This simple practice is a form of body scan. The easiest way to do it is lying down, but you could also do it sitting or reclining. Here you are learning to focus on and direct the breath into and around the body, as well as deliberately tuning in to a wider awareness of your body.
Take your attention to the breath and focus on the part of your body where you feel it most strongly—perhaps the belly, or the chest or around the lips and nostrils… and stay with your experience of the breath… breathing in… and breathing out… feeling the sensations of breathing… allowing the breath to breathe itself… letting go of any need to direct or manipulate the breath in any way… breathing in… and breathing out… supported and held by the surface you are lying on… resting with the breath… breathing in … and breathing out…
Now, taking your attention to the breath, imagine it is sweeping through the body… breathing in through the crown of the head… filling the body with breath… and breathing out through the soles of the feet…
Then, breathing in through the soles of the feet… allowing the body to fill with breath… with life… with energy… and breathing out through the crown of the head…
Continue in this way, sweeping the body with breath, breathing in and breathing out from top to bottom.