just have to wait and see. And I made us a reservation at Hotel De Anza, but check-in isn’t until the afternoon, so I’ll have to entertain you for a while. Get to know San Jose.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Colt navigated his way through the city like he’d lived there his entire life. The restaurant had a private parking lot, and Colt found the spot farthest away so they could kiss more. Avery loved these moments best. The stolen ones in a car, or behind a tree when no one was watching. Long, seductive kisses meant to lay a claim and make a promise, rather than rev their engines.

The restaurant was as good as any farm-to-table in Los Angeles. Avery ordered eggs Benedict on homemade English muffins and topped with lump crab meat, drizzled with balsamic reduction. Everything melted in his mouth, and he wanted to order the whole thing again just to relive the experience. Colt ordered a pork sausage hash over cheesy grits. Avery stole a bite to prove to himself this was a spot to eat at again, and it was.

Bellies pleasantly full, they walked around, exploring small shops and local businesses. Doing nothing more taxing than existing together and occasionally holding hands. The kind of simple, date-like things that most couples took for granted, because they saw each other every day. With these interludes likely few and far between, Avery wouldn’t take a single moment with Colt for granted.

After they had their fill of wandering, they headed back to the car. “So San Jose State has a local history exhibit,” Colt said. “I thought you’d find that interesting.”

“The California State campus?” Avery swallowed a flash of irritation that Colt was trying to get him on a local college campus. “Any ulterior motive behind this?”

“You said you wanted to get to know San Jose. The college is a big part of it, plus, you know, history.” Colt planted a quick peck on his cheek. “The fact that the exhibit is on a college campus is a nice bonus.”

“Thought so.”

Colt stopped walking. “Are you mad?”

“No, I’m not mad.” Avery turned to face him, somewhat annoyed at the ambush, but determined to trust this wasn’t Colt trying to manipulate him. “I did say I wanted to get to know the city, and you took me at my word. So I’ll take you at your word.”

San Jose State was a large school, spread out over about nineteen square blocks in the downtown area. Thankfully a handful of posters helped them find the exhibit hall without too much fuss. It featured historic photos of Santa Clara County blown up to poster size, along with plaques of information alongside of them. Some things Avery already knew, but he picked up a few interesting tidbits along the way.

Two college-aged girls asked Colt if he was a real cowboy, and when he said where he worked, they asked to get pictures taken. Avery took their phones, completely amused by the entire production, and hey, maybe Clean Slate would get some new business. Colt was definitely a walking, talking advertisement with his boots and hat.

“You should keep ranch business cards on hand for moments like this,” Avery said once the giggling girls wandered off.

“I probably should, but I don’t usually go out dressed up in my cowboy gear.”

“Why did you today?”

Colt grinned. “Dunno. I guess I wanted to be your cowboy.”

“You’ll always be my cowboy, no matter what you wear. Or don’t wear.”

“Hmm. If you’re done here, how about we get lunch. I bet our room will be ready by the time we’re done.”

“That sounds like an excellent plan.”

Colt, of course, had already located a good, locally owned lunchtime place near campus, and the food was wonderful. Their final destination was the Hotel De Anza, and Avery loved the art deco charm of the place. Colt, the adorable dork, had booked them a suite, and when the check-in clerk handed over their electronic keys with a knowing smirk, Avery blushed.

“You put a lot of thought into this date,” Avery said once they were on the elevator.

“I wanted to maximize every moment we have together today. It’ll be another month before I see you again.”

“And I appreciate the effort.” He boldly groped Colt’s crotch. “I’ll show you how much once I’m in the room.”

“Yes, please.” Colt captured him in a hard kiss, all lips and teeth and biting promise, and Avery’s dick got into the game.

He was fully hard by the time the elevator dinged on their floor, and he used his laptop bag to hide his erection as they walked down the corridor to their room. Not that Avery saw anyone else, but still. He wasn’t used to sporting wood in public places like hotel hallways. Colt unlocked and opened the door, and Avery stepped into a gorgeous room with Jazz Age architecture and lovely fabric patterns. They had a small sitting area with a television, and beyond it was a huge king bed loaded with pillows. He poked his head into the bathroom, unsurprised to find both a shower and a soaking tub.

“It’s beautiful,” he said as he took it all in.

“I thought you’d like it. It’s one of the oldest hotels in San Jose.”

“I love it. It’s absolutely perfect.”

Colt’s shy smile did funny things to Avery’s belly. “I’m glad. I missed you, and I really wanted to make today special.”

“You did.” Avery walked over and draped his arms around Colt’s waist, pulling him close so his hip pressed against Colt’s erection. “I love you.”

“Me, too. Sir.”

His chest tightened with want, as much as with fear. “A scene already, pet?” he asked with a forced smile. Avery wouldn’t have minded regular sex outside of a scene, but wasn’t this what he’d prepared for? That at the end of the day, Colt wanted Sir more than Avery? “Then assume the position while I prepare.”

Colt immediately began stripping. Avery dragged his suitcase to the bed and unzipped it. He removed a small pouch with the toys he’d purchased, then pulled the bedcovers down. Lined things up on one of the pillows so Colt could see them when he was told to get on. By the time he’d finished, Colt was naked and kneeling perfectly in the sitting area, his cock sticking straight out from his body. Eager and ready for whatever Sir allowed.

Avery returned to his pet and squatted in front of him. “I think you deserve a treat for planning such an amazing day, don’t you?”

“Whatever you want, Sir.”

“Stand up.”

He did, rising neatly to his feet. Avery remained on his knees and wrapped his hand around the base of Colt’s cock. Giving head wasn’t his favorite thing, but Colt loved it and he’d put so much thought into their date that he deserved this reward. Avery leaned in and licked over the glans; Colt’s thighs twitched, but he otherwise remained still, hands behind his back.

“You can touch me while I do this, pet,” Avery said.

Colt let his hands fall to his sides, and Avery licked him again, curious to see what Colt would do with his freedom. He licked a third time, then sucked the head into his mouth. Colt’s fingers threaded into Avery’s loose hair and held tight but didn’t pull. Didn’t direct. Pleased, Avery worked more of Colt into his mouth, and found he enjoyed this more than he had in the past. He liked the heavy feeling of Colt against his tongue, the musky flavor of his skin, and scent of him as he nosed around Colt’s crotch.

He worked Colt harder with his lips and tongue, rolling his sac in his other hand, until Colt’s balls drew up tight. Rubbed a finger against Colt’s perineum.

“Close,” Colt warned.

Avery stood to kiss Colt then, continuing to work him with his hand until he swallowed Colt’s cry. Colt thrust against Avery’s fist and shot over the carpet. Avery worked him through it, kissing him the entire time, until Colt shuddered in his arms.

“Fuck, that was good,” Colt said.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Avery kissed both of his cheeks. “It’ll also take the edge off, so we can truly enjoy the rest of our afternoon.”

“I like the sound of that. Sir.”

Avery grinned. “If you need to pee, now’s the time to do it. I plan on keeping you in my ropes for quite a long time.”

Colt’s nostrils flared; he bolted for the bathroom.

* * *

While the unexpected blow job had been a spectacular way to start their hotel time, Colt was a ball of nerves about whatever was coming next. Avery had had time to plan and prepare, and Colt couldn’t wait to see what he’d brought with him. Colt had his rope and lube in his overnight bag, but he’d seen Avery taking things out of his suitcase.

The entire day had gone ten times better than Colt had hoped, even the college campus part. He still wasn’t completely convinced Avery wasn’t mad about that, but he had to trust his Sir was being honest. After taking a quick piss, Colt washed up and stared at himself in the mirror. Same face as always stared back at him, with the dark circles under his eyes that had haunted him ever since the shooting, if he was being honest.

Living with Avery at the ranch for a month had helped, but Avery couldn’t cure Colt’s emotional issues. One of these days, he had to face them.

Not today.

