Chapter Twenty-Five

It was done. At last John Rathburn was to face a jury of his peers for the crimes he had committed. At last Marisa was free.

There would be the Rathburn home and estate to dispose of properly. But upon further thought, Marisa decided she would leave even that for the authorities. There was nothing here for her. She had become Mohawk, if not in body, then in spirit, and she wanted to return home.

But they wouldn’t be staying there. She and Black Eagle were going to take Grandmother’s and Sir William’s advice and go west. It was true; the Mohawk village was too close to Albany. There would always be trouble. So why stay?

Instead, they would make their own life elsewhere, away from all this. Away from the prejudice and war. It was possible that even in this war-torn world, they could and would find happiness.