The Oxford Book of Twentieth-Century English Verse

(Reviewed by Georges Perec)

This havy volum is a must for popl who lik potry.

Pom aftr pom, in a glorious fast of litratur.

Mmorabl simils and mtaphors ar vrywhr

whil fin rhyms and imags lap out from vry pag.

Grat poms ar faturd from th liks of Louis MacNic,

John Btjman, Hilair Blloc, T. S. Liot and Td Hughs.

Not forgtting Larkin’s favorit pot, Hardy, who has

twnty svn poms comprd to only nin by W. B. Yats.

This anthology, though havily criticzd by thos pots

who ar not includd, is likly to rmain a standard

work for many yars. My only quibbl is that Frnch

pots ar xcludd for rasons known only to th ditor.

French novelist, the late Georges Perec, published a 50,000-word novel, La Disparition (1969), entirely omitting the letter ‘e’.