Praise for The Disintegrations
“An awe-inspiring tour de force, a circuitous thanatopsis, a maze that constantly reiterates its structure until everything it contains is subsumed within a new ulterior obfuscation. McCartney not only shows us that death is a language unto itself but also provides us with a dictionary with which to parse it.”
Mark Gluth, author of No Other
“An uncanny and mesmerizing study of the dread and terror in contemplating death as both remembrance and disappearance, and an intimate reveal of how our fears of erasure are a ghostly double for our awe at being alive.”
Manuel Muñoz, author of What You See in the Dark
“In this long-awaited second novel, a narrator’s fascination with the geography of a nearby cemetery becomes a map of the losses and disappearances that have defined his own life. As he sorts through half memories of deaths both notorious and obscure, a composite emerges of violent light and seductive shadow, a Book of the Dead—and a Book of California.”
Joyelle McSweeney, author of Dead Youth, or, The Leaks