How to Become a Sixer

Wait until Akela is out of the room

and the noise level begins to rise.

As soon as you hear returning footsteps

call out in a loud, clear voice:

‘Quiet everybody. We promised to get on

with things in silence. DYB. DYB. DYB. Remember?’

By now the footsteps will have stopped

and the Pack looking to see if you are being serious.

Ignore them, and use the pause

to do something useful, like tying a knot.

Akela will then make stamping noises

and open the door. Everything is shipshape.

Acknowledge the appraising glance

but appear embarrassed, as if you wished

you could bite your tongue off.

Promotion will quickly follow. And disappointment:

Akela in a tent, unfurling his knob.

Dirty Old Bugger. DOB. DOB. DOB.