I HAVE ENCOUNTERED all kinds of people in the sport of baseball as well as outside of sports, and hands down Ernie Johnson Jr. is one of my favorites in the world. Ernie and I go way back—back to the days when his father called Braves games, games where I was on the mound doing my best to throw out the next batter.
As a pitcher you have the luxury of working five days and then listening or watching games four days. I would catch games on TV from the clubhouse while charting games and listening to the Braves’ broadcasters. Ernie Johnson Sr.’s voice was one I came to rely on and cherish. In addition, the players travel with the broadcasters, so we were all one big family.
I have gotten to know Ernie Jr. as well and saw the bond that he and his dad shared. These days, we hang out once a week, if our schedules allow, in a Bible study with some other guys. (You’ll read about us in these pages.) So when I say I know Ernie, I say that not only because the same sport employed us but because we have spent quite a bit of personal time with each other. I’ve gotten to know his heart, and what a heart it is.
We used to have more time together, Ernie Jr. and I. After retiring, I got to work alongside him calling games for TBS. I will never forget those times we had, traveling together and witnessing some historic plays. It was then that I witnessed his struggles and family moments that all of us have to deal with. The way he handled these struggles—struggles that stretched his faith and patience beyond what most of us could handle—will forever be stitched in my mind. You’re a giant, Ernie.
Now I am going to confess something I probably shouldn’t. Truth is, I have started and failed to finish many books. But I finished Unscripted in three days, which in and of itself is a major thing for me. But more importantly, it’s a testament to this: Never will I find a finer man than Ernie Johnson, whose profound humility and love for God and his family are so evident here. Ernie is not perfect and has not done everything right in his life, but he has a deep desire to live a purposeful life that honors God.
I promise you will be moved and inspired by his story. This book could quite possibly transform your attitude as well as your heart toward all of life. As I read it, I found myself wanting to be a better man. Unscripted is a must-read, and I know you will be as captivated as I was when you read it.
John Smoltz, Atlanta Braves pitcher, Hall of Fame 2015