Rain—it is often cold and it is always wet. How do you usually react to going out in the rain? Most of us put on a raincoat, possibly gumboots, unfurl the umbrella, and tentatively venture out, head down bracing ourselves literally and metaphorically against the elements…
Next time it rains, why not try something different?
Allowing the raindrops to bounce off your face, soaking your hair and trickling down your back… Noticing the body’s reaction
…perhaps a shrinking away or a delight in its coolness… becoming aware of any thoughts or emotions arising…
acknowledging their presence but bringing the attention back to the body. Doing this over and over ... Noticing any tensing of muscles… locating tightness and acknowledging it…
Feeling the sensation of water touching skin... tasting raindrops on your tongue… opening to the smell of water and wetness everywhere. Becoming aware of temperature… noticing any sense of being pulled into the experience or wanting to push it away (and remembering we are not seeking a particular outcome).