Avery was waiting for him by the bed, and he’d stripped down to his underwear. Colt eyeballed his tented boxers, but dutifully resumed position near Avery’s feet.

“You’re so beautiful,” Avery said, trailing his fingers across Colt’s shoulders. “I can’t wait to cover you in my ropes. I’ve been practicing.”

Colt growled.

“Not on people, pet. Never on anyone except you, ever again.”


“You were so many firsts for me,” he continued. “My first lover, my first love. The first time I mixed a scene with sex. My first broken heart, and my first second-chance romance.”

Colt took a chance on speaking. “You were my first love, too. My only.”

Avery pressed a thumb to his lips, and Colt sucked it inside. Sucked it like it was Avery’s cock, which he’d really love to get in his mouth sometime soon, but this was Avery’s show. “On the bed,” Avery said. “Hands and knees facing the headboard.”

He rose steadily and did as told. The position gave him a clear view of the items Avery had brought. Three coils of Asanawa rope, lube, a vibrating butt plug, nipple clamps, a blindfold, a leather flogger, and a rubber ball gag. He eyed the gag, uncertain about that. Avery had only gagged him once in the past, and it hadn’t gone well. Colt had flashed back to his encounter with Sebastian, and they’d ended the scene.

“I can hear you thinking about the gag,” Avery said. He stood closer to Colt. “If it’s too much of a distraction, I can move it out of sight for now.”

“It’s not.” He turned his head to look up at Avery. “Sebastian was a lifetime ago. I have absolute trust in you, Sir.”

“All right.” Avery selected the butt plug and lube, then climbed onto the bed behind Colt.

Colt shivered in anticipation. The lube cap snicked open. A cool, slick finger circled his hole, teasing a bit, and Colt’s spent dick perked up at the sensation. He was a bit surprised Avery hadn’t packed a cock ring into his bag of tricks, and then it didn’t matter because Avery’s slim finger slid into his ass. Pumped. Spread the lube. Colt had been playing with his dildo more frequently while jerking off, so he took two fingers easily.

Avery curled those fingers and pressed against his prostate. Colt bit back a cry, then couldn’t stop a second one when Avery kept working his gland, only stopping when Colt was fully hard again. He pulled his clever fingers out, squirted more lube, and then the blunt tip of the butt plug pressed against Colt’s hole.

“Bear down, pet,” Avery said. “It’s a big one.”

“Yes, Sir.” Colt tried to open and take Sir’s gift, which kept spreading him wider and wider. The burn almost became too much, pushed him too close to saying “yellow,” but it finally passed the widest part and was inside. He clenched around the base and moaned, unused to being stretched so much.

“How does that feel?” Sir asked.

“Odd, but really good, Sir. It’s so big.”

“You took it so beautifully, pet.” He tapped the base; Colt gasped. “I can’t wait to turn it on.”

Colt shivered, his aching cock desperate for friction, but he’d never ask.

“Scoot down so your feet are hanging off the bed and tip your ass into the air so I can admire my work.”

He did, anticipation coiling in his gut as Sir picked up the flogger. Sir walked around to stand behind Colt, then trailed the soft, leather tails of the flogger over his back and ass cheeks. “I can’t decide if I should tie you up first or wait. I suppose we’ll have to see how still you can stay without help.”

Colt would writhe all over the bed if it meant Sir’s ropes on his skin faster, but he didn’t want to disappoint Sir with his lack of discipline.

“I still remember the first time you trusted me to tie you up completely, arms and legs immobile. You were so calm afterward, like you needed to simply exist, to give all your trust up to someone else and know I’d take care of you.”

The day after Colt found out he’d killed Geoff and had woken up in Avery’s bed, Avery had suggested Shibari as a method to cope with his guilt. It had been both terrifying and awe-inspiring to watch Avery work, slowly taking Colt’s freedom and mobility away, until he could only lie there and think. Feel. Deal with his emotions. He’d come to rely on Avery tying him up to help him cope—probably too damned much, which had led to their breakup.

