Red Bean Mochi (Chapssaltteok)
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 2 minutes
Nutrition facts (per serving): 201 cal (11g fat, 2g protein, 1g fiber)
These red bean mochis will satisfy your sweet cravings in no time. They’re quick to make if you have red beans paste ready at home.
Ingredients (12 servings)
¾ cup sweet rice flour
¼ cup castor sugar
A pinch fine sea salt
½ cup water
¾ cup sweetened red bean paste, shaped into 6 balls
3 tablespoons corn starch
Mix the rice flour, salt, water, and sugar in a suitable bowl and cover it with a plastic wrap. Place the bowl in the microwave and cook for 1 minute. Then remove the bowl, uncover, and return again to the microwave. Cook for 1 minute. Allow the rice mixture to cool. Dust a working surface with cornstarch and divide the dough into 6 pieces. Spread the pieces into a round on your palm. Make six balls from the red bean paste and place each ball in the dough round. Wrap the dough around the bean ball and coat each mochi ball with cornstarch.