LINDEN, LARA’S PUBLICIST, GOT TO her before anyone else, handing her the offending tabloid in the privacy of her trailer. Page one was bad enough, but as she stared at the two-page spread of revealing photographs that followed, she felt sick. Who’d allowed a photographer to capture these most intimate of scenes? Why wasn’t anyone protecting her?
“I don’t believe this!” she said, utterly dismayed. “How can this have happened?”
“Somebody on the set with a hidden camera,” Linden replied. “Mick or Nikki should’ve had everyone on alert. If they’d been aware, this couldn’t’ve been done.”
“It’s simply not fair,” she whispered, her voice breaking. “I feel so, so . . . violated.”
“It’s a scene from a movie, Lara,” Linden said, trying to reassure her. “It’s certainly not you.”
“Of course it’s me,” she answered vehemently, eyes flashing danger. “You’d need a magnifying glass to read the small print that says the photos are from a movie.”
“I’ll get into damage control. We’ll put a whole other spin on this story.”
“How do I know they didn’t release these pictures to get publicity for Revenge?” she asked flatly.
“You think Nikki would do that?”
“I don’t know what to think anymore,” she replied, feeling totally betrayed. “Richard was right: he said they were using me. So did Joey.”
“There’s nothing you can do about it now,” Linden said, taking the tabloid out of her hands. “The best thing is to ignore it.”
“Thanks a lot,” she said indignantly. “You try ignoring it if these pictures were of you.”
“I don’t think anyone would pay to see me in the buff,” he deadpanned.
“It’s not funny, Linden.”
“I know, I know. Honestly Lara, I understand how difficult it is for you.”
No, you don’t, she wanted to respond. You have no idea what it’s like to be humiliated this way. Reduced to nothing more than tits and ass.
“Okay,” she said, dismissing him. “Go do damage control.”
He nodded. “I’ll check with you later.”
When he was gone, she sat down, wondering how she was going to explain it to Joey. He was at an all-day photo shoot, so hopefully no one would mention it to him. She’d tell him tonight when she’d calmed down.
Shortly after Linden left, Quinn called, then Nikki arrived. Lara didn’t take a beat. “What in hell happened?” she demanded coldly. “How did these pictures get out?”
“Oh, God!” Nikki groaned. “You saw them.”
“Saw them? I’ve had Quinn on the phone doing his ‘I told you so’ number. Thank God Joey hasn’t seen them yet. He’ll go ballistic when he does. Richard’s on his way over.”
Nikki could barely contain her annoyance. “Why?”
“Because he called and I asked him to come,” Lara answered defiantly. “He cares about what goes on in my life, unlike some people.”
“I’m so sorry,” Nikki apologized. “I don’t know how anybody could’ve gotten those shots.”
“When I agreed to make Revenge, I expected to be protected,” Lara said, her voice an icy blast. “The studios always protect me. Why can’t you?”
“Believe me,” Nikki said earnestly. “It’s not my fault.”
“You’re the producer of Revenge, that makes the responsibility yours.”
“Can’t argue with that,” Nikki said sheepishly.
“Quinn’s furious. He says this could have a very negative effect on my career.”
“I’m sure he’s overreacting.”
“I understand your ambition, Nikki,” Lara continued. “But I didn’t expect I was the one who’d end up getting used.”
“Now you’re being unfair.”
“I’m too angry to be fair,” Lara responded. “I mean, how would you like to be out there in the tabloids—naked for everyone to see? I’ve never done nude photographs in my life, and now I find myself in this position because of your damn movie.”
Richard arrived shortly after, just as Nikki was leaving the trailer. They exchanged abrupt hellos.
He hurried over to Lara, put his arms around her and held her close, breathing in her seductive scent. “Wouldn’t listen to me, would you?” he said, hugging her tightly.
She pulled away with a helpless shrug. “What can I say? You were right.”
“If it had been my set, you can rest assured it would never have happened.”
“I know,” she said ruefully.
“This is what you get when you work with amateurs.”
“I guess so,” she replied, sitting down. “Thanks for coming, Richard. It means a lot to me.”
“Sweetheart, I have only your best interests at heart,” he said, meaning it. Because alerting Alison Sewell to the photographic opportunity of her life was merely a way to force Lara to see things clearly.
“I know,” she said softly.
“You’re on my mind all the time.” He paused, gauging her mood. “I’m sure you know the main reason Nikki and I are no longer together is because you and I still have a very special connection? A connection that can never be broken.”
“Don’t start, Richard,” she said, hoping he wasn’t going to get too caught up in this.
“No,” he said sharply. “Hear me out, Lara. Screwing around on you was the biggest mistake of my life. And I want you to know that if you can ever forgive me and think about us getting back together, then I’m always here for you.”
“That’s very flattering,” she said, picking up a cold mug of tea and sipping it anyway. “But Richard, I’m with somebody now. I’m very involved.”
“How involved?”
“Well . . .” she hesitated for a moment. “Joey and I are thinking of getting married, only please keep it to yourself. No one knows.”
He stared into her clear green eyes and wondered how someone so beautiful and nice could be so fucking naive. “Are you serious?” he said disbelievingly.
She nodded. “Very.”
“Listen to me carefully, Lara,” he said in measured tones. “I warned you what would happen to you on this movie. Now I’m warning you what will happen if you marry Joey.”
Why did he always have to try and run her life? Why couldn’t he just be her friend? “Richard,” she said, attempting to remain calm. “Please don’t tell me what to do, because it’s really none of your business.”
He began pacing. “Did Joey ever mention Madelaine Francis?”
She shook her head.
“He used to live with her—in fact, he was with her when he met you.” He checked out her reaction. She looked surprised. “You should talk to Madelaine,” he added, striking fast.
“Why would I want to do that?” she asked, her eyes two stubborn pinpoints of light.
He kept going, knowing exactly how to get to her. “Scared of what you might find out?” he challenged.
She stood up, wishing he’d leave. “This is ridiculous,” she said impatiently.
“Do it for me, sweetheart,” he said, using his best powers of persuasion. “Meet the woman, if only for a few minutes.”
“There’s no reason—”
“For old times, Lara.”
“Oh, all right,” she said, agreeing reluctantly, her curiosity aroused. “But I can assure you, it won’t make any difference.”
He smiled to himself. Wanna bet? “She’s in my car,” he said. “I’ll go fetch her.”