He knew better now.

“I did need it then,” Colt said, speaking without permission. “I need it today.”

“I know. I’ll give you everything you need, pet.” Leather snapped against Colt’s left cheek, and he yelped at the unexpected blow. Another struck his right cheek, and Sir alternated cheeks until Colt reached a ten count on each. “So pretty and red for me. Slide to your knees on the floor, chest against the bed.”

Colt changed position, his heart racing with anticipation as well as desire.


“Yes, Sir.”

Sir struck, the leather snapping across his right shoulder.


Delicious strokes of pain rocketed down his spine with each blow, and Colt relaxed into it. Let the pain carry him away, trusting in Sir to give him only what he could handle. “…eight…nine…ten…”

His Sir carried him higher, and after Colt said, “Twenty,” he stopped. Colt floated a bit, on that lovely edge between aware and total subspace. His knees threatened to give out, but he refused to break position. Sir hadn’t told him to move, so he wouldn’t move.

“So beautiful,” Sir said. “Covered in my marks.”

Colt released a soft moan when Sir began smoothing lotion over his back. Sir helped him lie on his stomach across the bed, so he could apply it to his ass, too, and the gentle massage relaxed Colt even more, despite his raging hard-on. Sir offered him a bottle of water, and Colt sipped, understanding he needed the hydration so they could keep playing.

Sir always takes care of me.

Absolute, all-consuming love for the man welled up in Colt’s chest, and he nearly sobbed for the strength of the emotion. Sir petted his hair and traced circles on his cheek and neck, keeping Colt grounded. “Your ropes, Sir, please,” he whispered.

“Soon,” Sir replied. “You need to rest a little while I decide how I want you tied up.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Colt closed his eyes, only to be shaken awake by Sir. “You napped for half an hour,” Sir said with a grin. “I guess you needed that.”

“I did, thank you, Sir.”

“You’re very welcome.” Sir trailed the end of one rope coil across his shoulder. Colt shivered. “Yes, I think you’re ready for this.”


* * *

Avery grinned at the blissed-out expression on Colt’s face. He’d allowed the brief nap so he could do exactly what he said: plan the position he wanted Colt tied into. He decided to start with the Futomomo tie on Colt’s legs, simply to see his sub spread out for him.

Colt rolled to his back and Avery helped him sit up. He knelt next to Colt’s left leg. Bent his leg so the back of his calf was pressed against the back of his thigh. “Keep it there,” he said. Colt’s muscles tightened.

Avery began his work. He tied a single-column cuff around Colt’s ankle, then used that knot to pull his leg back tighter. Wound the rope up, around his shin and thigh, toward Colt’s knee five times to secure him. Looped down and created Munter hitches on each row of rope all the way down, then pulled the rope under to create the same hitches up Colt’s inner thigh. And back down again, leaving only a small amount of rope left over.

He grinned at his work, extremely pleased by the simple, but still beautiful, loops and knots. It had the added bonus of spreading Colt’s legs apart and showing off his erection. “You look amazing like this,” Avery said. “Now I’ll do the other leg.”

Colt nodded, his pupils blown wide, and he obediently pulled his right leg into position. Avery secured him the same way, and Colt leaned back supporting himself with his hands. Spread so lewdly that Avery couldn’t help but lean in and suck the tip of Colt’s dick. Just enough to make his sub whine for more. Avery kissed his cockhead, then sat back up.

He palmed the remote control he’d kept hidden from sight, then pressed the on button. Colt’s hips jerked off the bed and he shouted. “Holy mother of Christ!”

Avery checked the setting. Might have been a bit high to start, so he lowered the vibrations just a hair. So Colt was no longer thrashing on the bed, trying to hump the plug.

“Guh,” Colt said. Sweat broke out on his chest and face.

“Comfortable?” Avery asked.

Colt shot him a glare, and then remembered his place. “Yes, Sir. Surprised me.”

