The pits? They have names! Axilla is the anatomical name for armpit. Wow your doctor and confuse your friends by referring to your armpits as your axillae.

Are you Sick? Ask Your Armpits!


While your armpits can’t speak (if they do, you should consult your doctor), they can tell you how well you’re doing. Each armpit contains a bunch of little lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are like teeny-tiny beanbags sitting under the surface of your skin, and their job is to filter out and fight off bad germs that can make you sick. Most of the time you can’t see or feel them. But if you do feel them, it’s most likely because they’re swollen. And swollen lymph nodes could be your armpits’ way of telling you, “You’ve got an infection!”


Things you can do with your armpits:

Things you cannot do with your armpits: