Often when we take time out to sit down and have a cup of tea or coffee it is not the peaceful interlude we had anticipated but rather an opportunity to think about our “To Do” list or to replay some slight or hurt that we have received or doled out.
Vietnamese meditation teacher Thich Nhat Hahn suggests drinking tea to drink tea (and of course it can be applied to any drink.)
Sitting down, be with your cup of tea. Explore the tea with your senses… feeling the heat of the cup against your hands… drinking in the scent of the leaves (perhaps experiment with herbal teas) … noticing the color of the liquid… perhaps the odd leaf floating around…
becoming aware of the movement of bringing the cup to your lips, noticing any physical response in anticipation… experiencing the taste… noticing whether there is an ahh of pleasure or a shudder of distaste (and remembering that we are not trying to have a particular experience, instead we are just being with this experience)…
Whenever your mind gets pulled away by thoughts (which it will), just noticing where you have gone and then coming back, kindly and gently to the body and the sensations you felt.