“I bet. I’m going to leave it on while I secure your arms, and you’re going to stay nice and still for me, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Avery grabbed the last length of rope, then pushed Colt to his back. Drew both arms to his chest. Used the no-knot, two-column tie technique to braid the rope from Colt’s wrists to nearly his elbows, before securing it. Securing Colt completely. Avery caressed the ropes, enjoying how the hemp rope looked against Colt’s tanned skin. Soaking in the trust pouring off Colt in waves as he gazed up at his Sir. Avery hated cutting off the power of that gaze, but…

“Time for the blindfold.”

Colt licked his lips. Avery reached up to snag the silky material off the pillow. He allowed Colt to see it a beat, before carefully tying it over his eyes. Colt still had his voice, but nothing else.

“Still comfortable?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Avery ticked up the setting on the plug; Colt moaned. Watching his hips move while his legs were immobilized delighted Avery. The power in having someone so completely at his mercy was overwhelming at times, even back when he did scenes as a paid Dom, no sex. When he’d begun mixing sex and bondage with Colt, that power was even headier. Colt’s body was on display for any use Avery saw fit, including sex play. He stroked his own raging erection through his boxers, so tempted by Colt’s ass.

Not yet.

Avery leaned up between Colt’s spread legs, pushed his arms above his head, then lowered his mouth to suck on Colt’s nipple. He adored how Colt jerked from the unexpected touch. He licked and nibbled at the tender bud until it was hard and stood straight, then repeated it with Colt’s other nipple. Perfect.

Colt cried out beautifully when Avery attached the nipple clamps at the exact same time. He thrashed, arms coming down and accidentally making it worse by pressing against them with his upper arms.

“Oh God, oh Sir,” Colt babbled. “So good.”

“You look amazing, pet. Covered in my rope, your nipples perfectly pinched.” He gave Colt’s cock one stroke. “Maybe I should tie this up next.”

Colt whimpered. Avery had done that once before, and he’d been so damned proud he’d taken a photo so Colt could see for himself. He’d promptly deleted it, too—no one ever got to see Colt like this. Only him.

“I should take some photos so you can see yourself the way I see you.”

“Please,” Colt whispered.

Avery slid off the bed to fetch his phone, then took several shots of his work. Colt’s chest rose and fell heavily, both from the bondage and the plug still vibrating in his ass. Avery’s dick would be in there, but not quite yet. He picked up the flogger and tickled the ends over Colt’s nipples. Down his abs. Over his straining cock and balls. His stuffed hole. Colt gasped and panted at the additional sensations assaulting his body.

“I could leave you like this and go down to the lobby for a drink,” Avery said, mostly for Colt’s reaction. Slightly panicked, but also reassured that Sir knew what was best for him. “I could. But I won’t. I’m going to fuck you now, and you don’t get to come until I say.”

“Yes, S-s-sir.”

Stuttering now. He was close. Sir knew his pet well.

He turned off the plug, lubed up his fingers, and then eased the plug out. Immediately replaced it with three of his own fingers, keeping Colt nice and open. Colt keened at the sudden change, hips jerking. Avery nudged his fingers deeper, until he reached the last knuckle. “Who does your hole belong to?”

“You, S-s-sir.”

“Who do you belong to, pet?”


“Yes, you do.” Curious, because he’d never done it before, Avery withdrew his fingers far enough to tuck his pinky in with the others, then pressed forward again. Slowly. Gently. Teasing Colt’s opening in a new, breathtaking way. Four didn’t go in as far, and Avery didn’t want to risk hurting Colt, so he fucked shallowly with four fingers, mesmerized by the sight.

“So pretty, stretched open for me, pet. Are you ready for my dick?”


Avery eased his fingers out and spread the remaining lube on his cock. Colt was pretty slippery already, but Avery squeezed a bit more from the bottle just in case. He’d never forgive himself if he hurt his pet.

The red ball gag caught his eye and he paused. He’d brought the gag for a reason, and it was to help Colt face this fear. Fear of having his ability to say no taken away. Fear instilled in him by a horrible Dom who Avery still wanted to hunt down and punish on Colt’s behalf. He reached up for it and fingered the rubber ball.

