Aren’t We All

Looks quite pretty lying there

Can’t be asleep yet

Wonder what she’s thinking about?

Penny for her thoughts

Probably not worth it.

There’s the moon trying to look romantic

Moon’s too old that’s her trouble

Aren’t we all?

Lace curtains gently swaying

Like a woman walking

A woman ina negligee

Walking out through the window

Over the sleeping city up into the sky

To give the moon a rest

Moon’s too tired that’s her trouble

Aren’t we all?

Wasn’t a bad party really

Except for the people

People always spoil things

Room’s in a mess

And this one’s left her clothes allover the place

Scattered like seeds

In too much of a hurry that’s her trouble

Aren’t we all?

Think she’s asleep now

It makes you sleep

Better than Horlicks

Not so pretty really when you get close-up

Wonder what her name is?

Now she’s taken all the blankets

Too selfish that’s her trouble

Aren’t we all?