Buddy Lamp made hot chocolate by first heating milk on a little two-burner stove. Why, Frank wondered, did people believe so ardently in the heating up of milk? Why did they think it was a solution for anything?

Buddy Lamp’s stove was on a table behind the counter, and on either side of the table were pink chairs. Both chairs had stuffing poking out of them.

“Please,” said Buddy Lamp. “Have a seat.”

Frank sat down. He still had hold of the third key.

“Now,” said Buddy Lamp. “I will just heat this milk to the proper temperature and melt the chocolate into it and it will be sweet and good. Then we can drink it together and talk of things that matter.”

“Like where this key came from?” said Frank.

“Ha-ha-ha and humdee dum dee,” said Buddy Lamp. He dropped chunks of chocolate into the milk. “The key is a mystery. You have been given the gift of a mystery. Isn’t that wonderful? Who knows what doors it may unlock? It’s like a story from our friend O. Henry.”

As far as Frank knew, he didn’t have a friend named O. Henry.

Also, he didn’t think that mysteries were gifts at all.

Buddy Lamp carefully poured the hot chocolate into two china teacups. He handed a cup to Frank, and then he sank down in his chair and crossed his left leg over his right leg. He took a sip of his hot chocolate. He sighed.

Frank put the key on the table between them.

Outside, from far away, came the sound of thunder. And then there was rain, pattering on the roof of Buddy Lamp’s Used Goods.

“Who’s O. Henry?” said Frank.

“Tsk,” said Buddy Lamp. He put down his teacup. He slowly unfolded himself, got up out of the chair, and disappeared into the confines of the store. When he returned, he had a book in his hands.

He handed the book to Frank and sat down again.

“A Collection of Short Stories Certain to Entertain, Inspire, and Delight,” Frank read aloud.

“You’ll find a story by O. Henry in there,” said Buddy Lamp. “O. Henry is a fabricated name, a pen name, a nom de plume. You can do that, you know: name yourself whatever you please, even if you’re not a writer. Take, for example, the name Buddy Lamp. My father was named Buddy Lamp, and his father before him. But it’s a fabricated name, entirely fabricated, born of longing.”

“Oh,” said Frank.

“Yes,” said Buddy Lamp. “It’s an interesting story, how the name Buddy Lamp came about. Would you like to hear it?”

“I guess so,” said Frank. “And then maybe you can tell me where the third key came from.”

“So,” said Buddy Lamp, “my grandfather came to this country from Italy. He came on his own. He was only fifteen years old. And when he got off the boat and had to announce his name to the authorities, my grandfather thought, I am entirely alone in the world. I can become whoever I want to become. I can name myself whatever name I choose. He said to the man standing next to him in line, ‘I would like a name full of light.’ And the man beside him said, ‘Yeah? Well, turn yourself into a lamp then, buddy.’ So that is what my grandfather did. He turned himself into Buddy Lamp.”

“That’s a good story,” said Frank. He took a sip of hot chocolate. He looked over at the third key.

“Good stories help,” said Buddy Lamp, “don’t they?”

“With what?” said Frank.

“With everything,” said Buddy Lamp. “When I was a boy and I couldn’t sleep, when the world seemed blustery and unbearably sad, my father would make hot chocolate for me. And then he would sit beside me and read me a story. Are you unbearably sad?”

“I think I’m unbearably worried,” said Frank.

“Well,” said Buddy Lamp, “stories are good for that, too.”

“I’m not much for stories,” said Frank. “I prefer a factual account of things. I like to know as many facts as possible.”

“Yes,” said Buddy Lamp. “I see. Well, stories are factual accounts of the human heart. If you hand me that volume, I will demonstrate.”

Frank gave Buddy Lamp the book. He watched him flip through the pages until he came to a story called “The Last Leaf” by O. Henry.

“And so,” said Buddy Lamp. He adjusted his glasses. He cleared his throat, and then he read Frank a story about two artists who shared an apartment. The artists were poor and it was winter and one of them got very sick, and she decided that she would die as soon as the last leaf fell from a vine outside the window of their apartment. But something surprising happened: the last leaf never fell. No matter how hard the wind blew, the last leaf did not fall. It never fell. And the artist did not die.

Frank sat in the pink chair and held his hot chocolate and listened to Buddy Lamp read. He forgot about the third key and the book of worries and unsolvable mysteries.

“So,” said Buddy Lamp when he had finished reading. “You see how things go in stories — how can they surprise you, how things happen that you do not at all anticipate. Maybe that is how it is with your key. Maybe something will happen that you do not expect at all.”

Buddy Lamp closed the book and handed it to Frank.

“Take that with you,” he said. “Share its contents with someone else. Make a little light.” He stood and gave a little bow and then turned toward the window. “I see that it’s raining outside. I have an umbrella that you can borrow. And please, do not leave without your mysterious key.”