Trust his decision to take it or not.

Avery removed the blindfold. Colt blinked several times to adjust to the brightness. His mouth fell open when he spotted the gag. “Do you want to wear this?” Avery asked.

Colt swallowed hard, Adam’s apple bobbing, pupils blown wide. “Yes, Sir.”

“All right. I’ll be back.” Avery darted into the bathroom for a tissue, which he pressed into Colt’s hands. “This is your safeword. If you let go of it, I’ll stop and remove the gag, I promise.”

“Okay. Let’s try.”

“I’m so proud of you for facing this fear, Colt. I hope it helps you face others.”

Colt smiled at the praise and opened his mouth. Avery inserted the ball and secured the gag behind Colt’s head, careful not to pull or pinch his hair. Avery’s cock pulsed at the sight now, Colt wide open, gagged and bound for Avery’s pleasure.

“I’m going to put the blindfold back,” Avery said. “All I want is for you to feel.”

Colt whimpered but didn’t drop the tissue, so Avery covered his eyes. Then he took another picture, because Christ! He stroked his hands across Colt’s abs, up his ribs, down his pecs. Tweaked the nipple clamps. Colt seemed unsure what to do with his arms. Tied like that, they hit the clamps if he kept them down, so he rested the bound part on top of his head. Avery trusted him to raise his hands before dropping the tissue if he needed to safeword out.

“You come when I say.”

Colt nodded as best he could given the position of his arms.

Avery positioned himself at Colt’s wet entrance and pushed home.

* * *

Colt screamed against the gag as Sir finally breached him, finally gave him exactly what Colt had been panting for all damned day. Sir’s cock felt amazing, filling him, thrusting hard, taking Sir’s pleasure for himself. Using Colt in the very best way. He clutched at the tissue and let himself fall into the sensations wracking his body.

His back was still pleasantly sore from the flogging, and his skin abraded wonderfully against the sheets. Sir’s hips slammed against his sore ass, jolting those tiny nips of pain into his system. His nipples throbbed and his bound joints ached. His mouth was uncomfortable with the rubber gag, but it also gave him the chance to make noise. Really make noise, because Sir was taking him apart and Colt rejoiced in it.

Rejoiced in handing his body over to Sir’s will. To Sir’s hands, whips, clamps, cock, all of it. No eyes, no voice, no freedom. He was Sir’s to use, and he’d never felt more safe or loved in his life.

He let go to Sir’s capable hands and he soared.

“Getting close, pet,” Sir said, his reverent voice breaking through the fog surrounding Colt’s higher thought functions. Sir clasped Colt’s cock and jerked him roughly. “Come for me. Now!”

Colt reacted instinctively to the command, and he shot across his chest. The orgasm rolled over him like a tidal wave, crashing down and smothering him with its intensity. His body jerked and writhed, and Colt screamed behind the gag, because it was all too much. Avery thrust deep and came, giving Colt the gift of his spend.

The moments immediately after blurred, and Colt came back as the nipple clamps were removed and blood rushed into them hot and tingly. The blindfold and gag were gone. His entire body ached in the very best way, his ass deliciously sore. He relaxed while Avery unbound his arms, then massaged them to help with blood flow. Avery did the same for his legs, carefully stretching each one back out, love in every touch and motion.

He helped Colt sip some water first, and then he fetched washcloths to clean them both up, because no way did Colt have the energy to walk to the bathroom. Once that task was finished, Avery tucked them both into bed and snuggled up beside him.

“How do you feel?” Avery asked.

“Free,” Colt replied. “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome. You truly are remarkable.”

Colt smiled, unable to keep his heavy eyelids open. “Thank you, Sir. Gonna sleep now.”

“You rest.” Avery dropped kisses on his cheeks and lips. “You deserve it. When you wake up, we’ll call room service for supper.”

“Good plan.”

Colt let the siren’s call of sleep pull him under, and he rested safely in his lover’s arms.

My Sir.