At the top of the museum steps, Sammi, Alex, and Herbert watched the sun set over Future Merwinsville one last time. Fireworks blasted in the distant sky over the Flee-a-seum.
“Best Flee-Festival ever,” Alex said.
Soon the three ex–AlienSlayers were making their way slowly down the Hallway of Human History. When they came to the caveman diorama, they were surprised to find Chicago standing dutifully in front of the fake cave.
“I gave EL-ROY the day off,” he said with a shrug.
“Good,” Herbert said. “I don’t think we could survive another operation under his team leadership.”
“So, is this it? I mean, forever?”
“Not forever,” Herbert said. “We’ll all be back in a century or so. We’re gonna come back old school. We’ll age.”
“You’re not gonna get all weepy on us are you?” Alex asked.
“No,” Chicago shot back. “If I ever wanna have some real adventures, I can always hang out with your 110-year-old selves.”
“Not mine,” Sammi said.
Chicago smiled at her. “Hey, I’m sorry I was such a jerk. I didn’t mean to—I mean, I—I’m just gonna miss you. Not the fans, TV interviews, or the SkyLimo, but you.”
“We know,” Alex said. “That’s why we’re trusting you to wait here after we go through—for one last mission.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You will,” Sammi said as she hit the switch on her N.E.D. suit. Alex and Herbert did the same. The wormhole came to life, its blue swirling glow lighting up Sammi’s face.
She leaned away from the force pulling her back to the present—and gave Chicago a kiss on the cheek.
“See ya around, FutureBoy.”
She turned to Alex and Herbert. All together the three of them grabbed their noses and cannonballed into the swirling blue vortex.
Herbert, Alex, and Sammi disappeared into the wormhole, leaving Chicago standing alone, wondering what his last task for the AlienSlayers could possibly be.