Becoming aware of all that is good in our lives is a way of cultivating positive feelings of well-being. We can extend thanks toward those people who have influenced us in a positive way. This might include parents, teachers, and friends, as well as doctors, nurses, the person who helped you find something in the store, and the stranger who gave you directions when you were lost. This practice is a way of connecting with those people—known and unknown—who have done you a service in some way and who deserve your thanks.

Try this

You can do this practice somewhere private, or on a train or a bus. Sit comfortably and bring to mind someone in your life to whom you feel gratitude. Perhaps they have done something specific for you, or have supported you, or made a difference in your life. Picture this person and, opening your heart, send them wishes of kindness and thanks, as you acknowledge your gratitude for their presence in your life. You may make up your own phrases or use ones such as:

“Thank you” or “Thank you for… (you fill in the blank)” or “Thank you for being a part of my life.”

Then bring to mind another person and do the same thing. Extend the practice to as many people as you like, according to the amount of time you have.

Keep a Gratitude Journal and each night jot down a short list of anything or anyone you felt grateful for that day. Keep it simple and specific. This can be a powerful practice that connects us to the many small things in life for which we can be grateful for.