A lot of Water has Flown under your Bridge

i remember your hands

white and strangely cold

asif exposed too often to the moon

i remember your eyes

brown and strangely old

asif exposed too often and too soon

i remember your body

young and strangely bold

asif exposed too often

i remember

i remember how

when you laughed

hotdogmen allover town

burst into song

i remember

i remember how

when you cried

the clouds cried too and the

streets became awash with tears

i remember

i remember how

when we lay together for the first time

the room smiled,

said: ‘excuse-me’,

and tiptoed away.

but time has passed since then

and alotof people

have crossed over the bridge

(a faceless throng)

but time has passed since then

and alotof youngmen

have swum in the water

(naked and strong)

but time has passed since then

and alotof water

has flown


